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Question about bubble hash and how to process it correctly...

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Hello my friends and lovers...

I have a question, I recently picked up a washing machine, thick and clear hose to hook to washing machine, a couple large "220u zipcro pyramid filer bags", 8 bag bubble bag set, 32 gal brute trash can, brute trash can dolly, drying screen, and shamzilla towel...

so i got everything together, and did it up!

I used to hand spin, and boy oh boy is my new way of doing it 1000x easier, and i get a SHITLOAD more then I got by spinnin by hand...

my first run with washing machine i used some LEMON G buds/trim... i dried it all out and it weighs 33grams... thats a lil over an ounce, and i used probably a pound and a half in trim, from 5 spins in 4 hours. I did it a second day for about 4-5 hours... had about 5 runs, with some different trim from various plants, and I yielded about 23 grams dry. This is some monotonous work, and many different things need to be done for a nice and quick haul, but it shall all pay off hopefully...

so everything is dried up now, and now im wondering how I go about getting it all into a ball.

I know i need to add heat, but rubbing it with my hands just is not going to cut it. I was able to take a small couple pieces and rubbbed up some balls and blocks, that was yesterday when they werent completely dry. NOW shits completely dry and its harder to press...

so assuming that I have this many miscellaneous grade pieces, what would you guys recommend to heat it and form it without ruining it?

ive had run in the past where i would just take a certain grade, put on screen, and watch it bubble as i coughed my ass off, but i want to do it right this time, and ball it up, instead of keeping it all on little pieces...

thanks, and hopefully someone on these forums beholds the answer to my question?

I once tried heating up a spoon over the stove then smashing the hash with it, but it seemed like i ended up just cooking the hash.. dont wanna do that again!

I was also thinking about boiling water, and putting the hash in a pan and setting it above the steam and hoping the steam will melt it just a bit and make it more plyable...

whattya thnk?








Lone Wolf

Well-known member
anyone know how to ball it up?? i want it to look like this...


picture is OJD's


picture above by zdb


picture is ICETOKER's


We take it and put it into a small plastic baggy....like the one on cigarets. Then you can do the next process many ways, but the point is warming the hash so it can mix, we just heat it wrapped in wet(not soaking) papertowel and tinfoil around that. That way you don't scorch the product so easy...or you can siply take the filled plastic baggy wrap it up and put it in your shoe....take the dog for a walk.....then the product should be able to stick together and you can start 'massaging' the hash. The more you do it the more trics are beeing exposed to air and they turn dark(I think....) or it's mixed with some bho or shake, then it'll turn dark aswell. About the two colored ones are just a light and dark mixed. The light ones you get by not handlig the hash very long....and of course starting out with white or very light bubble. That's the way Ice and I do it......guess it's almost the same or smilar process with the plastic wrapping......
Hope this helps you out Wolf.........hvae a nice weekend everyone and good karma to you all....:wave:

Lone Wolf

Well-known member

i thnk im gonna have to just try to figure out a way to heat it up... i wonder if i can stick it in the oven on a real low setting then pull it out and start tweaking with it...

we shall see...


Bong Smoking News Hound

i thnk im gonna have to just try to figure out a way to heat it up... i wonder if i can stick it in the oven on a real low setting then pull it out and start tweaking with it...

we shall see...

The balls in the Plastic Wrap. Looks like they used there hands to Roll It around in a oval shape, and creating heat.

The balls on the bottom, you see are from mixing in Hash oil and hash. Making a marble looking shape. i have even heard that from bubble man himself.

Now the bricks. with the embossing. thats obviously some sort of presser. If u are doing a lot of hash. you can find a presser somewhere online im sure. always have it sent to a safe Address.

Because the shoe methode. is very uncomfortable, and is only really ment for small amounts. Like to see ur finish product. maybe u can think of a way to press it. even real low heat will cause THC to start Breaking down.

The stability of cannabis and its preparations on storage
Fairbairn JW, Liebmann JA, Rowan MG
J Pharm Pharmacol 1976 Jan;28(1):1-7

Solutions of pure cannabinoids, nine samples of herbal and two of resin cannabis (one freshly prepared) were stored in varying conditions for up to 2 years. Exposure to light (not direct sunlight) was shown to be the greatest single factos in loss of cannabinoids especially in solutions, which should therefore be protected from light during analytical and phytochemical operations. Previous claims that solutions in ethanol were stable have not been substantiated. The effect of temperature, up to 20 degrees, was insignificant but air oxidation did lead to significant losses. These could be reduced if care was taken to minimize damage to the glands which act as "well filled, well closed containers". Loss of tetrahydrocannabinol after exposure to light does not lead to an increase in cannabinol, but air oxidation in the dark does. It is concluded that carefully prepared herbal or resin cannabis or extracts are reasonably stable for 1 to 2 years if stored in the dark at room temperature.


