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SB 374 Will prevent Nevadans from growing their own!


Hi, I am a Nevada resident and a Medical Marijuana Patient and just wanted to let everyone know that the new bill SB 374 that will allow for local dispensaries to open around the state will also essentially OUTLAW of growing your own plants!

If any Nevadans are reading this and are already aware, what is your reaction to this??

I am trying to let as many local mmj patients know as possible and ask them to contact their local officials who sponsored/support the bill to ask them to reconsider this latest amendment.

I, as well as few of my friends wrote the letters to the bill Sponsors: Senator Tick Segerblom, Assemblyman Paul Aizley, and Co-Sponsors: Senator Mark Manendo, Assemblyman Joseph Hogan, and Assemblywoman Heidi Swank. Stating that it is unlawful to limit the right to only those who can afford the unreasonalbe prices of dispensaries, while removing the right of affordable "do it yourself" alternative from those for who otherwise will not be able afford the medication.

However, it is clear that more of us need to unite in our efforts and let them know that it is not just or lawful to marginalize those of us that can only afford mmj if we grow our own simply on the basis of our financial status. As many of us will not be able to afford dispensary prices an if we will it will seriously cut in to the finances we can otherwise spend on our families. Also many of use chronic pain patients can't work full time, thus we just don't make sufficient enough money to buy, we must grow!

I have the emails for the elected officials in question and can provide to anyone who is interested in contacting them to make it easier. I was just not sure if it is OK to post them here!


Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Please supply the part of the bill that u claim will outlaw home growing.


Rubbing my glands together
Unless it's been changed in the last 2 weeks it does no such thing. Link please to your findings?


It is amendment 333 -


"6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as otherwise
47 provided in this subsection, after a medical marijuana dispensary opens in the
48 county of residence of a person who holds a registry identification card or his or
49 her designated primary caregiver, if any, such persons are not authorized to
50 cultivate, grow or produce marijuana. The provisions of this subsection do not
51 apply if: Senate Amendment No. 333 to Senate Bill No. 374 Page 18
1 (a) All the medical marijuana dispensaries in the county of residence of the
2 person who holds the registry identification card or his or her designated primary
3 caregiver, if any, close or are unable to supply marijuana for medical use.
4 (b) Because of illness or lack of transportation, the person who holds the
5 registry identification card and his or her designated primary caregiver, if any,
6 are unable reasonably to travel to a medical marijuana dispensary.
7 7. As used in this section, “marijuana” includes, without limitation, edible
8 marijuana products."


Rubbing my glands together
Damn if they didn't. Page 20 of 28 section 6 states that once a dispensary is opened patients can't cultivate. figured that was coming once they made them FOR PROFIT. Damn politicians.


don't let the dispensary open then! or does it mean patients can't but non patients can?


Active member
Lived in NV for 15+ years... reasons keep cropping up as to why I don't miss it.

I don't miss CA more than I don't miss NV and was only there for 3 years... lol

The mountains in all the places I've lived have always been beautiful, now I live in the mountains and it's awesome.

Vote with your dollars people, MOVE from nevada. Just be prepared for tax shock, warehousing and casinos pay a lot more than you realize. :D

Definitely don't vote for this as is, more nevada good ole boy stuff.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Rubbing my glands together
! or does it mean patients can't but non patients can?

That's exactly what it means.
We won't be able to grow, But they can. There will still be the same rules for us but they get certian felonies excluded. Will their growers, trimmers, budtenders, owners and officers be drug tested to make sure they aren't using something that the people they will be selling to have to have state permission after jumping through hoops to use? Bastards and on the take politicians.


The Dude
Easy, they dont have a specific strain u grow as medicine, therefore they cant supply u with meds since they dont carry your certian strain/perscription.

MF Grimm

Keep fighting the good fight guys!

We have a "no grow within 25 miles of a dispensary" rule in AZ that FINALLY just went into effect this last December after our medical laws had already been enacted for 2+ years.

Now that Pandora has been out of the box, and people have invested thousands in growing their own meds, it's going to be really difficult for them to start locking people up for continuing to grow.

It's complete bullshit.

Stay strong, brothers and sisters!


Well-known member
Easy, they dont have a specific strain u grow as medicine, therefore they cant supply u with meds since they dont carry your certian strain/perscription.

Yeah seems simple to get around...

You dont feel safe driving to a dispensary as youve heard patients get robbed or followed ect....

theres a bunch of remedies to this so called law


Rubbing my glands together
Easy, they dont have a specific strain u grow as medicine, therefore they cant supply u with meds since they dont carry your certian strain/perscription.

That's not what is says. They can have mexican brick weed in the jar and that will be determined mmj. Therefore having marijuana available.


Well-known member
" or are unable to supply marijuana for medical use. "

I dont think you can say anything but pure organic flowers, concentrates, and edibles are up to "medical use" standards...Surely mexi brick or even mersh chem wharehouse cant provide true medicine for your body...

Have to grow it yourself to keep up the upmost medical quality

trust me every so called law has exits if you just use the right wording. Law is all about what you say...not how you say it


The Dude
Says marijuana for medical use. Leaves it open for interpretation as to which marijuana can be considered medical to my condition. Thats just the route i would go i ever needed to challenge it.

If both pass then drop ur medical an just grow legally for personal. That would e a funny confli t if both passed.