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need advice about my recieved chemdog d cut with TMV symptons


Well-known member
calling all of you in the know about TMV in cannabiss plants

i recieved a cuting from the us and it looked like it had TMV

it has grown with good vigor and stinks to high heaven

question is can it spread to other plants(ie my mothers)

what is the damage that can happen

do i want to bin the cut

no pics today il post them tomorow when i go see it
it is light green patches on leaves progressing on new leaves
thanks for the help



Well-known member
if any admin read this can they move it to the strains and hybrids section
sorry got high and put it in the wrong section lol



High Class Grass
When TMV infects a tobacco plant, the virus enters mechanically (For example through a ruptured plant cell wall) and replicates. After its multiplication, it enters the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata. For its smooth entry, TMV produces a 30 kDa movement protein called P30 which tends to enlarge the plasmodesmata. TMV most likely moves from cell-to-cell as a complex of the RNA, P30, and replicase proteins. The first symptom of this virus disease is a light green coloration between the veins of young leaves. This is followed quickly by the development of a “mosaic” or mottled pattern of light and dark green areas in the leaves. These symptoms develop quickly and are more pronounced on younger leaves. Mosaic does not result in plant death, but if infection occurs early in the season, plants are stunted. Lower leaves are subjected to “mosaic burn” especially during periods of hot and dry weather. In these cases, large dead areas develop in the leaves. This constitutes one of the most destructive phases of tobacco mosaic virus infection. Infected leaves may be crinkled, puckered, or elongated.

From Wiki....Seems like it can spread, and im sure i remeber seing talk about it here as well..

Stay Safe


ojd, the 'trait' the d carries spreads.
i don't think its too bad but its definately something...
its almost like too much light on the D will freak her out....


put a cpl tomato plants in your gorw and see if they get infected and bring that in

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
use a diff razor if/when u take cuts off the chem down the road.
just like sharing a needle, the tmv will spread that way.


Take it into a lab or something...
What lab in the US, Cali specifically, will take a known canna sample to test for such a thing??? Even if you just send a sample in 'blind' think you still may have issues. IMO not as simple and easy as you think.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
it will keep it from spreading to the rest of your garden duh!
sometimes i wonder about you chat mods.


People have already brought cannabis samples to universities for testing and tissue culture.

Its not as rare or as difficult as YOU think.
Put up or shut up. Show me some posts, threads, links, etc. that proves this otherwise just hearsay. Only thing I know about is Harborside working with some people that are associated with someone in academia that helped them set up testing for THC/CBD stuff. Think they also are testing for other stuff, like 'contaminants', but just from what I've read. I do know some peeps that have had stuff verified for THC/CBD through Harborside.

There are so many people in california who are incredibly knowledgable on plants in general that it should NOT be that difficult to find a lab, a university, or even an independent virologist who is down with the cause and has the resources to test for viruses and plant disease.

Is anyone even looking into this?

If i was in california you bet your ass I would be finding someone to help out with this as it is clearly becoming a nuisance to the california medical community.

Another member here "supposedly" already brought chemd into a lab and said it indeed had TMV.
More hearsay. You find me someone that is willing to test for this stuff and I'll get em samples. While some think marijuana grows on street corners in Cali it's still 'illegal'. What private lab or university will knowing open themselves up and jeopardize their existence?

I test a lot of products in my daily line of work. At the least forward me a lab report for what you are talking about.




There are loads of mosaic virus...

tobacco mosaic virus is evrywhere...why...because people use tobacco.

it is very hardy and because tar and plant matter can last years...there will be problems.

also any sucking insect will spread any mosaic and or virus.

anytime the layers of plant flesh are exposed somthing can be brought in to the plant.

never heard of a cure..thats all i know about this tmv....excuse me i have to cull all my chem -d's there rusting.


i do remember what jiggy is talking about... It was a respected remember of the 'online community' that was saying that had the chem d cut tested at a university. Its somewhere on ICmag.


Rubbing my glands together
use a diff razor if/when u take cuts off the chem down the road.
just like sharing a needle, the tmv will spread that way.

This would be my advice also.
Look. I kept the CD cut as a bonsai mom in very close contact to many other moms with NO PROBLEMS for over a year. I grew her on the same table with many other strains over the year period also, sharing the same hydro nutes, once again with NO PROBLEMS. If it spreads the way everyone thinks, contact of some sort, the way I handled it would have infected everything I had. Now a year later, NO PROBLEMS.
OJD-She's a wonderful plant that you will enjoy. When breaking the cured buds open it reminds me of a diesel mechanics garage. Enjoy that bitch!!!


i do remember what jiggy is talking about... It was a respected remember of the 'online community' that was saying that had the chem d cut tested at a university. Its somewhere on ICmag.
That's fine bro but would be nice to see a linker. If the D then can easily see how whatever it is that has 'infected' that cut has, and is, spreading. Makes sense that bugs, and also recirc systems, are a culprit. Still...saw Cabby get absolutely wiped out FAST. This is a pretty damn interesting topic if you ask me.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


i do remember what jiggy is talking about... It was a respected remember of the 'online community' that was saying that had the chem d cut tested at a university. Its somewhere on ICmag.

