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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
i think tutu has the most time in the system but im glad they have a deep bench and we are def going to be seeing more of the whit and robinson in the games to come
lets hop the defense comes up in the weeks to come because i have the feeling we are going to be leaning on them biggly
actually im pretty sure the washington monument is made of marble and granite, two very different types of rock
colts v bears should be an interesting game, going 0-3 is not the way you want to start a season
/are you listening rams?!
i still have hope for richardson to ahve his ah-ha year but caled did wear such a nice shade of pink on his nails and the bears have been hungry for a new qb since...
we will see who rises to the top, oh yeah

apparntly my dads ex girlfriend was his neighbor a long time ago in IL.guess there was wild parties. not a big shocker there


Horse-toothed Jackass
It's tricky, i put pacheco on IR on one of my teams so i have an empty spot to pick up whittington, or maybe kareem hunt who got signed by the chiefs, or maybe cam akers now that mixon might be out with an ankle sprain. Whatchoo think, Pops, who should i pick up? It's ok if u dont know, no one really knows, it's all a guess at this point.

Yeah, the rams have been hit by the injury bug again, most of their starting O line are out, wasnt that the case 2 yrs ago? Defense looked useless vs mighty mouse, but maybe their offense is just that good. The way he scrambles and can throw on the run, reminds me of Chef Russ 2.0

U know what the washington monument is made of? What r u, some type of rockologist?

I read somewhere that teams that start 0-3 make the playoffs like 2% of the time, so u have a good point, Pops. Rams host the 49ers, so they're likely looking at 0-3, but the niners didnt look that impressive vs the vikings so maybe they got a good shot, despite the injuries.

Richardson was pretty inaccurate vs the packers but week 1 he had a really impressive deep throw. Consistency will be key with hiim.

Ive had dishes where the broccoli was barely cooked, not sure if thats how they do it (i guess it's healthier?) or maybe an inexperienced cook, or rushing it? Maybe u could tell them they need to cook their broccoli more, make it softer, they should understand. Is the cashier female? Maybe u could attempt to charm her, and eventually fornicate with her. Then they'll treat u like their best customer.

Unlike a lot of the porn that ive seen, %itches dont like to be choked. So i dont think i can force the woman to tell me where my drug (alcohol) is. Unless u have a better idea, Hawk, one that does not involve felonious conduct.

Well, the patriots are still owned by the same guy so maybe the rot starts at the top. We'll see if they have any more cheating scandals.

Wasnt it randy savage who said, when u get famous, first u start having sex with groupies, then it's 2 women at the same time, then 3, then ur jacking off in the corner as 4 women are doing it on the bed and a clown is in the corner?


Well-known member
i meant no offense baba. i come from a family of drug dealers and wig spillters. well actually just my dad and uncle.me and you are not from the same background. but when you are as deep an alcoholic as me, ive been known to tell people not to fuck with my booze and they get the hint. like i said. your a better man than me. ive been known to put the fear of god in people with words alone. like i said please dont take offense. someone taking away my bottle of booze is like taking away a bottle from a baby. a big drunk dangerous baby


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
like you said its a toss up at this point, i would expect whit to get some game time but who knows what mcvey has in store for us this week
im not buying into az just yet but they kicked the shit out of the rams last week
but like you said the team is jacked up right now with on o'line, no receivers and and old man at qb
"undercooked" veggies is a stir fry thing with a little sear to it and maybe some sauce, but i can dig how its not for everyone @shithawk420
"a big drunk dangerous baby"
can i somehow incorporate this into my profile, this is could be my mantra for the rest of teh year
watch out world!


