
  1. Uludag

    Ulu's Growstorys V5 | Diesel Crosses

    Hi, nach nun gut 3 Monaten ohne Blühpflanzen und einem Umzug mit anschließendem erholsamen Urlaub wird es endlich wieder Zeit! Das neue Setup steht, die Luft hat wieder diesen leichten Geruch von Kohle von den neuen Akf's an sich, alles ist voll mit Allmix Krümeln und die vorfreude ein paar neue...
  2. ledo

    Sour Diesel (Sour D) - Upstate NY 2000/01

    Everyone has a story, here’s mine… Pulled one seed from a lb. Back @2000/01 when the Upstate NY Sour D was @ back then, this is CNY… One grower in area had it, hoarded cut under threat, they even went through their flowers making sure no seeds… but as we all know, them little beauties sneak in...
  3. FiveLeggedGoat


    Bio Diesel (Deep Chunk x Sour Diesel IBL) @ 30 days 12/12 View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery
  4. KISE1


    Sunsimulator's MassachusettsSuperSkunkx[MassachusettsSuperSkunkxSourBubble]. This is Stinky Le Pew, the breeders cut of this strain.
  5. whitebox

    NYC Diesel X Biggie small

    Hi all' i start this thread to show and share facts about a homemade cross i made a few month before now. as you see in the tittle, i crossed a female NYC Diesel with a super healthy Biggie small from doc Chronic that is suposed to be an old style strong afghany. i smoke the diesel for now 6...