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The Original Zamal is a Perennial?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hi Dubi et al,

Apologies if this is not the place to ask - I understand that this question only "relates" to Ace seeds in terms of the plant in question being one of your breeding stock and is not a direct inquiry regarding your products....

I came across a post in the ""Search For Trip Weed" thread, lots of Ace genetics mentioned in there by the way :)

In the posts some of the more learned members state that Zamal is actually a perennial and doesn't come into it's own until it's been flowered a couple of times.... now, this is the first time I ever heard of a plant improving after successive seasons and it's something I was always curious about - I actually thought that perhaps it was a negative thing. Anyway, I had always thought that Cannabis was an annual?

In any case, if it's not too much trouble and you have the info available, could you please tell me more about this?

I currently have a zamalxhash mum (as per my other post) and it's a revegged plant from the first run - it IS better on successive runs and I just thought I had dialed it in better in terms of environment and feed, but now my interest has been sparked... could it just be "better" because it's more mature? Do other plants (equatorial sativas) also have this trait?

Any info greatly appreciated

All the best


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I might reveg a 2nd gen clone after flowering from my revegged mum and then mother that, take cuts and do a side by side, but man that's gonna take me a little time ;)

Baron Greenback

My tiny brain hurts even thinking about that.
Sounds like an interesting experiment though.


Eh, perennial? Don't think so.
At least none of mine were!
But shedding seeds allaround? Maybe?

Or taking one and making it to be motherplant, or taking cuts?
But perennial, can you put a link here?


TC Nursery est 2020
It was also Ed Rosenthal who said in his Book that he believe that Cannabis needs to be revegged 2-3 times before the strain go his "ultimate" power


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Eh, perennial? Don't think so.
At least none of mine were!
But shedding seeds allaround? Maybe?

Or taking one and making it to be motherplant, or taking cuts?
But perennial, can you put a link here?

it's news to me too scai... but this is where I first heard of this...



the problem is that from what I've read the mangue-carotte is best after one or two years ( it's a perennial). not many of us have a tropical environment to reveg naturally the zamal. however we could keep it indoors and take cuts after one-two years but like dubi and I have posted the auto-flower cut is very difficult to keep alive. hermi free males of the auto flower perennial zamal mangue -carotte are also very difficult to get out of seed stock.


Active member
Reunion Island - The Perpetual Weed

May 09 2012
But the most incredible trait of this plant is neither its taste nor the effect. It’s the fact that it keeps growing and flowering for two, sometimes three years in a row. For some very mysterious reason the plants that have been imported hundreds of years ago have developed a unique ability to regenerate vegetative growth once the buds have been removed, and to flower once again when the days shorten again next winter. It is not a uniform and stabilized trait, and some of the plants actually die after the first harvest, like any other annual cannabis plant. Probably other genetics have been sporadically introduced by visitors, polluting the unique characteristic of the perpetual.
This perpetual cannabis landrace allows the growers to chop off all buds, leaving a small skeleton of stem and branches. Few weeks later new growth slowly begins to show and in a matter of days the plant is boosting vegetative growth again, to eventually start flowering again for the next crop.
The most experienced growers tell tales of plants that have been planted in December, harvested the next April, then went back into growth for two months, then flowered again and were harvested a second time in August. And some say they swear to have seen plants harvested even a third time the next April, one and a half year after being planted. I cannot confirm the truth of these claims, but I can testify that it is considered common knowledge on the island.

Interestingly, I once met a musician from Reunion traveling through Africa. He had brought with him some seeds from perpetual plants and tried to grow them in two different locations on the African continent, without being able to replicate the result.

This makes me presume that the perennial trait might be induced by unique environmental factors rather than genetics. There might be a specific soil composition on the island that stimulates this character in the plants. Or, to make a very thin hypothesis, it could be the huge magnetic field generated from the volcanoes, the same one that troubles satellite TV reception and small aircraft instruments.