Sharing Is Caring!
SCF: No oil in those marble balls(last pic)...... just chocolope bubblehash. the light coulored is the 73micron ( more milky trichs) and the darker ones are 45. No heat added....... this was made from fresh trim and was terrbly sticky!!!!! tasted just like sour apple candy

Ludo is spot on!!!! you will be amazed how good your shoe hash will taste and look!!!!!




Sharing Is Caring!
you can always try this one out.....

Now how can i press when i dont have any tools?
Well i use my front door to do the job :)

Open the door. Place the hash mix (in the tightly wrapped plastic, making sure there is room for it to expand when pressed thinly. I do it by just rolling up the plastic pouch around the ball of hash, not closing the ends of, so it looks like a sausage) between the door and the frame, making sure that it´s placed close to one of the hinges, and then you simply close the door!!!!!! Wait a minute for the resin to cool and become hard, and then open the door and collect your new piece of thinly pressed hash!!!!!!!!



Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I use most of my bubble as is, but if I want it in a chunk, I just load it in a die and press it in into a puck in a 12,000 psi hydraulic button press.

I use a one inch pipe die and my first puck had an Oregon quarter dollar for a face and a 1776 bi-centenial drummer boy as the inverse.

I grind up bud and press it into cannabuttons and super cannabuttons using the same equipment.

At high pressure, heat is not required.


  • Cannabutton equipment-1.jpg
    Cannabutton equipment-1.jpg
    48.1 KB · Views: 11


A better title for this thread would be " Question about Bubble Hash and how to cure it correctly "

Have a look thru the link below .. and the link Butte provided as well


This thread is to discuss the ideas presented in Cherniak’s new pamphlet HASHISH - MAKING and CURING

These processes for curing hash are described in Laurence Cherniak's book " Hashish - The Joy of Making and Curing "

An awesome book

Hope this helps everyone

The thread gets more interesting - with pics at the end

Keep it concentrated


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
to press it, make a pouch out of tin foil that is about an inch thick, lined with plastic wrap. then close it up, and wrap it in a few layers of damp news paper. I like to make mine as brick like as possible.

Then fill a mason jar up with hot water.

then take that pouch and place it in a metal pan on the stove. put the stove on low heat.

now use the jar as a roller, and press hard on the pouch of dry hash. turn it over several times while pressing so the warmth gets through so he hash will bind. take the paper off if when it gets dry and add another layer, and repeat if the hash isnt pressed hard enough the first time.

when done let cool, then unwrap carefully, and clean up the edges with a razor blade. you can also carve in a logo for fun.

good luck. dont let it get too hot.

cool hash machine too

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
thanks for the input guys, i have not done anything with it yet! im still letting it dry...

it feels as if it is TOO dry right now... i try to press the pieces by hand but none of them seem to want to mend.

i took some pics, let me see if i can get them up here...

Lone Wolf

Well-known member

these are as close as i can get... i picked up this digi-crappo-microscope on ebay and its supposed to magnify but it doesnt do a well enough job for my liking... ha it was only 25 bucks, so i shouldn't really complain!

anyways, i believe this pic above is 45u ... edit: boy o boy is that a shitty pic! :biglaugh:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if it got to dry to can spray it very lightly with a mister bottle of water and mix it around with a card. then put it in a jar and let the moister distribute evenly through out the hash for a few hours, and then try to press it.

you could try a dough roller on a hard floor, that way you can use all your weight to press.


High Class Grass
I believe the problem might be that you worked the starting material for too long, thus producing that green hash you showed us. Normally pressing bubble should not present a problem if the quality is good enough. I know my hash will stick and press with the warmth of my palm. Dont wanna sound like a jerk, and i might be wrong...after all you normally show us killer stuff;-)

Stay Safe


lover of all things hashlike
careful pressing things before they are fully dry duder.

you dont want a furry middle in your hashblock.

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