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08 greenhouse



well they are growing ,the greenouse is showing ,now is the time to keep it green,u no what i mean,soil is great not even for me to hesatate out of the starting gate.never to early, sometimes maybe to late,keep it green,,,,,anyway as i walked passed greenhouse i was amazed at the fast rate of pop up without germ,,,,,but i made these seeds from my 07 grow,,so they are fresh as a the chicken shit i used ,,from me own birds i might add..and i have the mister on most of the time except at night for now,gives all kinds of greatness when misting!!!!,,well till next pic show,i always document my grows from start to finish so i can study myself and the keep it green aspect of my life,,,,i figure ill just post in plain,,been for way to many ys now,,,,,,,,,someone really loves me is all i can say!!!!,,,oh,,and as for humidty,,hell sence i never read a book or graduated.i cant answer that one,,except keep excellant open end hair line cracks and a mister for co2 and its greatness of a mister if possable...but for so many yrs i have always had to open up sides and top of greenhouse,,i just cant grow em small,,this yr i have to,,i just have to use the hole greenhouse efect for the whole grow,not just for 4 to five months,,,then open up sides,this yr i will just cut a opening on side if possable for more propper vent come hot days in late july aug



well i did not prepare the bug detourant early enough,last yr i kept bug free starting in jan,this yr i lagged and lost 4 and then went to town on bug detourant,then sprayed to close to leaves,so all is just fine now ,9 popped in greenhouse,to left outside,i bought some great stuff for leave and dirt protection,i just sprayed a little to close one day and now i cover with litre plastic bottles and just spray,,nice and healthy green leaves in greenhouse,but crap i even no to bug detourant way early before grow,and just waited to long,,but todays pics show nine popped in side somewhere,looks great..one pic is me and dogs on way to sons wedding in reno,one pic is what happened when i got to close on spraying before i should of covered treeling before even starting to use the spray,,anyway all is faring well,thanks for looksee and comments,

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Active member
well i must say i am excited to see another one of your great grows!! i am also excited because i too will be joing you in growing in a greenhouse. im really excited and look to yours for inspiration. keep it up!!




yep,never to early i say,experience told me so anyway.......time to hook and tie down if poss......
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growing great they are,thanks for looksee and comments.top pic is hooked down and one pic is left alone ,all same age,,

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todays pics,,i guess i can pitch a bitch about some seeds i bought on line,but i wont,except never again,3rd yr of getting seeds and this yr most i ordered were damaged.i did not even need to order,i just did cuz of a price or 2 i noticed,anyway,thats another story.todays pics,all is moving right along,,again some hooked and a few left alone,,thanks for looksee and comments,,,16 seeds have popped and or shown up in sight,12 above and 4 just popped up,,,,

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,todays pics,,,well i hooked up my ac in my shed.and pics looking good today,,some hooked and a few just left alone and a few topped ,yes topped already,,,growing like a weed,,i live in my shed more than i do my own house right next dorr,,,today comes the window on my looksee at grow side of shed,,a ac and a window and cable and all above in my shed,,

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tonights pics,,built a window in shed and now cable,a/c,phone,stereo.;;now i can really watch my grow,,anyway enjoy night shots of greenhouse grow,,thanks for looksee and comments,,one pic i just planted some lumbo gold and skunk num, 1,,so fake greenhouse cover till they prosper and grow,,i be using just plane neem oil ,,looks great atnight to me anyway,,

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high to all real pot heads who smoke to smoke,not taste,not name,not even fucking worry about what i use,i knew when i was born,i wasnt going to live forever,and i only show just a meeger of what i really have,i no that when i go to a super market to buy fresh fruits and veggies,even organic,yes even organic,who touches our fruits and veggies,who really proseccess like we all really would like,is this what u are waiting for ,a responce to a quote,ha! i always say what be on me bloody mind.and i also know its whats on the inside that counts,never ever judge a person place or thing by looks,i also no i have what i have cus i be one smart dude in the fine art of weed growing.i need one grow to last a yr,i have to say fuck it and kill them fucking pests,who is really to say how and when or much do i use,,,anyway todays pics,of some 08 monsters to be in 5 months,,,,bla bla bla and one more fucking bla on the pestasides i use,,u smoke it not thank you alot dont worry bout me pot,no names here,,ecept to CD,,dont call no more for a while,mail be real freaking slow,,,sorry,,but i be ok and here and mother fucking everywhere,well thanks for the looksees,later man
