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Michigan MMJ Law change could stop patients from growing their own meds


Green is Gold
LANSING, Mich. -- Patients authorized to have marijuana for medical purposes in Michigan would no longer be allowed to grow their own supply under legislation pending in the state Senate.

The Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear testimony Tuesday on bills that would change the voter-approved program that began last year.

The biggest change would provide for licensed marijuana growing facilities rather than letting authorized patients or caregivers grow their own. No more than 10 facilities could be licensed per year.

Marijuana would be distributed through pharmacists.

Critics of the legislation said it's an attempt to make getting marijuana more difficult.

More than 7,000 patients and 3,000 caregivers already are registered under a state program that began in April.


They're trying to keep patients from being able to grow their own meds as well as setting up some kind of state operated and regulated growing system.


Active member
This is just the start of the PUSH-BACK.

We are going to see more of this this year, along with the new propaganda war, just wait!

As you can see this PUSH-BACK is being funded by BIG PHARMA, that's why this bill requires pharmacies only to distribute it.

This is the latest salvo in the new WAR against Growing Cannabis being waged by BIG PHarma.

Are you ready to enlist to fight Big Pharma?

Don't want BIG PHARMA taking over your cannabis supply, and preventing ANYONE but BIG companies from growing it? Then LEGALIZE IT!


ICMag Donor
People in Michigan are not sleeping on this. You have to remember MMJ was an initiative taken and pushed for and approved by the citizens...no one is sitting quietly around while they try to take the law away and cram it into their greedy little pockets....


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
We will not fucking tolerate this shit....you gotta remember, this is Michigan and we are some ruthless motherfuckers here. We spoke, we won, we will defend with our teeth and nails.


This is complete BS & I dont see MI Patients just putting up with it. Screw Big Pharma!
Good Post!


I can't see this happening... There is no basis - There have been ZERO major problems since it's been legalized for medicinal use.

Hell, ya gotta go through hell and high water (plus your wallet) - just to get approved.


Active member
Push the strain factor.

People need to be educated that cannabis is not like alcohol... it's not an "anything will do, really" kinda thing.

No Legislation without Equal Representation! We need cannabis educators involved in the making of legislation..... not politicians that don't know their butt from a wet sack of schwag!

Stay Safe! :tree:


We are going to see more of this this year, along with the new propaganda war, just wait!
'AGREAD'! BP has lined too many pockets for the hipocrits to at least appear like they are not trying to push back.
But they start weighing down ballot initiatives with unsupported legislation, they WILL get a push-back from the electorate.
The "medical" side of legalization has the big problem with BP trying to co-oped it, after all, they control ALL "medicine".
They didnt try to re-legalize beer as medicine, and if they did, we might be buying flavorless 40's from the pharmacy today!



Captain Expando
from a thread posted on the same topic last night...

info from a friend...
help defeat Senate Bills 616,617,618 that will overturn the vote of the people in 2008 on Medical Marijuana by emailing the Michigan Senate and look for Wayne Kuipers and Gretchen Whitmer. Ms Whitmer is one of our biggest supporters in Lansing and is on our side. We want to amend it to allow for dispensaries and removal of marijuana from the drug testing list as a condition of employment.. Wayne Kuipers and Sen. Alan Cropsey are a bunch of gateway drug worshippers who are from the dark ages. The build more prisons crowd....

or/and go to the hearing in lansing


Active member
Wouldn't the federal scheduling have to be changed in order for that to be legal? Seeing as a pharmacy distributes PRESCRIPTION drugs. Wonder if they'd send the DEA in to smash up their buildings and steal all their money and meds too.

Funny how the republicans like to try and corner a new market they fought so hard against. They see the dollar bills and new possibilities to make more by taking it from the little guy. Very typical.




Wouldn't the federal scheduling have to be changed in order for that to be legal? Seeing as a pharmacy distributes PRESCRIPTION drugs. Wonder if they'd send the DEA in to smash up their buildings and steal all their money and meds too.

Funny how the republicans like to try and corner a new market they fought so hard against. They see the dollar bills and new possibilities to make more by taking it from the little guy. Very typical.
This if passed would make MMJ basicly null & void in Michigan. No rite aid would start selling meds when its federaly illegal ta do so ;) Patients would again be without meds.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Michigan will probably be like many other states.
It is put up for vote, and then denied on many different political reasons. It works both ways. Sitting on the fence, but appearing to be where the grass is greener, is one of the toughest things for young politicians to learn.


I know MI has a pretty nice sized NORML crowd. I can't see this going down without a ton of objection, something that the government probably really doesn't want to (nor have the basis to) defend. Either way, we're talking about Michigan, when did governmental truth and follow through in Michigan ever in history? This is the type of government corruption and collision that doesn't make the news.


Are you ready to enlist to fight Big Pharma?

Don't want BIG PHARMA taking over your cannabis supply, and preventing ANYONE but BIG companies from growing it? Then LEGALIZE IT!

I say---"Lets Go GET Eddy right Now":booked:


ICMag Donor
This is insane, what benefit would this bring? Certainly it would not promote the patient obtaining the highest quality cannabis nor the ability to determine the best variety that treats their symptom(s)......

They push back, we push back harder! :canabis:


not to mention our bxtch govenor has fought us from day 1 it takes over 90 days to get your mdch card and the cops dont give a shit about paperwork. michigan is doing everything it can to keep us under there thumb.

and the asshole sen kuipers that propd this disturbing legislation has family in the greenhouse/nursery industry.

they will not pull this off
This if passed would make MMJ basicly null & void in Michigan. No rite aid would start selling meds when its federaly illegal ta do so ;) Patients would again be without meds.

This is completely true. Plus no doctor would prescribe marijuana as it is against federal law. As it is now we only need a recommendation, doctors don't prescribe it.

I'm pretty sure this isn't going anywhere, many groups have spoken out against including the ACLU, and when they come in its pretty much game over.


This is bullshit, talented growers can custom grow their own meds better than any corporate, one size fits all grow op could ever produce. They would be robbing us of the true medicinal qualities of this gift. The medicinal qualities of the terpenes and other substances available only in fresh MJ would be lost. Screw that, if this is the kind of legalization bullshit that is going to be foisted upon us, then leave me out...I do not want nor need to go anywhere to get my meds, nor do I have to pay anybody...I will remain underground, and no one will know the difference.

What happened to the freedom to persue life? I am struggling big time with my health right now due precisely to a lack of access (that will be solved with in the next couple weeks, and will never happen again) I am sick of people taking my very life and productivity, and playing f'n politics with it.


Captain Expando
I will remain underground, and no one will know the difference.

Seems to be the plan CR... I have no problem with that. I don't think the Senate will get the 3/4 majority they need BUT there are some crooked big pharm-lobbyists with enough money in pocket to make a crooked Jr Senator from Michigan rich for the rest of his/her life. Let's tell them we know what is going on in the chambers and hope they do the right thing. ~