I have a small 45gph pump, but need a new one for my vortex brewer im building. I will only be brewing UP TO 3gal tops for now, as well as using the pump in a small cloner. Im looking at the pump at the bottom of this post, I was told its too big but whatz your opinions? I dont want to mess around with a small pump again.
Built a 30 gallon air lift using an Eco 5 last year, worked great. Thanks again for the design MM.
Planning to build a new larger air lift brewer this year. I am going to use the ECO 7, 200 l/min. Was hoping someone would recommend how large of a brewer this pump would work well with?
lil 20 gallon i put together last week (working volume 15 gallons---perfect for my garden).
[URL=http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/12822439_1697487980462943_2130134534_n.jpg]View Image[/URL]
I just got my vortex brewer going again but I can see the advantage in this simpler design. Does the water divide equally between the two spouts or do you find it chooses one?lil 20 gallon i put together last week (working volume 15 gallons---perfect for my garden).
[URL=http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/12822439_1697487980462943_2130134534_n.jpg]View Image[/URL]