Whatever the reason, the perpetual weed of Reunion is one of the most incredible landraces known to man, and surely one that deserves to be hunted, retrieved and preserved for future generations to enjoy.

it's fairly common knowledge among zamal growers. the auto flower zamal starts flowering in early veg. and never quits flowering. it's also referred to as a perpetual harvest plant as the natives in la reunion can pick bud off different sites almost all year round.

a lot of the posts on zamal are in French and it is a pain in the butt to google translate constantly, also hard to even pick the posts up in the first place.


Phewww....don't know what to think about that.
And the third time is the best?

Something peculiar with this plant, autoflower, perennial, what else ;)

I have some Mango Zamal x Mauritius coming in the greenhouse.Could try to reveg them in autumn. Since I gather that they both are Zamal, not Zamaldelica though.
Seeds were given to me by a friend and as far they look just fantastic ;)



TC Nursery est 2020
I dont found the original book but in this you can also read about it:

Ed Rosenthal -> The best of Ask ED -> Chapter 7 ( Harvest ) -> Point C. Revegetation & Mothers

Donald Mallard

el duck
I can absolutely verify in the tropics 2 crops off one plant is totally possible , ive done it quite a few times , wasnt that strain dependant ... the second crop flowers faster and fuller particularly for sativas , it did seem better the second run of it off the same plant ...
i wouldnt say they were perennial though , thats still all in a year ...
i doubt the root systems would survive another season on the same plant , not without restriking the plant further down the stalk via aerial layering , or cuttings ....


The thing what I'm wondering is the lenght of the day?
I mean, is common knowledge that you can reveg, but you need to pump up (alter) the daylenght too.And how it is done if plants grow in soil?
Does the daylenght alter so much in Reunion after every six months? Under and over 12 h?
I mean plain soil doesn't explain it all?


Ah ok, haven't really done experiment with that.There is always 10-11 h in flowering room, and over 12 h in growing room.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
this is true (that sativas just want to grow and grow) I had a nl haze cross once that was still throwing new growth after 120 days of flower, N cut at day 50, light dropped to 10/14, supercropped about a 100 times (ok not quite) and she STILL wanted to stretch.... I guess you just can't keep a good girl down :biggrin:

so would the quickest and easiest way for a hobbyist to achieve this would be to get some seeds, grow them, flower them, select a mum to re-veg, take cuttings, flower them and then select a mum from this 2nd gen to reveg as the keeper? ... I wonder at what point this would be a negative/recessive thing? or could you just keep doing it indefinitely?
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I didn't see any auto traits in the 5 pack that I ran and I vegged them a good 6 weeks :)


Active member
A perennial huh. left on it's own, without trimming the flowers back after the plant has fully flowered, could the plant survive? It would seem like fungus and disease would take it's toll on the plant and kill it. I don't know of a cannabis plant that sheds it's mature flowers, or am i mistaken?


Active member
franco at ghs in the article I quoted and linked talks of harvests and then reveg after the plant is harvested enabling a second harvest.

This perpetual cannabis landrace allows the growers to chop off all buds, leaving a small skeleton of stem and branches. Few weeks later new growth slowly begins to show and in a matter of days the plant is boosting vegetative growth again, to eventually start flowering again for the next crop.
The most experienced growers tell tales of plants that have been planted in December, harvested the next April, then went back into growth for two months, then flowered again and were harvested a second time in August. And some say they swear to have seen plants harvested even a third time the next April, one and a half year after being planted. I cannot confirm the truth of these claims, but I can testify that it is considered common knowledge on the island.

Interestingly, I once met a musician from Reunion traveling through Africa. He had brought with him some seeds from perpetual plants and tried to grow them in two different locations on the African continent, without being able to replicate the result.
what I've read on the French forums is that a single plant has different stages of bud development on different parts of the plants. individual bud sites can be harvested perpetually. franco's article talks of harvesting the entire plant and then the entire plant reveg's. different takes on reveg. different takes on the actual method/means the perpetual harvest takes place.

looks like I got myself into some more research and bringing back the links from the French canna forums. i'm pretty sure cannaweed is the French forum I read the stuff on.