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08 greenhouse



They are growing pretty fast good luck this year I hope you get a lot of ladies. And I agree with you on the poison I hate bugs and they will ruin a crop Thats the worst thing about growing outdoors other than cops. and if don't let them get a foot hold your alright no matter how much 7vest dust I put out I have found the wildest looking bugs I have ever seen on my Mj plants all kinds of different colors I have never seen these bugs on any other plants and I hope you kill all those little bastards they eat my f-ing weed. Thanks for sharing your grow man peace


high potheads alike throughout the whole world,,a few ideas i shall pass on,,rusty nails grabbed from a construction site helps provide freeeeee iron,,,crushed oyster shells provide agrat in soil and as well calciem,hooking down to make bush provides massive massive small and nice size buds(trick)if want huge,just leave alone and get less,if want mass weed in small and nice size buds,top and tie down and use iron metel reall small gage wire to hook down plants,(provides all grow season grow iron effect)just grabb a few nails and plant em in your soil,a free iron throughout the whole grow,,i have more ways and ideas,,showing the grow you love what u do is a plus,plants have energy ,they as well need our love and our energy in there inviremont,,i once had my weed mentor tell me he use to hear his grow move and stretch out the leaves and almost talk to him,i thought he was nuts,,but on time i just sat naked in my grow and smoked and listened,u can hear the plant grow,u can hear the leaves spread,u can see them move if spent in grow long enough,dammet,u can hear them talk to u,,,,,,,,so why do i give my love to my grow,my grow gives me love back,my grow dont mind me killing the mites and hateable pests,my soil is blessed with my former loved dead pets,i have been blessed after surviving multiple crashes and icu,s,,i have seen the light,my grow is my love my life my wife,for my mom is my heart that we shall never fall apart,,,,been nown to be a word writer as well as a grower,not a speller,just a great feller,,later ,,,,(pics of five in middle of me grow are plants i dont touch or pay attention to,till last night,they needed to be touched and hooked and topped,they needed to be wanted to thrive off my energy

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hey mohawkhaircut from last wknd river trip,(u now who u are)take a looksee,till next river trip,hope u enjoyed my grow smoke,,here are todays pics,enjoy potheads ,,cuz i be proud to be a pothead and still around and has thangs going on like no ones buisness.....



high again,my nexy set of pics are last yrs grow of greenhouse ,,so i was always remembered,,every pic tlls a story,,so looksee on friends,,,,,,what i have in next set is left alone plant quanity pic,,,hooked and topped down pic ,,and my 13 foot wide by 13 foot wide tree grow pic,,either i can make me have massive quanity or great size for me buds,or half way ok size buds,or even scraggly looking,but again as i said before,never judge a bud by its cover,or person place or thing at that matter,,just wait to find out how the inside is,,,,one pic with huge garbage bags is my next few months stash,..till harvest,,,,in 4 months or so,i be hoping..so u see,i need to grow to keep me in weed for yr yr,,as i pulled out the buds i havent touched and left alone in bags,they are as fresh as yesterdays harvest(due to my way of storage)the stems still bend and not snp,this weed was born on sept 07 from hemphead jacks garden,still fresh as fresh can be,,i surprize my self sometimes,really i do,,u can do it as well,,dont give up,trial and errer,love and hope,believing in what u do is what u believe in,,if i can just make it till harvest,i will have finally succeded in doing the impossable i at one time thought,,and that is to have enough of my grow to share and give and smoke till next harvest in each yr,,,,when my friends come over,they just say wow,how do i do it,i inspire so many ppl,sure does feel great..enjoy pics till next pic looksee,i dont mind lookieloos,

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a smoke out with my weed grow

a smoke out with my weed grow

just toking and sharing my smoke with my plants,showing them my love,smoking out the leaves after i smoke i blow on to plants for love and energy,and to get my grow high like me,why not i say,they enjoy a jay a day,and then i let roach on soil and shower in area with smoke,and that be no joke!!!!!



Active member
Yoooo jack, how's it going man? looks so nice so far!
keep them good vibes flowing to the plants , I know what you mean about the higher connection between the farmer and his plants.. growing weed requires master sensitivity.
I was wondering why you keep your buds fresh? and what's your method of keeping them fresh? I have a problem where I live it can get sometimes too hot and all the buds turn crunchy-bone-dry within 3 days..

