Alrighty some pics from the flower room around day 50. Should be looking to pull down the AK and misty right around day 60 or so, will be holding off to around day 65 or 70 for the later finishing ISS and THAI (one problem with growing such an array of strains).
Also installed an older style heater with a stat to help temps out at night during the 12 hour dark period. Temps now around 63-64 at night, much better that 57 without!
Are you using the Nept Fish/swd, LK, and PB Cat all together for every feeding? I've always been afraid of using too much Humic acids in flowering but seems to be harmless for you.
Also, I've been under the impression that the FD Thai-Tanic takes 90+ days to finish...have you grown it before?
just read the thread on the catch up...lookin good man,the screen has filled in real nice.some good strains you have goin yo.imma be watchin the mikado i been havin my beans for a few months and im just gettin around to poppin them this week sometime.
it will be interesting to watch urs and be a few steps behind.
btw i love the improv with the heater brotha,thats what i call ingenuity yo.peace -T-
Subscribed - extremely interesting grow
How large is the actual canopy area? You said the screen was 6*9 but it looked like not all of it is being used?
mhhsp will have to validate me on this one but i believe we fill up the screen.. thinking of less # of girls for the next run.. as there is a bit of underdevelopment on the outside edge plants.
yeah we actually only filled an area prob around 6 by 7, a little over half the full screen, The screen could be all used if we upgrade our lights in the future, next run def cutting down on our footprint as papulz mentioned, the "edge" plants were smaller than they should be.
Nice looking grow. We do a lot of similar things...It's weird. I just ran ISS. I have Misty, AK48, Sweet Tooth 3&4, Power House, Sunshine #2, and I ordered some Mikado but it never came.
I also use a 400w CMH for VEG. I use 1600W of CMH for flower. All organic.
Really nice grow. Ill be keeping an eye on this. Especially, since I need to start think about what new strains to start. I will really be watching the Sunshine #2!
Thanks u guys, haha yeah pretty funny CTSV, what was your finishing time on the ISS? Your set-up looks pretty interesting without the Scrog net and all, just trees, what is a typical yield for you on a run?
bakunin- normally the plants only receive ferts like LK and Catalyst every other water, but yes NH every watering for that plan. Haven't had a problem.
For this next run, (beginning mid month) I will be running with a coco based mix replacing the peat. I will also be doing mix in ferts, as I always like the results and ease of feeding, blood/bone/kelp kinda thing. Going to continue with the liquid karma and also add molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon with EWC as a tea. Also sup with some cal-mag plus.
As for my yield, it will be all over the board, because some of my plants are 4 feet, and others are only a foot and a half. I am hoping for two oz. a plant average.
You will like the ISS, it smells and smokes great!
Ok, like I said today is day 66, AK-48 and misty came down around day 61 or so. I will try to get some pics a posted, kinda lookin for the cammra charger : (
A look ahead for the next run...
will be flowering out PowerHouse, SunShine #2 (both HTC strains), Mikado, and SweetTooth.
They are veggin up now and will be transplanted to 5 gallons when they flower (after the ISS and Thiatanic harvest).
New flowering ferts this time, will be doing a dry mix-in plan using...
blood meal @ 1/2 cup per ft3 mix
bone meal @ 1 cup per ft3 mix
kelp meal @ 1/2 cup per ft3 mix
lime @ 1/2 cup per ft3 mix
and the tea as stated in a previous post...
EWC, liquid karma, and occasionally cal-mag plus.
Hey HypnotiQ! The ISS is pretty decent. The pheno we had put out a very pungent banana like flavor with moderate yields.
Should have an update with pics from the new line up tomorrow...sweet tooth, powerhouse, and sunshine #2 now in flower.
Still using the 400 watt CMH with great results.
There are 5 strains and 5 plants currently on hand including, sunshine #2, powerhouse, sweet tooth, mikado, and misty.
Plants are getting large fast and have to be trimmed down occasionally to fit under the 400.
Pretty much no room for anything but these mom's for the moment. Wish I could through another light in!
Here is a couple pics of the mom's...
First two are mikado, can't wait to flower some clones next run!
Here is a couple of the powerhouse mom, kinda coming out of a nutrient lockout, had some pH issues when we made the switch to coco, but an adjustment has been made.
A shot of the sunshine #2 mom, great plant.
overall veg shot
and the aero cloner, this thing was tested a couple weeks back, can root 29 clones in 7-10 days, awesome! seems our propagation problems are over.
Alright a quick update in the flowering room. We have 12 plants chilling in there, 6 sweet tooth, 4 sunshine #2, and 2 powerhouse.
We have our MH conversion bulbs going 18/6 trying to get the girls nice and filled in with that screen.
Prob will be switching to HPS 12/12 this week or next.
Had a nutrient lock out problem, some strains got hit harder. Sweet tooth was most affected followed by powerhouse, the sunshine however is showing great resistance.
Got some pH papers and are again adjusting our watering solutions to around pH 6. Soil pH was testing in at around 7.2, not too cool.
And finally the photo's...
Guard Kitty!
Light movers distance got scaled down quite a bit.