Well-known member
No man.this broccoli had yellow tips and was just undercooked.normally broccoli is one of my favorite things in stirfry.it was the worst things in the plate.this was just bad food.i know how to cook stir fry.made this a while back.dont remember what kinda meat


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
No man.this broccoli had yellow tips and was just undercooked.normally broccoli is one of my favorite things in stirfry.it was the worst things in the plate.this was just bad food.i know how to cook stir fry.made this a while back.dont remember what kinda meat View attachment 19069057
it looks like chicken with some peppers, pretty grinding
the veggies look cooked and i like them like that but wtf do i know about food or anything else i will eat broccoli raw


Well-known member
ill eat raw broccoli too like in a salad. this was legit bad broccoli.some asian joints are just nasty.just like any restaraunt in the city.doesnt have to be asian. i can tell when something is bad. actually i think that might be the hawiian chicken from aldis in that pic. now that was good but i made the rice and veggies. ive been off my game cause of the booze and drugs but im still a gook cook.i dont see anyone else around here posted homecook meals. not trying to be a dick but this whole forum is dying. the other one i go to has been in limbo for 3 weeks. its the Legendary Misc. The home of actual serial killers and extremists. i just went there for the lulz. i guess baba has heard of it. thats where that POS fuck Elliot Rodgers used to post. think he lived in your neighborhood or close to it pops. somewhere in california.killed people cause he couldnt get laid. had to be like over 10 years ago.probably see more of it in the future unfortuately


Horse-toothed Jackass
I hear ya Hawk, i wouldnt mess with u on account of ur ninja skills alone, much less mess with ur booze.
Plus it's physically dangerous for an alcoholic to go through DT's. So really, when u get violent when someone hides ur stash, it should be considered self defense. At least u should tell that to the cops if it ever becomes an issue.

Im not a fan of uncooked broccoli either. I mean, it's not terrible but like Hawk i think it's too chewy and tough to eat without getting some softening from cooking. If ur gonna not cook it then at least chop it up into smaller bits so it's easier to eat.

Holy cow, i remember that dude when it happened, he was some incel who went targeting women specifically. Do u remember his posts from bodybuilding . com, Hawk? Did u call him a loser back then? Maybe u bear some responsibility for his rampage.
Wasnt there a canadian kid who did the same thing a few years ago?
His wikipedia page is wild. "He would roam around Isla Vista every day, often sitting outside a Domino's Pizza outlet hoping a woman would find him attractive and initiate a conversation with him." That sounds like some $hit DB would do, just swap the Domino's for a Dunkin Donuts.

U do make some pretty good meals, Hawk, i havent done much cooking lately, at least not impressive enough to post, but ill see what i can dig up.
In lieu of food pics, would u like to see some more pics of my ballsack? Or as the French would say, "Les deux testicules".
Fully trimmed, of course, I aint no degenerate.

I know AR15 had a completion % around 50% in college, but the hope is he'd turn into someone like josh allen who improved greatly as a passer in the pros. But it's looking like Allen is a 1 of 1, although Richardson has much less games under his belt so far, and Allen didnt become an elite passer until his 3rd yr, while AR is in his 2nd year but has only played like 6 games in his career cause he was injured most of his rookie yr. So there's still hope for him but like Buzz said, he cant have 2-3 inaccurate throws for every one great throw.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i am hoping this is ar15 year ah-ha year but so far its not looking so great
/hopefully irsay has a fully stocked medicine cabinet, he might need it
are you going to post more ball pics @Bababooey ?!
can we make requests

is that a freaking rick and morty table or what in the background? @shithawk420 kick ass man
san diego is a big city and so cal is even bigger, there are all kinds of weirds here
the funny thing is a lot of them are from the more affluent areas, but im sure there are plenty of psychos in the hood too
broccoli is good frsh of cooked
here in cali we call that cooked crisp where its been stir fried/ quick cooked but its not soft
i like brocolli salad too and like you said i will chop the florets into extra small pieces, add some sun flower seeds and cranberries, plus a sweet vinaigrette and its not a bad salad
/plus its gets better if it sits a bit
i have some meals planned, i got a kielbasa and some peppers and onions i might cook up here soon and ive been on this turkey taco kick lately, ill try and post up a pic next time i make something

