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kov's outdoor 2006


Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Yep, the time's coming for an outdoor adventure. Early spring here, the snow's just managed to melt. I'm starting a bit earlier than last year, that will test my seedling's ability to sustain ground frosts, that may be happening in the couse of a month's time.

For those who don't know me, here I am chilling with a bunch of nice gals:

This is not going to be a guerilla grow, backpacking in the woods, looking for remote places, these days are no more for me. Large private property well hidden from curious looks, fences, some nice dogs around, you know what I mean.:) But it's far away from my living place, so I will be able to inspect it once at a week at most.

As usual, I will go old style and try to keep as organic as possible. The seeds will go directly in soil, they themselves will decide when to start looking at the world around. No fancy germination, clones, starting indoors early and transferring out.

The seeds are not coming from any seedbank, my season is short and the weather is continental. My deadline is end Sept-early Oct, and no cryin' and prayin' is going to change the fact. So I believe that seeds from grower friends located roughly around my lattitude is a safest bet for maturing on time.

So big big thanks to Philosophal Stone, Green Ambasador, Sukalo, Esben and Hot Cargo.
Buds from your seeds are going to make a lot of people happy, seeds from your plants are going to make even more people happy next year. Hopefully I will keep some males, pollenate some ladies, make some crosses. We tend to forget to spread the seed.

I think I'm going to like the diversity. Ten different strains are going to be planted. It's going to be fun documenting each one of them.

In my area there's no good soil to speak of. Only sand, and lots of it. I'm forced to make my "pots" in the ground. I dig up holes ten of them, kneedeep, line them with plastic, and pour mid-grade commercial soil into them, soil is amended with some dolomite lime and processed cow dung.

All that has been accomplished yesterday. I'm still beat, but it was great exercise with fresh air and lots of sun.:)

Supplies, waiting to be mixed and carried over to the holes, 800 liters, my back's still aching after this!

A typical hole, not very wide but deep, holding about 70liters of soil:

Part of the work finished, holes filled, watered, waiting for me to come in a couple of days to put the seeds in them:

So, lets cross our fingers, and I wish all of you sun and dirt lovers a good, sunny, successfull, ripper-free 2006 outdoor season!!!

rgds, kov
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ICMag Donor
I wish you luck, Kov. A couple days ago i read of a technique to use when planting to help keep the seed moist. The article said you can use something like your fist or fingers to slightly pack the soil directly under the seed, so that it has small enough spaces to have capillary movement of water. This lets water come up from lower levels and keep the seed moist. Of course you dont want it packed down too much so roots can grow well.

I'm using the straight into soil method too, but i'm soaking them overnight and will put them out before a good rain and warm weather since my plots aren't too far.

What are some of the strains you're putting out?


Active member
Nice to see you my friend. Good weather is here and planting has began. I cant wait to see some of your ladies this year. I remember the first pic from OG. That was your second, slightly shaded patch right?



Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Hey Clayill, yes that was the shaded spot, apart from it, I will keep on going with the sunny spot (frying pan), and a newly acquired "pine patch" the least sunny of them all. All three not very far from each other, but completely different. It will be great to compare them in the course of the season!

Hello Pipeline, I've been thinking about soaking the seeds overnight, but it's still quite early in the season, frosts are going to be there for sure, so I rather put them in soil straight away, give them some time to figure out when to sprout.

I just looked through my "inventory" and I will be putting out:

from Phil: three Purpurea Tinctensis crosses and a Ducksfoot f1
from GA: Purple Princess of course, plus Durban and Shiva Power Plant
from Sukalo: Lowryder crossed with Guerilla Gold, and Guerilla Gold f1
from Hot: some interesting outdoor mix from US of A
from Esben: Erdbeer x Purple Peace

We'll see how they sprout, hopefully like last year, a 100% germination with seeds straight to soil, but I'm trying to keep humble so I'll take anything that comes.:)

rgds, kov
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nice man! the outdoor forums should be blowing up soon. Ill have to start a growlog for my outdoor adventures this season...cept i cant grow trees like that lol! stickin to my backyard this time.

good luck man. Good to see ya at it yet again.
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:wave: Hey Kov Nice to see another OD thread from you. I'll be watching for sure. What's with the platic in the holes? Does the sand dry out the dirt to fast if they are touching? Have a great season !


