thanks 4 all the comments,,yes,this yr will preceed all other yrs as in size and what nots,,and i still have weed from last yrs harvest ,and it is just as fresh as if it were last months grow..4 months left and all is looking well so far,the mister seems to be working just like i thought it would(rain forest),,it just reminds me of the zoo and its rain forest exzibet inside there greenhouse,,,it is a great feeling to grow my own weed for what ales me!!!
man greenhouses rock while its nasty outisde you have "the perfect" growing environment inside....gotta love it..
Just checked on my babies they are now double the size....(will update with pics soon) and tommorw they go under our lights for 12/12 to sex them..then back in the greenhouse and in 1 month they will go outside..
Do you put the whole plant into 12/12 or do you take a cutting and flower that? I got shitty reversion problems when i tried putting the whole plant under - I am only going to take a cutting from now on
thanks,i will have to remove some sides real soon to make rom for growth,but all will be fine,been there done this before,, 4 months left of growing,,i amaze myself sometimes and seem to be full of myself,,oh well,practice makes try harder next time for maybe sometime perfection!!
Hi Boss, although I have grown veggies and ornamental for over 30 years , this is only my second year of growing the funstuff in the greenhouse.
I prefer experience to books and was was wondering if you could recommend a plant for my greenhouse, its height at the apex is 7ft (had to hack away at my superskunk last year to keep em down) and also being in the UK i need to finish before October ideally (bud rot), any ideas?