getting geeked up for tonights tilt featuring the patriots of new england and the jets of new york
i have no teaks on this one but i will watch the game because thats just the kind of football fan i am
/has seven browser windows open the whole time
yeah football
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Well-known member
yeah Elliot Rodgers was like half asian half white and his dad was rich. he liked to dress like an 80s Yakuza and drove around in his BMW just going around town fantasizing killing women cause he was too mental and creepy for friends and GFs and thought he deserved wpman just cause he thought he was better than everyone else. he still has creepy vids on YT i think. i think after he did what he did his posts were taken down so not sure if i saw them. that POS has some incel cult followers now

im good on the ball pics baba but food pics are always welcome.not sure what im gonna eat. maybe a blt. yeah that a rick and morty gaming mouse and keyboard pad. ill take a pic. its pretty decent.

guess im gonna have to stream the game if im gonna watch it. fuck the nfl and the networks for getthing rid of thursday night football


Horse-toothed Jackass
Where's Jellyfish? He was the resident Indy fan, id like to hear his opinion on the team and AR15 so far. Sucks that andrew luck retired, he could still be a good QB now. He's 35, could have had at least 5 good years left.

I think that's how i like my broccoli in stir fry, Pops, just a bit of crisp/brown on the edges but still has some bite/chew to it.
Do u add some cabbage to ur broccoli salad as well? It sounds good either way. A little sweet but next to some salty foods it'd make a nice contrast.

What kind of tortillas or shells do u use for ur tacos? I just use the regular yellow corn ones, theyre basic but solid.

There's an incel cult that regards Rodger as one of their saints? Where? Just so i know how to avoid it...

So i have one 'yes' on the ball pics and one 'no'. Any other votes? I could be the tie-breaking vote but that would be biased.

Here's a pic of a combo dog/polish and fries from Jimmy's Red Hots in Chicago. Humboldt park area, a mostly Hispanic enclave on the NW side of the city. U ever been there, Hawk?

jimmy's red hots.jpg

Im watching the Jets crushing the patriots. I should have listened to DB, the Patriots do indeed suck. At least the under hit thanks to the anemic Pats offense. I had a small 5 leg parlay on this game, only 3/5 legs will hit, could have done singles and profited.
Ah well. Hey GoJoe, u ever do parlays? Probably not, no smart bettor does them...
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
you are the deciding vote, they are your balls
but if @buzzmobile wants to vote or @superx i know they want more balls and better health care for the elderly and young
/you cant deny this
just show us your balls man and wendys is on me
yeah pawts sux, its a fahhking genius that figure that out, and im paying money to watch this
that is a nice weiner there and it looks like some kind of dressed up fries f'n grindin! man
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Well-known member
Yeah I've been to Jimmy's red hots.thought it was Johnny's though.mandela effect.funny you mentioned that cause I just went to JJ fish and chicken except they call it big jj fish and chip.no mistaken it.its the same ones out of Chicago.i think the just call it big out here not to confuse the ones out in Chicago.like we got Portillos out here but it still ain't Chicago portillos.anyway long story with popeyes.ill never go back.got jj instead.its good as hell.only got chicken tenders.next time I'll get fish.place was packed with brothers and sisters so you know it's good.got a good story when our van broke down in Robin's south side Chicago and went to JJs for the first time.they are legit.you should go soon baba if you haven't in a while.dont ask me what that is.garlic or onion powder maybe.or a corn meal mixture.pretty sure the make their fries with cornmeal


Well-known member
OH FOR SHAME BABA!OH FOR SHAME! WTF IS THIS SHIT!? mustard on a dog!? IN CHICAGO! OH im hurt! I'm surprised the locals did come with torches and pitchforks to come lynch you.oh I think I'm gonna be sick

But seriously nothing wrong with what you wanna eat.i like my real Chicago dogs my self.i see you got some relish there too and of coarse the fries are on point.niceley done.i know that dog was good.oh polish sausage too.yep.you were definitely on the west side.hope it wasn't more than 10 12 bucks.big honking chicken,fries and 4 awesome dipping sauces was 13 bucks.very well worth it.probably could of got 10 different sauces for free.the mango habenero was really good
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