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Crime Minister Bibi Nitanyahoo


looks like Putin took the il 20 downing personally, he's letting his RT documentary film makers lose on Bibi, lmao.

short and to the point, we don't like you anymore so we will tell the world about your shenanigans, hehe.

Netanyahu: Prime or Crime Minister. Israel’s leader at the centre of corruption scandals


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The Ruski's probably don't have any use for Bibi any more - since Israel has already sold all the American military techno secrets to them - and now Russia is pulling ahead in the arms race - and making their own way ahead.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Gaius

No doubt Bibi has PTSD and other disorders .
Victory at Entebbe ring a bell ?

Uganda 1976 .

Bibi and his brother were in the commando force on that mission . Bibbi`s brother died .

Edit . OK its explained in the vid .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Maybe I jumped the gun here - because these things are generally kept secret - and we are not privy to exactly what each side of the military divide has 'up its sleeve' - its like a poker game that each opponent can only see one or two cards of what is facing them - and the others are kept very close to the chest - but things have been escalating that's for sure - particularly with missile technology...

Pulling ahead from who? I'm highly skeptical of that claim, particularly in light of recent events. Any source material you could share to back that up would be appreciated. :tiphat:

Lost in a SOG

RT have been slagging off israel and Zionist imperialists for years.. shame its all a part of a much bigger play by the 1%. They're all lying fuckers..


Active member
Russia, China, India, and Turkey are all examples of countries that are rapidly catching up to the massive US war machine. The one common theme in all of these examples is that their military industry is expected to contribute out of a sense of patriotic duty. In the USA and by extension most of NATO, are expected to develop weapons out of a sense of greed. This has become especially bad in the wake of Game Theory, which was primarily developed at Rand Corporation. Game theory encourages psychopathic pathology as the ideal motivator by positing that people are ultimately only motivated by self interest. It dismisses any sense of communal duty as false(but still useful as a tool of controlling the rank and file), and puts forth the notion of self interest as the ultimate binding power of society. Ironically when tied together with elitism, game theory encourages those in power to convince the rank and file that self interest is bad. So the elite are expected to function on the condition of self interest, but the general masses are expected to serve them selflessly. This takes advantage of the common desire of the average person to be a good citizen and has been used over the course of human history by psychopaths to manipulate otherwise normal people to behave like psychopaths themselves. This has just been codified in a very real way within the American government by the political establishment over the course of the 20th century. It has greatly accelerated in the beginning of the 21st century(especially after 9/11). Those in power in industry and government have discovered that it is far more profitable to produce programs of consumption rather than programs of production.

Perhaps the most distinctive first example of this in practice was the long and absurdly-expensive development of the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The first 16 years of its development were an absurd chain of treadmill-style efforts. Everything from an entire department to develop "Sheep Spec" to falsified survivability demonstrations. There's an incredibly good movie on this that was made for HBO that starred Cary Elwes(Wesley from Princess Bride) and Kelsey Grammer(Fraiser from Cheers and spinoff) that was called "Pentagon Wars". Its hard to find these days but it really shows one of the first serious examples of this in practice. The development of the M2 cost at least 18 billion dollars that we know of, but many analysts believe it cost upward of 22 billion.

These days the most absurd example of this sort of corruption is the F35 JSF program. The program not only seeks a goal that is absolutely absurd(to replace most existing types of fighter planes with one type), but it has also gone into realms of cost overrun that bedwarfs any military development program in human history. Just to put it in perspective, so far the F35 program has cost 400 billion dollars. The manhattan project and the M2 Bradley both cost an estimated 30 billion(in 2018 dollars). The F35 is projected to cost a total of 1.5 TRILLION over its lifetime. So in perspective that is almost half of the entire cost of fighting WW2. That is 50 times the cost of the Manhattan project or the M2 Bradley. That is 30 times the cost of the roughly 50 billion dollar B2 Spirit stealth bomber program. The US supercarrier USS George HW Bush, cost approximately 8 billion in 2018 dollars and that makes it 187.5 times less expensive than the F35. This absolute insanity is why the rest of the world is catching up. Also, China is allowed to steal nearly everything our government develops. Recently there even emerged photos showing that they've already copied our new naval rail gun program and may even now be ahead of us in its development. Israel also essentially steals all our military tech, though they do this with the full knowledge and cooperation of our leaders(who they essentially own via the culture of bribery). They do not, however, share their technology with us in return.

