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ReikoX Grows Again - 210w LED Bag Seed


Knight of the BlackSvn

After a successful first grow, I'm back at it again.

These are unknown bag seed. I call it J -11 as it came from J in 2011. I have no idea the strain, but J asked if he could have the seeds back.

Refer back to my first grow to see how I trained these plants. Basically I used Nug Buckets mainlining technique.

Here are the three plants I'm going to flower. They got fed 8 ml/gal Bio Vega and 8 ml/gal Rhizotonic. I will be transplanting them into 5 gal fabric pots and letting them veg a few weeks under the LEDs.

These are three unsexed THC Bomb plants. I've tried to clone them twice, both times my cloner failed. Once because of a bad air stone and once because of a pinched air line. Have one more time to top them, I hope to get them cloned right this time. I'll flower the clones to determine sex.

These are the Super Lemon Haze bonsai moms from my last grow. The best one will survive the other two will hit the compost pile.

Finally this is another clone of the J -11, the poor thing had a close encounter with a fan and lost both it's growing tips. I'm hanging onto it with the hope that it will make a come-back and am flowering the mom instead.

So here is the cabinet with the two Blackstar Chrome 180w (105w actual). I'm going to try fabric pots this time, they have the same height, but are almost twice the volume of the previous square containers. Also there will be no screen this time. I may have to add tomato cages though.

So here it is all closed and locked. Blends right in with the rest of the workshop. I'll be doing a few minor upgrades and then get those girls under the LEDs for a couple of weeks veg.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Been working on a few minor upgrades. I installed the thermostat probe in the cab, centered the second LED, and tidied up a bit.

I built a shelf for this oscillating fan, but that blue Led is going to be a problem... Should I tape it?

Nah, just drill it out! Bam! No more LED.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Cookie cooling racks will keep the bottom of the fabric pots exposed to air prune.

Filled the pots 2/3 full with soil and watered with:
8 ml/gal Bio Vega
16 ml/gal Rhizotonic
I scored the roots and back filled the root ball.

Here they are in their new home. Larger pots, more light, oscillating fan, and themostat control all upgraded from my first grow.

Set the lights to 18/6 and this show is off!

My themostat controller has a probe in the flower and veg cabs. Both are set to 25*C (77*F). If either one goes above that the extraction fan kicks on full speed, otherwise it will run at whatever speed the speed controller is set to.


Knight of the BlackSvn

The girls got a bit of transplant shock. I had ran out of soil so I had to go get more. I also grabbed some expanded clay pellets to top off the soil.

Finally, they got watered and the foliage was sprayed with water.

Super Lemon Haze moms got expanded clay pellets and watered as well.

The THC Bomb plants got the same treatment as the rest. They then started a drum circle and began dancing.. Or maybe it was that Kanna Krispy I ate.


Knight of the BlackSvn

The girls got a bit of transplant shock. I had ran out of soil so I had to go get more. I also grabbed some expanded clay pellets to top off the soil.

Finally, they got watered and the foliage was sprayed with water.

Super Lemon Haze moms got expanded clay pellets and watered as well.

The THC Bomb plants got the same treatment as the rest. They then started a drum circle and began dancing.. Or maybe it was that Kanna Krispy I ate.
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Knight of the BlackSvn
Fed all plants with 12oz of:
8 ml/gal Bio Vega
8 ml/gal Rhizotonic

THC Bomb plants got trimmed and trained back down. I'm going to let them grow a couple more nodes then top them. I'll try and root the tops and put them under 12/12 lighting to see if they are boys or girls. In my first grow 8 were planted; 2 were runts, 5 were male, and one never showed one way or the other.

Super Lemon Haze moms got fed too. Will probably take some cuts soon, so I'm feeding them.

Left plant took the transplant the hardest. Got super yellow and droopy. New growth is perky and green so she's on the mend.

Middle is the one I accidentally broke one top off, so she only has six.

Right, this is the original plant from seed. She was in flower for a couple of weeks, then put back into veg.

I have no idea what strain this is or how much it's going to stretch. I'm going to veg until they are about half way to the lights. It seems like a hybrid possibly indica dominant.


