Is it wise to drink less coffee?
No. If you do not drink coffee, you would just have to start
ARTICLE on the influence of diet on our health. This week: it is advisable to drink less coffee?
By: Aliëtte Jonkers April 21, 2017, 19:30
Coffee has a bad name. Some restaurants serve a glass of water next to the espresso and coffee Moisture evade the body. Orthomolecular therapist Juglen Swan website claims that coffee reduces the blood flow to the brains and it can cause damage. Fellow quack thinker Marjolein Dubbers of even wrote that black, calorie-free coffee can make you fat.
Huh? Yes: drinking your daily cup of consolation would create stress. That takes a lot of energy, Dubbers writes. So much that you even have lost interest in sex. But that's not all: to bring the body into a state of readiness, reasons this food & lifestyle coach, it should glycogen in the muscles and liver to convert into glucose. And voilà, fat storage is a fact.
To overcome the first mistake right away out of the way: coffee does not dry out your body
Marianne Geleijnse, professor at Wageningen University
Marianne Geleijnse, professor of Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseases at the Wageningen University, laughs upon hearing all coffee fables Internet. "To overcome the first mistake right away out of the way: coffee does not dry out your body," she says. The caffeine in coffee stimulates your bladder a little. "But that just means something rather go pee coffee, no more." Would you drink plenty of fluids a day, then begin with a couple of cups of coffee just an excellent choice "That contributes to a proper moisture balance."
It is equally true that coffee increases blood pressure. But then fall back quickly. The effect is similar to add up a flight of stairs or a sprint to the bus. The heart is coffee not bad. On the contrary. Geleijnse has just completed a study showing that people who have had a heart attack better coffee can keep drinking: it reduces the risk of death by 10 percent. Coffee renunciation is also no need for cardiac patients. "It's observational research" puts Geleijnse itself, "but other studies confirm our findings."
Research repeatedly confirms what we already suspected earlier: the more coffee, the lower the risk of diabetes
Marianne Geleijnse, professor at Wageningen University
Be nice to your liver? Coffee is your best friend
Why that is, is still unclear. It may be that the coffee itself has such a positive effect. It is also possible for avid coffee drinkers consume fewer sugary soft drinks. However, there is increasing evidence for beneficial effects on glucose metabolism of the fabric of chlorogenic acid in coffee.
Geleijnse "Research increasingly confirms again what we already suspected earlier: the more coffee, the lower the risk of diabetes."
And there's more good news: you want to be kind to your liver, then coffee is your best friend. It protects against cirrhosis. Coffee drinkers have - it can not - less likely to suffer from gallstones. In Parkinson's disease tea also has a beneficial effect: The caffeine in coffee blocks adenoside A2A receptors in the brains and reinforces correct dopaminergic D2-receptors. This increases motor activity. Walking is easier and tremors subside. Who suffers from asthma, even already benefits from coffee. The respiratory function improves to 4 hours after consumption.
If you do not drink coffee, you would just have to start
Is it wise to drink less coffee? No. If you do not drink coffee, you would just have to start. The only coffee that you must leave, is unfiltered coffee. That is boiling coffee, made with a percolator. The cafestol in unfiltered coffee grounds raises cholesterol because a little. In Nespresso is also more cafestol than filter coffee. No panic: the cholesterol levels in the blood goes from five Nespresso per day with 0.05 mmol / L up: the same effect as an additional half an egg a day, or the butter-smeared on a single slice of bread.
There are only two reasons to drink less coffee: give pregnancy and lactation. Scientists do not clear what effect caffeine has on the growth and development of the child. Consume in that case no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine. That equates to up to 2.5 cup per day. Or seven cups of tea, because there is caffeine.