subbed, never heard of klassman. I'll stay away...
have you considered running coco trees in 7 or 10gl pots, fertigate with dosatrons, and hitem with organic teas here and there...
less medium, more yield, great quality, more control, less work.
all my opinion, I love your greenhouse though. I cant wait to grow in something similar!
Hope all is well SHO and ur right it doesnt slow down. Either get busy livin' or get busy Dying.
i should b starting my thread soon hope too see ya there.
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i been getting busy Livin!! fo SHO.
watching your thread over the past years, and it has totally insprised me.
Still alive... Barely. New MI legislation sucks! Selling my show if anyone interested ask is in mid 200's. Any interest send me a PM.
Flowers are here I'll grab some snaps this morn!