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40*N, USA, Outside, esbe's genes, ARCTICBLAST


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

so instead of whoring it up in other peoples' threads....i thought it was finally time to start my own little thread.

As the title says, i'm about 40N in the USA. The grow season in my area is terribly unseasonable...so that's why we're going to try some of these awesome Danish genetics that everyone's going apeshit about :yoinks:

I have Leb27, EarlyDurban, GuerrillaGold x DanishPassion, and 2 ErdPurTxB3 seedlings! And there's two bagseed clones, too.

I'm going to try and post pics now:

Leb27 Group 1:

Leb27 ("devil's lettuce" pheno)Group 2:

that's the leb27's....next post is Early Durban


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
so i lied, NEXT post will be Early Durban

Guerrilla Gold x Danish Passion

next post is the EarlyDurban, i promise


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Early Durban

and here's the crappy clones from the decent bagseed. i took 5, these are the 3 that made it

and here are the ErdPurTxB3 that just popped less than 24hours ago

Next (final) post will be the group shot and explaination!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Here's my groupshot

I had to take them all out to water (pain in the ass, i know) and to destroy all the fucking stinkbugs that love my plants. If anyone has a way to permanently get rid of these mother of all pests, PLEASE let me know...not only am i going crazy, but my girlfriend is about to go crazy...and i dont want to have to have her committed....:noway:

I'm vegging these beasts out because i started them indoors waaay too early for my area apparently. But i guess its not all bad. Now i can pick (with everyone's help) which ones are keepers. And now i can clone the keepers and veg those clones a bit to have some really healthy awesome plants to transplant outside in a little while :woohoo:

Anyone with experience in these strains, or anyone with an opinion on how to spot keepers at this young age, please say something! I dont want 30 plants, and then around 60 clones, only to find out that 10 are crap and the other 20 are males haha

Thanks, i'll update when there's something to update


great bro, thx a lot for trying my stuff, i will be here to the end for shure!

leb27 and maby some of the others dont like the veg indoor, they often tend to autoflower. i dont know if the auto indoor veg problem will be solved with 24\0 or 20\4 but i hope it wont be a problem for you. leb27, ed and gg x dp are dedicated od stains and i hope you will start some od in begin may to to see the difference.

best wishes and karma bro. and good luck on the bugs, i hope flower soap can kill them.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Hey ebse!

Thanks for the support man! Yeah i have them under shop lights basically, 24/0...we'll see if they auto!

Every time i check on these girls, i get this awful flashback of highschool and the locker room... even at this young age they have a very distinct smell. The leb and the ed have this gym locker sweaty musk smell that almost smells like a hookah bar haha. the GGxDPs smell like plants.

the ed's are definintly the most vigorous growers, but the leb's definitly have the "weirdest" growth...but i like it! there seems to be two distinct phenos of leb27...one that is super super squat and branches out (my fave) and the other one that grows like a typical straight up christmas tree...let me show you examples

"Devito Pheno"

i call it "the devil's lettuce"

here's the other pheno...

"Ahnold Pheno"

now, i could just be stupid, and my plants are trying to show me which ones are girls and which ones are boys, but i like my deluded fantasies of having two distinctly different types of the same strain haha :abduct:

So which ones should i keep? i guess i could wait till i clone and keep all the females, but it'd be awesome if i could weed out some of these and transplant the rest (these little white cups suck!)! input people!

I'm super upset that my Apollo11xErdPurT didnt pop! I only tried to germ 3 though... its probably better, because i'm trying to get RID of some plants, not get more!

Ok, talk!


Can It All Be So Simple!
yeah I wanting to try these gentics around here for a while now :wink:
looks like you beat me to it!
whats your outdoor set up like?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
hey Benny

Yeah i've been watching esbe's awesome outdoor work for a year or so, always been impressed with what he's done in an unforgiving climate.

As for my outdoor setup, i've got quite a few spots to choose from. The next couple of weeks will really narrow it down to about 4 good places. Maybe 5. Then i'm going to clone every girl i keep at least once and plant when the time is right!

That's the plan anyway


Looking great so far bro! Got ya tagged for the show, and once I get time in my schedule here I'll pop up a thread of what I've got going on. Esbens genetics rock! excelletn plant vigor for such young plants so far....peace and shine on.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Whats up WeldFlash!

Hell yeah dude, these strains are super cool! Put your thread up soon so i can copy off of you haha

My two favorites are both Lebs, because they're nuts! One's less than 3 inches tall but she's probably 5 inches across, and the other looks like some weird mutant plant, doesnt even look like weed haha. I cant wait to see how it grows :)

Alright now i wait...it sucks


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
alright so after talking to the man himself, I've picked 8 "ladies" to chop down by tomorrow night. That leaves me with 20! :joint:

I'm going to practice cloning on the "lucky" victims, as I'm super disappointed with my most recent cloning success rate:noway:

I'll post pics of the ones i plan to chop (so some people can say "Noooo, dont! that one looks awesome!":dueling:)

Stay Tuned!


Good luck A-Blast :D My first plant was an early durban, started way too early, pulled over an Elbow ~40 deg N, ~Oct 5ish. LOL, starting early is just wishful thinking, nothing wrong with that! Worst case scenario - Your plants have a month's extra root mass :D

Stop blaming the 'stink bugs'. If I can't blame the dogs, you can't make up imaginary insects that do the farting for you...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
The Brown Stink Bug sleeps through the winter under cover at the sides of fields. With the coming of spring, he begins to feast on the crops of the field. He feeds by sucking the juices out of the stems, leaves, and seeds of many cultivated plants. His work can cause the seeds and fruit to underdevelop or not to form at all. But be careful not to scare him for he lives up to his name, he can let out a nasty smell to defend himself.

dude they DO exist! and they've infested my whole upstairs!




Good luck stinky butt. Just cause they exist don't mean you can blame em!

EDIT - Putting the BLAST! back in arctic blast :D


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
I'm down to 18 as of tonight!

I found 1 confirmed male, who already had balls. He's been under 24/0 floros since the day he was born...so GGxDP can auto, if anyone was wondering!

more updates when i have them :)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

I started to flower the ones i dont want to hold onto :joint:

I have 12 "keepers" in the mother closet, and like a million little topped plants on my deck and in my spare bedroom haha.

here's the "showcase" of my favorite keepers:moon:






^^this is Early Durban, it got too big and burned itself on the light...its doing much better now

i have 4 in 1qt mixing cups, the rest of the keepers are in various large fast food cups from mcdonalds wendy's steak and shake and chik fil a

Enjoy my pictures


ICMag Donor
Very nice!

Gonna be trying some of these myself this year. I'll be following this thread for sure.


looking good bro!
ive tried some of those before for my out door projects in bc canada..
nice stuff for sure.
im trying out e rocket from same source this year, seeds i didnt sprout last time around. and im glad i didnt cause they are some vital little buggers, and deserve full attention..

peace and good luck.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
thanks blynx and stoneshaper!

I "weeded out" many more since the last update, so now there's like 18~ "ladies" on my porch enjoying the unusually warm, nice days. But, there's only 2-3 of those that i'm really excited about!

so that means that there's 8 originals left in the cabinet, and i also sprouted another EarlyDurban, 3 VikingxB3, and a couple more Leb27s...Leb is quickly becoming one of my favorites to grow. The short bushy phenos are so compact, its awesome!

anyway, more to come when it gets nicer outside and I get off my ass to dig some holes!
