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Crime Minister Bibi Nitanyahoo

St. Phatty

Active member
("Netanyahu". Phatty do you speak Yiddish? There's a town in jehovah's perfect land called 'Netanya'. jusy wundered if he was from there? cultural interest only.)

I like to k'vetch and my father came from a Jewish family in Sweden, which he escaped by marrying a Gentile woman.

איך ווי צו ק'וועטטש
און מיין פאטער איז געקומען פון א יידישער משפחה
אין שוועדן,
וואָס ער אנטרונען דורך חתונה אַ גענטילע פרוי.

Formatting is fvcked up on the Yiddish part. Where is Bombadil when you need him ?

The Ruski's probably don't have any use for Bibi any more - since Israel has already sold all the American military techno secrets to them - and now Russia is pulling ahead in the arms race - and making their own way ahead.

Russia is smart enough to know that, in the event of any kind of military conflict between the US & Russia-China, what's left are the submarines.

Which means that Israel would then be a major military power. Russia could end up needing Israel.

Also I don't think Israel sold them much. Probably had some informal exchanges and did some gifting.

DAMN !!! Just think if these conflicts were settled, not like that old ad with the 2 guys fighting to the death, but with panels of bong-rippers.

Smoking Cannabis till the last man or woman standing.

Then have a difficult word-spelling competition.

SuperCaliFragilistic, expialidotious (Mary Poppin word) for the Win ?


Active member
Of course the military/industrial complex made a mint of money from it all - as they always do in wars - since they are so expensive - in so many ways - but not just the financial cost which the US tax payers had to bear - it was an absolute and unmitigated humanitarian disaster - and a now classic example of mans inhumanity to his fellow man/woman and children.

"Ladybird" Johnson was a large stakeholder in "Brown and Root"(Today known as "Halliburton") during the Vietnam War. As a result, she and her husband President Johnson made a massive amount of money off the war. The deaths of millions of Vietnamese and tens of thousands of Americans made them rich.


Active member
as for RT, it sounds to me like you never actually checked them out, a logical reasonably unbiased person has to admit they do a lot of great work, from documentaries to war reporting. do they have a pro Russian bias? of course they do, do they try and do a good job questioning more? yes they do. do they ask guests what they plan to talk about in advance like cnn, nbc, fox etc does, no they don't. ask anyone thats ever been invited to speak on RT. they are not as rich as al Jazeera, but all things considered they do a decent job. you just have to realize that they see things from the Russian point of view. just like the BBC has a british deep state bias, fox has a right bias, cnn has a dem bias, al Jazeera has a pro Qatar bias and press tv has a pro Iranian bias and cctv has, you guessed it a chinese bias. all of them and many unmentioned have their place.

The thing about RT is that there are some very good shows on there that don't constantly try to butter up the Russian government, but then there's some that are hard not to call propaganda. I consider Jesse Ventura and Lee Camp to be pretty neutral about Russia; they don't mention Russia very often in their shows and don't push Russian talking points. Other shows, especially Cross Talk with Peter Lavelle are just pure propaganda. That guy is so obviously biased in favor of Russia I have a hard time taking anything he says seriously.

St. Phatty

Active member
The thing about RT is that there are some very good shows on there that don't constantly try to butter up the Russian government, but then there's some that are hard not to call propaganda. I consider Jesse Ventura and Lee Camp to be pretty neutral about Russia; they don't mention Russia very often in their shows and don't push Russian talking points. Other shows, especially Cross Talk with Peter Lavelle are just pure propaganda. That guy is so obviously biased in favor of Russia I have a hard time taking anything he says seriously.

How do you watch RT tv ?

I read it but didn't know there were shows there.

White Beard

Active member
RT have been slagging off israel and Zionist imperialists for years.. shame its all a part of a much bigger play by the 1%. They're all lying fuckers..
Russia Today is junk journalism. I shared the general opinion here of RT until deep into the Fukushima debacle...it became clear to me over time that RT was twisting things in a way that made the USA look bad. Not obviously, of course, but I’d been paying attention, and while the US really doesn’t need help looking bad where nuclear matters are concerned, eventually it stood out.