Be well my friend.



high zion,i will answer a question only cuz i have been doing it same way sence sometime in 80 or 81 my menter tought me,at time he new not of my self watch tought of his program.my mind magically remembered his tekneek,his ideas,his growin,his harvesting,he hardly spoke,i just watched and learned,so this yr later as i type,i still watch him in my visions,,,,there is honestly in my opinion,only one way to harvest,store,hang,keep,put away,,,so read all and try it you might like it,remember ugly is only a word!!!i its on the inside what count,,,,when i harvest,i have in ready,stay fresh pkts out of beef jerky pkts,start to buy jerky or just ask around,,so i have the pkts,50 gallon heavy duty trash bags balck(key note)any light dispupts storage in glass or bags,only i say cuz of same tek in many moons,,so i get a tree down from just above ground(for me to make pipes and stuff anyway,,so i have this tree,,i take it to prep room,i peel away all stems apart (huge one first)i just hang till 7 to 10 days,in a dark vented and checked on room,,never any light if possable,can be done,,i then get trash bag and open up and get stem or a stalk of mine,,i put in bags maybe 5 days from done,i wrap up in a second bag,but i put 2 or three stay fresh pkts in bags,,so i do it to all my harvest ,,anyway on i go,sorry if i ramble,arthrites and puter nonskill helps me down alot out,,,,so after i put about 1-3 of a grow in bags,(key)i never manacure or trim or even touch buds any more open once a day for a week or when ya feel it ready in ya gut.u can pile much unmanacured weed in a bag and rotate every day for a week then just put away ,,remember to use stay fresh pkts,,,,and if u really want fresh weed for months without freezing,,yes freezing messes up,trust,all my free info,should be taken freely and used if like mass weed stored ,,never ever manacure till ready to smoke,,a key to most is,,it still lives off stems and fan leaves for months to come,i dont expect u to no all this if not already nown,this is just my way for yrs and how i will forever grow and store from now on,,,keep stems and stalks cut down to a size of long life after a cutting,,(for storage and freshness and bag size for storage)the other day i opened a huge bag after not touching in many months,,just fresh just like i cut yesterday,,it does take a no of the garden thing i believe in order to read the plants as well,,well enjoy,hope it works for u,,,,,,,and one last thing,,the store room has to always stay below 60 if possable heat and light will always ruin the storage ,even in my dail store of weed i keep in 2 or three baggis,stay fresh pkts,and a blk trash bag for non lightand again,i cant say this enough,never ever manacure or touch till ready to smoke,looks are and can be decieving,,i say this alot,cuz,when my weed is stored all u can see is non manacure looking like shit weed in trash bags,,,but go to smoke,manacure first then see,,and after a few months the leaves start to dry and help aide store rest of bud as cover of saftyleaves,it now protects huge mount of weed under remaining shake
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you have been doing this for a while, and i have admired watching your grows throughout the years on this site and others. Your technique is great for storing massive amounts of low quality weed, however regardless of how "fresh" your product remains.....the fact of the matter is trichomes stick to plastic baggies a lot easier than glass or other containers. Obviously you are not going for quality, so keep in mind those that want to preserve as much of the thc as possible. by the way, the bottles with the caps open are a great way to keep the babies insulated while still providing ventilation.


there will always be remarks like u no what u be talking about,but,atleast i no what type i have,what if i say i sell i my weed to clubs,,now what u..but i dont,cuz my weed is better than clubs,old sckool will never die,hahahahahahahahahahthe thc never stiks to shit cuz if ya read ,i never manacure,so where are all the the fucking thc to those baggies,,hey man,the outer leafe and shake protect the stalks and stems,in those huge bags,so u see,there are nothinhg to stick to baggies,now i have herd it all,,but then cuz of u i just hate to give away my secrets,cuz i hate remarks on what i really no..white widow,white russion,northern lights,purple,yes these and all my grows are low grade ,,hey dr,try a new name,u be a quack!!!!
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Howdy Jack ,

Yay ! I can finally post ! :jump:

I was wondering,are the "stay fresh " things ya refer to,dessicant packs ?

