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CoCo Gro VS Sunshine Mix 4



I highly recommend this product called SunShine Mix 4. MJ Plants seem to love it. You can use it for anything growing weed related. Seedlings, cloning, right to flowering. No need for heavy fertilizing. CoCo is good to use when Mixed with this stuff. I don't like coco on it's own. Too much fuss to keep the plants green. Take a look at the difference. The 3 same clones in Coco only. The taller plant is in Sunshine Mix 4.

Clones came from the same plant. Add 60% Mix and 40% coco for the best of both worlds. Just a heads up on a kick ass product.


purcellville said:
feet up with a fat bowl. I am very interested in seeing this.
hehe whats up bro :joint:

not going to one of those threads.. these little buggers are going outside this week. just wanted to let people know how good this stuff is. on it's own it's great but mixed with some coco it's even better.

I feed this plant 3 times during flowering. that's it. Got about 2 plus oz of it. The weed taste so clean. :yummy:


Thats the Jack Frost. Awesome strain. Buds like I've never seen before.


So do you add extra perlite? And what do you fert with? Compost with organics at all?

Or is it just 60/40 sunshine/coco & 3 feedings? If so...wow. :respect:


Yeah three feedings for just that one plant. Just too see how it would do... When I say three feeding I mean during flowing. I feed it a few times during veg too. Using Fish Ferts. Nothing else. During flowing I gave it some Bat Guano, Fish, and some Supernatural Bloom Terra.

Im just saying if you can get your hands on the Sunshine Mix 4 stuff do so. :)


I was the opposite. I used to use sunshine mix, but stopped because once in flower, the ph was always an issue (dropping) and it isn't a good medium to reuse. I switched to coir and have never had any ph issues and it is reusable!!! Interesting post!

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