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Packn's "Big Kola Clubhouse"


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Finally I'm back at it..for those here that know me..know I like growing single kola fat head girls...
I'll sacrifice the rest of the plant to enhance the main kola and top tier secondary buds..
Hence the name of the thread (does anyone still use the word "hence"..hehe)
Yield be damned..I don't care..big dense buds get my blood pumping..
Lately I've been running Adv Nutes 2+ system with the 3 part GBM nute formula..
Growing in a sphagnum peat potting soil(Scott's) mixed with coco coir about 3:1 soil to coir..(would use Pro Blend but it's getting hard to find here)

I've been getting into the microbiology (beneficial bacteria, fungus, enzymes, etc..) of growing..
Need to tweak the formula a bit, but I've had great results using AN(health-wise)..

I've been growing mostly GrowDoc Seeds (GDS) strains..This 1st grow on the new thread will be no different..
Growdoc helped me out when I needed helping..I love showing off his strains..and hopefully next grow, something new from Growdoc..

Enough of the setup for now..let's get to the beans..
This round I've got 3 of the original BubbleDust seeds I got from Growdoc in 05, soaking..& 4 BubbbleDust seeds from my plant in 05 known to some as Alfa..
Alfa was my favorite BD plant..she wasn't suppose to get pollinated..but there was an incident..hehe..and I only have a few seeds from her..

7 BD's soaking in a water/H2O2 mix..tomorrow on to paper towels..then into rapid rooters when they are ready..

:jump: Off subject material, pics or posts totally welcome..say or do whatever you want here..there is no subject really :headbange

BubbleDust pics..oh I may have a few.. :nanana:




Active member
I know you, HENCE, I will be pulling up an e-chair.

Glad to see you doing a thread... buds look inspiring!

Rock on bro! :smoke:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Right on stretchpup..stretch them dawgs out and relax for a bit.. :kos:

This is the slow part..didn't wanna take pics of seeds in a bowl..I got some of the new photo software I've been waiting for, for Vista..
so new pics when something happens.. :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i'm in this time....seen some of ya work before since i beeen wondering around here...
must say....green thumb all the way...tagged this fresh thread....

and i love Big Headed Colas like you...but i like 3 or 4 mains on them...
Nway Nice Pics :yummy:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
packn2puff said:
say or do whatever you want here
^ First mistake in a new thread :nono:

on that note....it's about :cuss: time you got off your lazy :cuss: and started a new thread! :wink:

Nice to see some pics of old up there ^ I've always loved them Medusa shots :yummy:

You know I got a chair for what's bound to be a great thread :yes:
Always looking forward to your beauty buds, great photography, oodles of knowledge (yes...I said oodles) and let's not forget your questionable humour :nanana: :lurk:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yeah I will be sitting next to my bud TML, on this one. I have grown an intense love for the big colas.
good luck on your grow


The Tri Guy
packn2puff said:
This is the slow part..:wave:

lol, nah mate, the slow part is waiting for the thread to download on my connection :beat-dead :biglaugh: Hence the delay in posting :joint: .

Couple of shots I dont remember seeing before, like the ones with the black background, nice shots. I did wonder what the probs were with the cam, as your pics have always been of a fairly acceptable standard lol, I see now its Bill causing you probs rather than your cam. Waiting for tails to sprout and the action to get started.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey packn2puff, never heard of BD before, but I do love the bubble so I'll be watching this grow. From the pics this strain looks damn delicious :)



The Clubhouse!.. I feel like I'm in grade school :jump:

PN2P I happen to love big kola's so I'll be around for the show :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Rehashing Old Weed

Rehashing Old Weed

Daaaannnng..Leave the door open overnight..and look at all the hippies that wandered in..well lets break hash..and burn a fatty..

Core..Right on man..ain't nuthin wrong with wanting your girls to have a little junk in the trunk or (rubbish in the boot; UK)..
bushes are probably a better way to go on a seed-to-harvest plant..especially with medium sized HID's..
but I just like the evergreen structure of a single kola plant..and like seeing what that one kola can do being 100% alpha dog (or is that auxin dog).. :wave:

TML16..Geez you're right, I forgot there's freewheeling Canadians aboot..this place won't last a week..hehe..
Good Ol Medusa..she was the LST clone of Alfa I think..I still have the morph pic I made, when she was a wee gal..good excuse to post it..
..you said oodles..
Will questionable knowledge and oodles of humour do.. :pointlaug

Dr Dog..First mistake on a new thread>..telling anyone one you're hanging with TML..hehe..I couldn't resist..
Grab a brownie before he eats um all..spark that bowl..and welcome to da club.. :wave:

GMTGood God Man!..Don't tell me you're still on dial-up..
I get upset if I can't download faster than 700kb/s on about a 7mb/s connection these days..
the last dial up I had downloaded at about 4kb/s on a 56k modem..
Vista was part of the problem..the other part..the Olympus software that extracts the pics from the camera is old..and will probably not be updated by Olympus..
the flash memory is obsolete and I had a hard time getting my camera to work again last time I ejected it..bottom line; I need a new camera..
By the time your computer loads this page up again..they'll be ready to flower..hehe..
I'm gonna razz you till you get broadband..you'll be clickin faster than a ninja.. :wave:

Black Rain..Welcome aboard BR..Maybe I'll paste the strain description up next post..It's an American Bubblegum x Dutch Angel Dust cross..
but I have made bubble from it too..It has a very unique but not unpleasant flavor..almost Thai like flavor..but brighter..

bakedjon.."What is in a name.." I like the name..sounds like a good street name.."who's that guy", "oh that's baked Jon..he's cool man"
I think that would be a good band name too..rock on jon..thanks for stoppin in :headbange