St. Phatty

Active member
Pulling ahead from who? I'm highly skeptical of that claim, particularly in light of recent events. Any source material you could share to back that up would be appreciated. :tiphat:

One of the primary questions that needs to be answered, to answer that question, is -

How much do China & Russia collaborate on sharing the technology they have borrowed from the US ?

China's hardware hack of the Apple-Amazon cloud is one example of the spy industry version of hitting one out of the park.

That's the one we know about. Usually, with spying, it doesn't work that way.

From witnessing the disastrous circle jerk that is the US military industry, I would bet on China & Russia prevailing the next time there is an actual military confrontation with the US. i.e. one where the China or Russia mainland is threatened.

China & Russia are smart enough to let a quibble over Taiwan be used as an opportunity to Hoover up more information about US military capability. I'm suggesting that China might provoke such a quibble - and appear to lose - if they think they can benefit from the process in the long run.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Over the years I have had many friends and acquaintances that served in the US military during the Vietnam War (which the Vietnamese call 'The American War') - and just about all of them told me that one of the reasons - if not the main reason why they lost out to the Vietnamese - was because they had an often ineffectual rifle to fight with, called the M16 - whilst the Vietnamese had the best assault rifle in the world the AK-47 - and that so many US soldiers died in battle because their M16's would often jam when in combat.

How this came to be shows that the US military - is not always on the ball, where weaponry is concerned - and crucial mistakes such as this can happen again.


Active member
From witnessing the disastrous circle jerk that is the US military industry, I would bet on China & Russia prevailing the next time there is an actual military confrontation with the US. i.e. one where the China or Russia mainland is threatened.

Unfortunately, if it comes to serious conflict between any of the aforementioned parties, everyone everywhere dies.


Active member
The first versions of the M16 were given the wrong type of powder in the rounds. It eventually became a very reliable gun. Most killing in wars is not done with rifles though. Rifles mostly pin down forces while bigger weapon systems do the actual killing. Vietnam lost 17 people for every 1 American killed. American lost it politically, but militarily they definitely were not losing in any serious sense. The Tet Offensive was actually a huge military failure for NK forces. In some places nearly every soldier involved was killed.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well, the Vietnamese were invaded by the USA - who came from 8,000 miles away to wage war against them - so maybe they fought just a little harder to try and take their country back - at the same time the USA was socially and politically tearing itself apart - due to the huge sway of public opinion towards ending what many saw as an unrighteous war - and it was - leading to the eventual withdrawal of all US troops - and what most consider to be a complete defeat.

Of course the military/industrial complex made a mint of money from it all - as they always do in wars - since they are so expensive - in so many ways - but not just the financial cost which the US tax payers had to bear - it was an absolute and unmitigated humanitarian disaster - and a now classic example of mans inhumanity to his fellow man/woman and children.

* I'm glad that I live in a major city (London) because if it does go off between the worlds warmongers - I want to be vaporized instantly - and not have to try and live in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.

The first versions of the M16 were given the wrong type of powder in the rounds. It eventually became a very reliable gun. Most killing in wars is not done with rifles though. Rifles mostly pin down forces while bigger weapon systems do the actual killing. Vietnam lost 17 people for every 1 American killed. American lost it politically, but militarily they definitely were not losing in any serious sense. The Tet Offensive was actually a huge military failure for NK forces. In some places nearly every soldier involved was killed.

St. Phatty

Active member
Hello Gaius, are you on Putins payroll? :) You are posting very often the russian Propaganda Station RT. I give nothing on their News, they are not serious, populistic and as I wrote russian propaganda.

In America, the left wing media has accurate criticism about the "right".

And vice versa.

Same applies with national news. RT is good at dishing factual dirt on the US. Not so much on Russia.


