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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......



thanks DISCO!!! shes been a real beast this round. constantly bending and having to tie down tops. But im loving my new camera and just taking sweet pics after pics.

also been thinking about doing some test grows for some breeders here but dunno how to go about it. Like a side by side in DWC and Soil of the same genetics at the same. got 8+ years of growing under my belt..... but still get thrown through loops lol.


weed fiend
Keep an eye out for thread titles with 'testers', 'test growers', 'test grows' etc. An advanced search ever so often may catch the threads you miss otherwise. Another key word is 'beta'. Doesn't always guarantee a slot but the sooner you hit the thread the better your chances.

A few words about your grow skills and kit always helps. Maybe a pic of your honkin' plant too.:) If you're able to start as soon as you gets the seeds, might mention that too.


MUCH APPRECIATED DISCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man/women (no pun intended) of vast Knowledge. thanks again man. I got some dope pics of some grows that i can add. got a vast range from autos, sativas, indicas, self-breeds like my MAZAR x AFGHAN OG x KINGS KUSH..... FAT FAT FAT LEAVES like dinner plate size leaves and the smoke is something ALL kush lovers need to inhale! sorry just babbling now. speaking of pics got a new one i took at 4:20 this morning :) im playing around with different saturations.


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guest 77721

Hey Seeker and Unthing

This is my own cross of Legends Ultimate Indica and Dr. Atomics Thai Lights.

I call it Ultimate Thai.

Thai Lights from the Dad's side of the family.


guest 77721

Hey Stupidboy,

I had nice Thai-Light male and one wierd one that showed a female preflower then popped balls. I had LUI and a nice TL female started at the same time. I guess I could have crossed the TL as well but the hermi put me off. Thai genes are twitchy at best and I still have a few original seeds left.

What I am trying to do is just cross some good strains and see what happens. As long as all the genes don't come from the same lines, there's a good chance of getting some really nice plants.

Here's a money shot of the LUI getting pollinated. All I do is target a secondary bud and tie a bit of string on to track the bud. There's no danger of messing up the other buds.

Here's the Thai-Lights Dad.


finally 150 hps harvest results

finally 150 hps harvest results

After too much time curing.
Net 5.5 zips and that’s After more than a month of heavy smoking. (more than two months of cure which wasnt planned)
2 zips from 1 Oversized Diesel Kush plant

3.5 zips from 3 Skunk #1

GH hydro SWC 150 hps and some extra t8s Lucas to Ha3d formula.

Around 1.0 gpw
Taste is amazing. Quality is great. (i'll post how i improved taste and quality. In hydro section, gona bash organics!)
little sad but buds were not huge. (offset to increased taste)
Unlike prior run which had serious buddage (in below pic)
but, suffered from lack of taste.

But sad note, I will be leaving the 150 club.
I’ll post up my 150 cabinet build design in Micro area
Future: I am designing a 250 hps cabinet now. Due to start up in fall. Goal of more stealth, better light cooling, better(yoke style) scrog, and better access.


weed fiend
Best wishes with the 250 cab. You sure got your money's worth w/ 150 and T8s.:)

Here's a couple of Sour Dogs from House Of Love. Day 35 12/12.



New member
hello fellow 150 watters i am a newbie this is my first grow using a 150 watt hps i am doing 3 of bogs sour strawberrykush cross sourbubble and 3 chemdog cross c99 in a 4 by 4 by6.5 tall going vertical and using sun shine mix number 4 and gonna feed them teas i just poped the seeds yesterday can u guys give me any pointers that would be help ful to me i would really appreate it will post pic when i can its nice to join the 150 club


New member
ya i will have pics in like a week i want my girls to get a bit bigger then i will start posting weekly pics hope they do good this is my first grow with a 150 and vertically in dirt so will see how it goes thanks for the rep points


weed fiend
stoneyguy84, you have a little more real estate than your bulb will cover. A horizontal 150 is good for about 3 sq feet, ~4 sf vertical. Penetration depends on canopy density. Try to keep your plants as close to the bulb as possible. You may have to train, otherwise your tops will try to hump the lamp.

Aside from that, it'll be nice to have the extra room to work. Have you checked for light leaks? Your tent is big enough to get inside and zip it up. Allow your eyes to adjust and check for pinholes of light. You'll want to block any of these to reduce stress.

Hope you enjoy your new hobby.


New member
ya i just checked for pin hole i have 3 thanks for telling me that i would have never checked for that i got a pretty good tent though i will try to keep them close as possible i am gonna scrog them i am growing in a cut in half 55 gallon drum i will have pics in a few days i have to buy a new cord to put them on my computer my other one broke well i will have up dates soon thanks guys


Disco - thanks much appreciated! ballast cost was $0. only $22 bulb. :)

Stoney- GO vert! you dont have to grow tall plants to achieve yield +quality! keep 'em low(plant wont waste energy transferring nutes higher). scrog around light. dont be afraid to trim leaves (low risk trim= cut only 50% of each leaf)

Thanks 150 club! been a blast. Took 5 grows to achieve close to 1.0 gpw with 150 hps.
swc, vert cooltube, GH lucas to h3ad formula
