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hey peeps what up? here is sour bubble bx1 1ix from STEEL SAVAGE and the GRIND HOUSE

grown in coco from seed. medium phenos in 2gal buckets tall one in 3gal feed DnF nutes ,cal-mag ,carboload ,phosload for two weeks in the middle and flushed with molasses

the 5 girls i ended up with tall one is 5'10"

FLOWER TIME AND STRUCTURE: I took them down at 63 days flower.not much stretch in the 2 gal ones but the big one stretched pretty good in the 3gal

APPEARANCE: off the f***ing hook.consistently super frosted hard dense purpling nuggage. easily the best looking strain i have ever grown

YIELD: from 1 to 2-1/2 oz a plant, tall one being the big yeilder

SMELL & TASTE:ranges from one thats exactly like bomb ass bubba kush smell and taste. three of them smell very kushy but have their own pungent and I mean PUNGENT chouda butthole surfer smell mixed in. and lastly one kushy sweet fruity blueberry smelling one. but that ones smell dosen't translate to taste at all so its a goner

HIGH:stoned to the bone,I smoke a lot, like a oz of kush a week but not this stuff at least not yet. 2 bowls puts me in la la land, mind and body. not what i would call wake and bake material unless u plan on not getting much accomplished that day. most days lately seem like thats been my plan.

OVERALL:a great strain, consistent superb phenos. will be keeping the pungent 3 around and the bubba dom 1 around for further analyst wich says a lot because most the the time I dont keep 1 out of a pack let a lone 4 out of 5

WHAT COULD BE BETTER:well it could have yeilded a pound a plant and finished in 45 days of flower but thats just not realistic.....yet.

RATING: 10 out of 10 against seeds 9.8 out of 10 against clones

now for some eye candy



great job

great job

nice colors cant wait to get some of those beans :jump:


Active member
WOW can't believe those aren't clone and not simply Bubba BX. Every pic screams Bubba except the tall girl. Steel has my eternal respect. Fantastic job growin em KC. Coco from seed is a magical sight to see.


yea man stunning shit, I had some sour bubble from a mmj clinic here in socal... they sold it as sour bubble but said that it had so many traits of bubba kush that they were telling their patients it was bubba, thing is it looked SUPER similar to this.... bubba must be closely related then?


Sour Bubble looks insane! Awesome grow, great looking nugs. How was the yield on those? Did you have a drip system with the coco, or hand feed?



KC , I'm stoked you got such a satisfying result from your pack , I'm sure others will share tha same experience . I've said all that I could already and you done me proud .

PH33 , happy to hear you have a pack of our offering .

Blaner , much thanks .

VS , tha girls are in tha bloom room and been triggered 'bout 2 weeks ago . Tha males are sun bathing with 'em and shouldn't be to long before pollination starts ....
Figure they'll be ready in 'bout 2 1/2 months .

Sneak , we have a thread of tha done deal in tha Breeders Lab under
"New Mission Revealed : Bog's Sour Bubble BX1 1IX" Check it out , all tha info of where , when an' how are there for you to glean from .

Aeric , I miss seein' ya around , bru . Be safe

BTown , we'll have some seed for a grip o' folks to try soon .

Endless , no doubt ....

HeadShot , check tha thread , but yeah , no doubt in my mind it's a Bubba hybrid . Can't believe Bog had no idea what he was working with ....

OT , I believe he said each plant yielded 1-2 1/2 oz.

Stay safe an' grow HARD y'all
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Active member
Whoa! :yoinks: That shit looks incredible bro, I mean can it get any better than that? Steele packed those beans with some killer genetics. :headbange


I can't believe I JUST noticed this thread. Plants look delicious. I'm having trouble cleaning up the drool thats pouring onto my keyboard right now.... Steel,(or anyone) have you tested the SB outdoors? I think I shed a tear when I saw her packed up in a bowl :badday:



Hey guys thank u very very much for all your super kind comments. just got back form dirt bike riding my f450 this weekend and I can honestly say it wouldn't have been half the trip with out the sour bubble.pun intended on trip. I always blaze when I ride but this stuff had me looped out and so relaxed at the same time. no paranoia what so ever.riding and paranoia don't go so good together.so its perfect for me.

I am loven this strain more and more. my report was done when the nuggs had just dryed and as it has cured in the bag a few days it has only gotten stinker , taster and more stone.

to answer a few question they were hand watered ever 2 to 3 days. 2 plants yeilded 1 or a little more than 1 oz .2 plants were right around 2 oz and the big one put out 2-1/2.they were under 600 watt hps light.

Steel I can't thank u enough , some day I am gonna have to blaze some up which ya!!!


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