I think that ya can git them dessicant packs in bulk,at ,of all places,a business supply store..however-it's much more fun to git them out of jerky packages..lol..gotta love that jerky ! I prefer the old school kind,with lots of black pepper,like they make down around Marble Falls. :yes:

As per usual,I'm in awe of how ya can tie down and hook yer plants,and they act like yer doing em a favor ! They seem to thrive-even after ya man-handled em..lol. :yes:

Every year,it seems like ya have yer doubters,nay-sayers and know-it-all's,and every year-ya prove em wrong ! :headbange

Have a good one ! :smoweed:


Active member
hey jack, how's it going?
hell yeah man oldschool will never die! please do keep on sharing your oldschool techniques inorder to keep them alive! sounds like you had one cool mentor....you know the ol' saying goes: "those who know dont talk, those who dont know talk...............".
in my last grows I also tried leaving the bud leaf on, using them as an outer coat to protect the trichs, then you just peal the bud like a banana and give it a nice trim - and puff away:D
the only thing I didn't understand is - if you keep the buds fresh, how do you smoke them later on? Or you keep the "mother load" fresh, and take a few buds out to dry?..
or is it a slow dry process ?

Thanks for the info jack I appreciate it!:D
feel well !

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high torog,no phone home E.T. ,,,anyway zion,,i do a few things after a few months in huge bags,i go to home depot and get huge i mean huge zip lock baggies and then i mix my stash to be able to grab bag of many mothers at different times not to harm process of curing and what nots till smoke,it is a long as not manacured process in keeping weed fresh,the longer u leave alone in huge bags,u be ok,it still gets better till day of smoke i always say no matter what others say anyway,,yes a mother bag with smaller bags as well,u have to just go for it man,give it a try,i think even smaller grows can prosper as well as a storage and cure and plane out rite still finishing till smoking product,,i dip my hands in huge trash bags and feel the weed on when i can move to smaller bags for future smoking,then just grab a few stems and put in double zip locks still unmanacured,u be surprized,i opened one yesterday after 7 months old,stems still bends,u do no what that means rite,the bud is still thriving off the stem and leaves,so it is just getting better,,truste me on this,,i know what i know by yrs of experience and OJT,,good luck,,,,hey torog,,,freaking goverment likes mail,or someone does,,,all is well friend,,,,hell,,what wheres my disclaimer,,here it goes,i aint no teacher,writer,speller,just one heck of a green feller,every pic tells a story,,i have many stories.all be true,this i say to u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


high,just wanted to say,,i notice a mass amount of views in 07 and 08 grows,and remarks,,all in all,without all the views and remarks this grow wouldnt happen in plane view on line,i do this for the ppl,not me. my mind is so full of info its info on my yrs of living dangersly and growing to keep the grass greener for me and all who i share it with,so i thank u the ppl who view and comment,,comment away,i will always speak my mind,............long live my grows for the ppl who want to be in the know......ill always try to u give u the best i can grow for a great green house show,,,,,,,,,,,thank you all,,,,,,,,,


randy codger said:
Howdy, Jack!
Could you please provide a link to previous years diaries?
high,if i would i could,,but i believe,i seem to be known by lots on here,so maybe someone can help ya out,,,sorry,,i change my name ,to make wonder,,so it be a challange to locate the last 8 yrs of growing or so,,and i be a puter dummy,,link,i thought that was a sausage at first......anyway,goodluck,there are some great massive trees in past pics of my grows,as well as just nice looking greenhouse and outdoor pics of huge trees of weed,,,,,,,,,lots ppl grow huge,just cant show,fraid,not legel,dont know why,,just show what u no,,,well,for a greener show. got to go neem oil my grow
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todays pic,,i found this one fan with 15 point on it,,other pic is my stay fresh packs,or what ever they be called,they work for me



08growbyjack said:
todays pic,,i found this one fan with 15 point on it,,other pic is my stay fresh packs,or what ever they be called,they work for me

Howdy Jack,

I'll be daggumed ! I'd keep an eye on that plant,I bet it's special.. :D

I see what ya mean..those are dessicants that absorb moisture.

Seems to me,looking at how many of them stay-fresh packs ya got..that ya might have a policy of a "a dab of jerky a day-keeps the doc away.." lol. :D

Have a good one ! :D


Active member
no problem Jack, I'll help you out man:

randy codger-
in case you didn't find it yet, here's jack's grow from last year, I could not find the other grows tho, which is a shame... but here you go:

07 greenhouse

so jack, now I understood your techniuqe! I dont see a reason why it shouldn't work, so I'll give it a try in my next grow! I sure do hope I'll have big bags of trash full of bud like you do:D I've alawys found whacked amounts of bud to be truely inspiring..
your plants look happy and healthy! that 15 pointer is cool, so far I only had one plant that grew 11 fingered leaf (in the pic below), was some Bubbakush cross..

keep up the good work, and feel well my man!!!



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