Which means they were good at it...or at least I caught them at it...I’ve kept a sharp eye on them, and I believe they are much more poisonous that they seem on the surface. I don’t trust them at all - or to put it another way, I trust them *slightly* more than I trust anything I hear on American talk radio.

White Beard

Active member
Well, the Vietnamese were invaded by the USA - who came from 8,000 miles away to wage war against them - so maybe they fought just a little harder to try and take their country back - at the same time the USA was socially and politically tearing itself apart - due to the huge sway of public opinion towards ending what many saw as an unrighteous war - and it was - leading to the eventual withdrawal of all US troops - and what most consider to be a complete defeat.

Of course the military/industrial complex made a mint of money from it all - as they always do in wars - since they are so expensive - in so many ways - but not just the financial cost which the US tax payers had to bear - it was an absolute and unmitigated humanitarian disaster - and a now classic example of mans inhumanity to his fellow man/woman and children.

* I'm glad that I live in a major city (London) because if it does go off between the worlds warmongers - I want to be vaporized instantly - and not have to try and live in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.
If you haven’t read it, Gypsy, may I recommend A Bright and Shining Lie? I believe the authors name is Sheehan. It is a detailed look at the backstory of US involvement in indochina. It’s a gripping and eye-opening read.

Just to hit the high points, after WW2 France could no longer maintain their hold on their colony in Vietnam; they asked the US to come in as a peacekeeping force (and sure I am that there was nudging and winking on all sides, but still...).

Saigon was built and inhabited by the French and their Vietnamese servants and functionaries, and it dominated the southern part of the country and was largely dominated in turn by gangsters and other criminals.

South Vietnam was never a country before we decided to defend it from communism...and Vietnam was not communist until the colonials-at-heart West refused to listen to pleas for restoration of the nation of Vietnam. We wanted US skin in the SEA region’s game, and Vietnam was ideal (‘we’ meaning the people deciding the things on “our” side).


Active member
South Vietnam was never a country before we decided to defend it from communism...and Vietnam was not communist until the colonials-at-heart West refused to listen to pleas for restoration of the nation of Vietnam. We wanted US skin in the SEA region’s game, and Vietnam was ideal (‘we’ meaning the people deciding the things on “our” side).

The incredible and horrific irony of it all is that Ho Chi Min was at the Treaty of Versailles conference trying desperately to get anyone in the West to hear his case for independence. The only party willing to listen to him was newly-communist Russia. Vietnam only went communist in the first place because the Detente Powers refused to even listen to its grievances.

Dog Star

Active member
Russia Today is junk journalism. I shared the general opinion here of RT until deep into the Fukushima debacle...it became clear to me over time that RT was twisting things in a way that made the USA look bad. Not obviously, of course, but I’d been paying attention, and while the US really doesn’t need help looking bad where nuclear matters are concerned, eventually it stood out.

Which means they were good at it...or at least I caught them at it...I’ve kept a sharp eye on them, and I believe they are much more poisonous that they seem on the surface. I don’t trust them at all - or to put it another way, I trust them *slightly* more than I trust anything I hear on American talk radio.

Am wish to know what specificaly bite you if we talk Fukushima
and RT news???

Does you found as offense or guilty that those nuclear reactors are made by US??

Does you know that US is actually "nuke" bombed with radioactive plume and most of bad effects will feel US people in a years that

Does you know that miss Clinton gived green light to not mark
products from radiactive zone,think on japanese food products??

I dont get what pissed you about Fukushima and RT news.. cause
a RT was one of rare mass medium that take some cover on news
about Fuku.... while American media is pretty quiet... like nothing
to sees here..

please explain..

Dog Star

Active member
The thing about RT is that there are some very good shows on there that don't constantly try to butter up the Russian government, but then there's some that are hard not to call propaganda. I consider Jesse Ventura and Lee Camp to be pretty neutral about Russia; they don't mention Russia very often in their shows and don't push Russian talking points. Other shows, especially Cross Talk with Peter Lavelle are just pure propaganda. That guy is so obviously biased in favor of Russia I have a hard time taking anything he says seriously.

Am like what you say Klompen... you sound more true... Russians
are definitly not angels,there is lot of their goverment propaganda,

still i read RT and news from other countries as in this way i get
easier truth than to listen only domestic news..