• Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.


  1. med-man

    med-man brand own treating yourself expo 2013

    first place indica - pain killer (langley cut) med-man brand second place indica - rock -star kush (maple ridge cut) med-man brand second place sativa - west coast sour diesel (maple ridge cut) med-man brand next year i will enter the private grower cup too. it would be nice to sweep 3 1st...
  2. phatpharmer

    Congrats Medman u Cleaned up! #phatpharmer #phatfarms

    Congrats man on a job well done you cleaned up at the Treating yourself expo 1st palce indica with your painkiller 2nd place indica with your rockstar and 2nd place in the sativa category with your wcsd I believe congrats man well deserved:tiphat: your rockstar was fire loved the taste and the...
  3. M


    Why is your booth not listed at the expo? whats it called
  4. R

    big up to Med Man

    just bought some of your fine genetics...(sour diesel kush, head banger and purple rockstar) hope to find some keepers. hope to cross a stinky sdk male into my killer malawi mother. I am trying to recreate a killer pdx,oregon strain called catalyst which was lemony and stinky with a high that...
  5. med-man

    med-man tables - medical film

    i have decided to start 2 rooms just for everyone at ic, and beyond. these are free to learn and teach to others. it is forbidden to charge money. made for extremely frugal individuals. save potential thousands. increase yield and quality, decrease labour, costs, losses. 95% of material is...
  6. med-man

    med-man tables - deep water culture

    i have decided to start 2 rooms just for everyone at ic, and beyond. these are free to learn and teach to others. it is forbidden to charge money. made for extremely frugal individuals. save potential thousands. increase yield and quality, decrease labour, costs, losses. 95% of material is...
  7. med-man

    the pain killer

    this clone was a random gift from a friend i got it becuase the clone shop was ending her stint in langley bc they didnt like the yield or "look" color. wierd i recieved her as "og kush", just as 75% of all the biker kush is named lol she was very unique. short, small, lower yield, but resin...
  8. med-man

    the purple pain killer

    the real and original purple kush clone that came to me via the west coast of america dropped on the canadian market like an atomic bomb. in my 20 years in the game, i have never seen a strain dominate the market for as long and for as much. at one point pounds were 3500-3600 and ounces made...
  9. med-man

    treating yourself expo toronto 2013

    i reserved a booth and 4 entrees in the private breeders medical cup. i will also be offering an ounce of my kindest organic hydro in the quanta cann thc competition (beat me if you can lol) i will have kind cured in jars for people to see and smell. from my moms and from seed. i look forward...
  10. med-man

    kerosene kush aka west coast sour diesel

    this is thw wcsd from seed. the intense kerosene aroma always come through in everycross. i have outcrossed her to 4 males. i chose the best one and am just finishing the bx2's
  11. T

    ty expo 2013

    will you be coming to the ty expo in toronto this year?? and more importantly will you have all your lines with you for sale??
  12. med-man

    ladybugs bubba

    ladybugs bubba is a clone only from chiliwack bc. unique in growth to all my other bc "bubbas". i real "trenwrecky" plant. weakest branches, very viney. great vigor. really stretchy too. i used a tahoe og kush male that was similar in growth pattern to outcross. these f-1's are avialble now...
  13. med-man

    "black haze" info

    i have been waiting for a black haze now for almost a year. and it looks like i will be getting one soon. good things come to those who wait. i havent done much research other then talkinf to guys who grow it. this is waht i know based on hearsay - cuban gangs started her in florida -...
  14. O

    Med Man's Scientist

    Hello, My name Is Organic Chemist and I have been working with Med - Man brands for approximately 8 months. I am a food scientist with 10 years industry experience coupled with 20 years of Cannabis experience! I have tested Med-Man's Cannabis Affganicus strain with the following results...
  15. I

    Med-Man's Most Potent

    To date, what is med-man's most potent strain? Any Indica & Sativa dominate strains in the line up? I read there's a couple strains a lot more potent than the pain-killer. Is this true?
  16. med-man

    road kill skunk #1 freebees/testers

    i do have a f-1 hybrid of a canadian skunky skunk #1 and a cali skunky skunk #1. both lines lean more to indica skunk side, with a couple lankier ones that pop up here and there. real reekers. i think that the mix up will be promising. i just dont have spce right now to run all my rks...
  17. med-man

    toronto 420 freebees

    i will be holding it down in toronto for 420. anyone want any freebees beans or kick it with me feel free to join us all. should be a sweet time, med-man
  18. beanja

    Med man seeds

    Got some med man seeds in the mail today, took under a week from one coast to the other coast med man style . Pretty sweet deal if u ask me , ordered a pack of ladybugs bubba kush and got a whack of med man freebies . Thanks again dude :woohoo:
  19. O

    Med-Man in new SKUNK magazine!

    Congrats!!! Nice article!
  20. M

    please help recommend which strains im looking for?

    Im looking to make my first ever seed purchase now that ive grown a few bagseed crops and have gotten comfortable in my ability to grow a crop from seed to harvest and do alright with it. And ive seen you around and decided id like to buy from a Canadian breeder offering current Canadian...