Knight of the BlackSvn

My stealth cabinet sounded about as loud as a stealth fighter. I found several DIY exhaust mufflers online, so I went and got what I needed:

2' of 6" ducting
2 6" to 4" reducers
2' x 8' 1/4 inch hardware cloth
Queen size poly fill batting.
Foil tape I had on hand.

I measured a little bigger than 4" with the hardware cloth and held it together with zip ties. Then folded the batting in quarters length wise and began wrapping tightly around. This was then snugly fit inside the 6" ducting.

After trimming up the poly fill, you can see the hardware cloth and zip ties. The reducers were taped on to both ends.

It is installed behind the cabinet. I'm very pleased with the difference. When it's full blast, it sounds as quiet as it did running at 70% with the speed controller. When it's at 70%, the little 6" desk fan I have on in the room is louder.


Knight of the BlackSvn
2015.10.04 (cont.)

Next up watering. Here are the THC Bomb plants, they were released from their bondage to encourage a bit of vertical growth.

The other day I tested my tap water pH and it read around 8. I thought it was out of calibration, so went to calibrate it. It read each solution correctly, so I got my trusty drops to measure again. The color matched close to 8.2, which also agreed with 8.1 reading of the pen. Run off measured from 6.8 - 7.4, so I'm not too stressed about it. I may need some pH down soon.

They each got 12 oz of water and placed back in veg.

These girls finally bounced back. They each got 3 quarts of water. The far right got 4 quarts. I'm going out of town for work, so I wanted to water as best I can.


Nice, man! I love stealth cabs. Everytime I see an empty cabinet, I get that look in my eye.

How far are you going to keep the LED's from the canopy? Are you going to train at all? Have you tried making guano tea to feed with? I used to make tea when I grew in organic soil.


Hey can I play?.. I've been thinking about trying led's out.

Very detailed thread mate makes me look lazy cheers! :)

I'll b subbing n watching.. Good luck.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Nice, man! I love stealth cabs. Everytime I see an empty cabinet, I get that look in my eye.

How far are you going to keep the LED's from the canopy? Are you going to train at all? Have you tried making guano tea to feed with? I used to make tea when I grew in organic soil.

Thanks for stopping by, I like how my cab came out so far. I will probably keep the LEDs about where they are, they are about 18" above the soil now. That gives me a 2"x2" footprint. The cab is 2"x3". As far as training, they are done. You can look at my first grow for details, but I attempted NugBucket's mainline technique. I will keep using the Bio Canna nutrients and schedule, they are organic fermented plant matter.


Knight of the BlackSvn

So I was away for three days, everything lived and my house didn't burn down so that's great.

The girls had a nice growth spurt, these look pretty indica dominant, so I'm guessing stretch should be minimal. I cut the lights back to 17/7 today. The one on the right is showing pre-flowers the other two (clones of the right one) not so much. It smells fantasticy in there already.

The smaller pots didn't do as well, they got watered and should perk up. I need to root prune the moms in the back, they are starting to get root bound. I hope to take clones from the THC Bomb plants soon. Hope at least one is female.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Everything just got plain water tonight. The plants in the flower cab look nice and dark green, so I am holding off before adding nutrients.

Topped these THC Bomb plants for the third time (should get 8 tops). They were then tied down again.

The tops were put into my cloner. The last two times I topped them I also put the tops in my cloner. The first time the air stone broke. The second time I pinched the air line and didn't notice. So let's hope the third time is the charm.

Left plant. This one I trained the best. It has eight symmetrical tops.

Middle plant. This one I broke a stem while training so it only has six tops. It's interesting how right side of the plant is leaning toward the right light, the other to the left light.

Right plant. I took a shaded branch from this one and put it in the cloner as well. So this one has seven tops.

They are slowly switching to 12/12. They are on about 15/9 right now. I was hoping to get the canopy about half way to the lights (just barely out of frame at the top of this picture) before flowering.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Still slowly moving to 12/12 they are all showing pistols and rubbing the stem leaves a strong odor.

I couldn't find tomato cages out of season, but my dad made me these. I'll use them to help train them.