Joint Date: Today.
good luck Kov!!

I'll follow your grow dude...hoping you'll do the same with mine...



Well-known member
Hello kov....

nice to see a new grow begining :yummy:

good luck my friend



Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Thanks for the greetings guys, I'm certainly going to be watching your grows here. Lets make a peaceful community contributing to ICmag at least as much as we did on Overgrow.

Guyute, yes the plastic is there so the soil won't dry out because of the sand around and also the surrounding vegetation will not suck out the moisture with their adventurous root systems.:wink:

In the heat of the summer, this barrier will mean a lot. Even with the plastic in place, I will have to hoist hundreds of liters of water to the holes, every damn week.

So, 13-th April is the full moon, can't think of a better day to put the seed in the soil!!!

rgds, kov

Captain Skunk

Active member
welcome to the new season Kov. I see you have seeds from some very respected growers.

Knowing they will finish in your area is one of the most important aspects of growing outdoors.

I love the "old school" method of planting the seed in the dirt, Mother Nature has a way of letting them know exactly when to sprout.

Good luck my friend, I look forward to seeing your progress.

stay safe


Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Thanks Captain & Stoner133, I enjoy lurking at your threads very much, tho I don't post a lot, only things I'd be able to post is oooohs and aaaahs :biglaugh: Your passion and skill won my respect a long time ago! :respect:

hey Green Dream, thx, this time I will be planting 40 seeds, 10 strains. 4 of each strain I have.

Each strain will have its hole (of the ones you see in pics on top of page). So, out of 4 seeds in each hole I reasonably expect to end up with 1-2 females. If all goes well and seeds germinate, my usual outdoor 50/50 fem/male ratio will do the job. A bit scary on second thought because tending to 15-20 females is no easy task, but the fruits of labour are sweet, no?

we'll see....crossing fingers again.

rgds, kov


Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
OK, the first seeds of the 2006 season have been sowed yesterday. It is VERY early for the polish climate, the landscape is still barren of any green, hardly any vegetation to speak of, still very chilly. I have never planted so early before. So it will make a very good experiment in seedlings ability germinate and to sustain harsh conditions.

I took the seeds that I have a surplus of, and without presoaking planted them unusually deep, in a cold soil and watered with very cold water, hehe, horrible treatment, am I a fool? We'll see.

Large part of the sowing has been done, I only left myself with sowing the strains that I have the least number of seeds. Those planted yesterday can be repeated if need arise.

So here's how some of my holes look like, my usual style. Snail killer already scattered, in case the bastards come.

The only vegetation that is showing now is the wonderful krokus flowers everywhere (don't know the english name).

And a strange sunset, just before a full moon night.

rgds, kov


Well-known member
Hello Kov

Best wishes with Your seasson in Poland.

really nice sunset pic




Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
Hey there brother !
Best of luck in the upcoming season :) I hope you get as good results as in previous year.
I grew two strains last year that you got growing now - Guerilla Gold and Guerilla Gold x Lowryder. Here's what can be expected :

Left - GG, Middle - C99, Right - GG x LR

Good luck again


Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Hello AGG, thanks for joining in!

Hey Thor! GOOD to see you! Thanks for the pics, they look really good indeed. Both GG and LR x GG went into the soil already, I hope to see them sprouting.

rgds, kov


Smoke weed and prosper
your post is very inspirational
MORE !!! MORE !!! MORE !!!
Best of luck!!!


Active member
nice to see you of to a good start kov, im on my way to with a bunch of small seedlings inside and jus finishing up my digging :)

also this thread has been Officially Tagged :D