Moved the seeds to moist paper towels..now just wait for tails and it's off to the rapid rooters..
So while I'm chasing my tails..enjoy some pics..one of my fav BD bud pics..a BD clone..and the LST'ed BD Medusa morph pic..
a funky gif I made..she the one in the kitchen pic above (#8).. :nanana:



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Insomniac..You slipped in under the radar..whilst I was toiling on the keyboard..
I guess that's the gig these days..give the thread title one of those homey structures type of a name "my crib", "so and so's lounge", "what's-his-name's room"..
One guy even has an igloo..hehe.."clubhouse" conveys I'm in-your-face cheesy, but friendly..a good description I think..
Don't want anyone surprised by the amount of cheese that might be served up here..
Hopefully we can get a bud shot in there too, every now and again.. :wave:


Damn I'm glad my internet connection was working at a decent speed when I clicked on this thead :woohoo: awesome pix and budz packn2puff :respect:

70s :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
PN2P said:
First mistake on a new thread>..telling anyone one you're hanging with TML..
:laughing: That hasn't worked for many people in the past either :nono:
Though "Moms" seem to love me :wink:

Loving that puff/give smiley! I'm stealing that for sure :muahaha:

I remember you posted that morphing photo in my old thread...I figured you still had it kickin around the gallery.
Such a great example of a fine LST :yes:

Igloo...Clubhouse... :confused: what's the dif?


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:woohoo:You're back!:woohoo:

I never tire watching you grow out Growdoc's creations - and thanks for posting up a best of the best photo display - sigh - man you have the photographic touch for sure - unlike me, who is just plain touched :biglaugh: I need to visit and get "dusted" :bongsmi:

Glad to see your garden up and at'em again my friend - you know I'll be ploppin my beanbag next to your Kouch of Kief..... :muahaha:


i was gonna nominate your picture for pic of the month, youve got a lot of great ones bro! I've never nominated anyone, maybe someone else on this thread can do it easily and they should. Tell me how and I will, great work bro PEACE!


Active member
hiya P2P!! :wave:
DAy-yaM!!!! Man, you dont :cuss: around do ya?
sweet animation too
-Totally waiting in anticipation..


Active member
Hiya P2P, Checkin' in ,grabbin' a seat.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Another Long Wind Blows & We Got Tails

Another Long Wind Blows & We Got Tails

Are you feeling the love people..I'm feeling the love..I had to take tomorrow off so I could answer this thread.. :woohoo:

70's Pothead..Good to see you here man..we've walked similar paths here over the years..like Chucky's threads..and I'm a 70's pothead from central Cali..Cencal?
Yeah my threads tend to be bandwidth hungry..forgot to mention I always post pics large..I just don't like all that clicking..wanna see um right now..hehe..

TML16..Brutha from anutha mutha..Steal that smiley..I'm sure I did..not sure if I got it here or at the Bay :confused: (I renamed it Passgive though)
That damn morph pic took me a couple hours to make..I shamelessly show it whenever I can..hehe..
I'm sure I'll see you around here..at least your backside, sticking out of the fridge..hehe.. :wave:

MGJ..My uther brutha from anutha mutha..glad you could make it by the new digs..ploppin your beanbag..I hope that's furniture you're talking about..hehe..
Yes BubbleDust again..and I'm gonna say it..I'm getting a little strain bored..GrowDoc & others have mentioned changing that situation..
So I hope to have a completely different line-up after this one..almost have my safe addy ready.. :wave:

caligreen..Welcome to da club..well thanks man..a few of them have been put up in the past..
I think the best I've placed in POTM is second..I may have lost that one to joeshmoe..I'll post that one up now..I think I know which one it was..
There are a couple of ways to move a pic around IC..The easiest way is to open two browser pages..
1 showing the pic you want..and 1 showing the message box where you are going to post..
click "Quote" on the post you are taking from..this will open a message box that looks the same as it did to the person who was typing the post in script form..
except it will have the script
[/quote ..(I didn't close the bracket so you could see what script commands look like)..
Anyway once you have the quoted text box..you can copy and paste any part of that post over to the thread where you are posting..
pics are scripted like this:

http://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/4770AD1kolaA72106.jpg[/img [/url [/COLOR] [B][I]<end brackets left off so this pic doesn't script [/I][/B]
Also in the second line if a -thumb or -med is in the line it will adjust the size seen on the post..click "quote" on this post and you'll see what I mean
Like this (this is GDS AngelDust):


Hope that helps some..once you get the hang of it you can just right click any photo, choose "properties" and highlight and copy the url, then just script it yourself :wave:

VT..Glad you stopped by..glad to see old friends stopping by..well if I don't get buds bulging..I'm sure to get the bull flowing.. :wave:

Anima..Right on..thanks man..I think I started to get artsy about the pics about 2 years ago..
paying more attention to background, lighting, focus, shutter, aperture, etc..
I take most pics these days with very low lighting and slow shutter speeds..
trichs reflect too much and strong light tends to cause a pic to wash..
Wait a minute maybe you ment the buds...doh... :wave:

Bonzo..Another long time friend here at IC..man what a day..right on bonz, grab a seat and rip that bong a new one.. :wave:

Whew..I lose this post and you won't see me arouond for awhile..cause I will have thown the puter off the balcony..that was a lot of typing..

Well I got tails on the Growdoc originals..all 3..but the Alfa's are being more stubborn..no tails yet..
That's about all the news..I'm gonna rapid rooter the GD seeds after this post and take a pic..
Keep Cool :wave:


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