Seems to me it was Dusty ? I could be wrong ... I do smoke a bit ... but if my memory serves me right it was Dusty AKA ...????????????????????


to stir the pot some

i do remember what jiggy is talking about... It was a respected remember of the 'online community' that was saying that had the chem d cut tested at a university. Its somewhere on ICmag.

from this thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=94151&highlight=virus
Originally Posted by G4life said:
Fact: OBS (chemdogs partner) who also breeds with the ChemD clone, sent tissue samples of the ChemD clone to a University for testing and it came back Positive for the Virus!...

the D cut does have TMV.it was tested at a well know UC renowned in agriculture-take a giant guess with UC it is-its obvious.i do know that TMV is passed on in progeny through pollen that is infected with the TMV virus.u can clearly see the TMV leaf trait in darkstar's pics.i still have the D and grow it out with great success.i have found if your plants are healthy than u will not see any symptoms of the virus even though its still there.u might see one leaf set the exibits the traits but when healthy it grows so fast the next leaf set is ok.i have seen this in kksc,scream,DJ's BB,white,a bunch of OG phenos and and a cupl others.that means that all of these cuts have TMV.when i first saw these traits about 5 years ago in KKSC i thought it was a cal/mag problem untill i read "Hemp Pest and Diseases".after i read that i just didn't care about it anymore.basicly keep your plants healthy and bug free and these problems won't effect u.

and then to stir it another way


just thinking about it now I wonder if it was the 'virus' that struck down my big beautiful healthy 7g moms and not the root aphids... my root masses were clean when i went thru them. bummer


Well-known member
thankyou all for the info

ive had it with my other mothers for a while now 2-4 weeks and no spreading on to others
its growing very vigourous and stinking up the place so she will be staying in my room until i recieve a cut as good or beter to replace it

keep the info coming



dusty was one of a couple people who claimed chemd had tmv. ive had chemd for a few years and i havent seen any signs of it (im not sure what im looking for to begin with)

i also had the burkle and that just like the chemd was regarded as the must have cut until access came easy to them and a few dudes were just like fuck they have this problem and that problem


i do remember what jiggy is talking about... It was a respected remember of the 'online community' that was saying that had the chem d cut tested at a university. Its somewhere on ICmag.
So who was it that had a cut of Chem D tested at a university...and which university? I don't remember that one but have missed a lot. Last time I chatted with Dusty was a few years back and maybe, at least at that time, he had access to a lab or someone that could test a sample 'under the table'. Youngblood sure has it going on now...congrats on all the hard work!

But please there is no reason to tell me to shutup.
My impression from what you have been saying is you think it's soooo easy for us in Cali to do certain things regarding canna. Find me someone willing to test a canna sample for TMV in Cali and I'll follow through...then there's the cost. Will this be for free? Can't remember the last time I had anything tested for free...I sure don't have the extra $.

I do not have the connections that some may have but am starting to work with a local co-op and maybe through them can find a compassionate researcher to help.


thanks greyskull for posting that link/info! Figures you would be the one to find that, haha!

Wasnt G4life a handle that ograskal was using? orrr

Ive had a chem D for a while that hasnt showed any signs of tmv, but i never have flowered it to confirm its really chem d... Then i recently got some cuts of chem d thats FOR SURE chem d, and i can already see the looks of tmv on em... Makes me think what i have had as chemd before wasnt chem d.

I made a cross with a larry og that had tmv, and the one plant i grew from it i thought i saw tmv on a leaf, but it never really fully developed and i havent ever since seen any leaves showing it. But i am pretty sure at one time it had a twisted/curled leaf... So i think the trait does pass on in new generations...
A friend of mine has recently been doing that tissue cloning or whatever, and he was saying that it should be able to rid plants of virus.. So i should be able to get him to get tissue samples from everything i have that shows tmv.
Chem D has it
Tahoe og, Larry og, HA og, Valley og, Ghost og.. They all show the 'tmv' trait.
The raskal/fire doesnt
ive seen clones labeled 'fire og' that reallly had tmv
There are quite a few people who grow these clones, and now lots of breeding is being done with them, if this virus is as bad as some are claiming, we will/would definitely be hearing about it