Hello Gaius, are you on Putins payroll? :) You are posting very often the russian Propaganda Station RT. I give nothing on their News, they are not serious, populistic and as I wrote russian propaganda.:tiphat:

The english wiki link


Hello there HermantheGerman,

no sir, i am not being paid by the Kremlin to sit on a pot site chatting current events. not sure we are his target audience to be honest.

as i have said before, in this day and age you don't get the truth about everything from any one source. they all have a bias and ideological beliefs, while national sources are in the relative governments pockets when it comes to certain supjects and events.

my method to counteract the propaganda being spewed by ALL sides, is to make sure i get my news from the source of all sides. too many times i see speeches, statements and actions being misrepresented and out right lied about or reported without context.

it goes back to an old wisdom; if you want the truth about the school yard scrap, you have to get the story of what happened from EVERY involved party. you don't just believe the last man standing or the loudest screaming one, on how the fight started.

as for RT, it sounds to me like you never actually checked them out, a logical reasonably unbiased person has to admit they do a lot of great work, from documentaries to war reporting. do they have a pro Russian bias? of course they do, do they try and do a good job questioning more? yes they do. do they ask guests what they plan to talk about in advance like cnn, nbc, fox etc does, no they don't. ask anyone thats ever been invited to speak on RT. they are not as rich as al Jazeera, but all things considered they do a decent job. you just have to realize that they see things from the Russian point of view. just like the BBC has a british deep state bias, fox has a right bias, cnn has a dem bias, al Jazeera has a pro Qatar bias and press tv has a pro Iranian bias and cctv has, you guessed it a chinese bias. all of them and many unmentioned have their place.

relying on wikipeadia to tell you where to get your news isn't wise, imo. people need to make their own judgment at least. did you watch the documentary about Nitenyahoo? if so whats wrong with it? where are the lies and propaganda? or are you just generalizing?


Active member
Not that it would hurt of Vlad would send out a check every now and again, amirite?

Still waiting for this check from Soros people keep telling me I'm due.

St. Phatty

Active member
* I'm glad that I live in a major city (London) because if it does go off between the worlds warmongers - I want to be vaporized instantly - and not have to try and live in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.

I'm not sure London will get that treatment. Sure, it is a nerve center, but Russia & China know, once the nerve centers go, the military commanders have few options left, but to fight to a very ugly death.

A nerve center with few military tools, I think Russia or China would want to be left standing. They need a way to talk the US & possibly themselves off the ledge.

Just as in a bar fight with someone who can hurt you, some attention goes to reining in & otherwise avoiding their best punches.

If the US is stupid enough to provoke Russia or China, it is logical that they would work to eliminate military bases, missile launch sites, submarine bases, and military support centers. San Diego, for example, on the US West Coast. Norfolk Virginia, maybe, on the East Coast. Texas Oil Refineries. Maybe the Colorado River aqueducts that bring water to California. Then, a significant pause. At that point the US economy would be knocked back to early 1900's and I imagine so would the Russian & Chinese economies.

I think there would be some major element of "are you SURE you want to do this ????" and a lot of panicked communicating among world leaders.

Of course it is really hard to predict what war-game scenarios would rise to the top. Partially since Israel practically runs the Pentagon & the US government, and have already demonstrated twice that they can get away with attacking the US.

The US military tripod has more than 3 legs but I will use that word anyway. I think the JSF & F22 legs, and the missile defense legs, will be found highly wanting.

As in any good Sons of Anarchy episode, there will be 2 things that need to be communicated -
* I'm willing to hurt you (the other side) very badly.
* I don't want this to go all the way.

I think that following any nuclear exchange, the US will find themselves more hobbled than they originally planned, forcing them back to the negotiating table.


Gee whizz, all you Political pundits DO go on ...

You're all ok though. I 'd love to rave in person with you all!

("Netanyahu". Phatty do you speak Yiddish? There's a town in jehovah's perfect land called 'Netanya'. jusy wundered if he was from there? cultural interest only.)

When I saw him on tele the other day I thought: that man is sick. he will die soon.

But if he does there will be another one just like him to take his place ... and Ha Ha Brazil is going to move its embassy to Jerusalem. To the world stage! Ha Ha Again. Big deal not.

Grrr. Grumpy now!

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