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40*N, USA, Outside, esbe's genes, ARCTICBLAST


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
YEEEEAaaaah BOOOOoooyyyeeeeEEE

YEEEEAaaaah BOOOOoooyyyeeeeEEE

OK so what a fuckin day...

I don't know how you dudes do this every year! I just spent 4 hours digging like a million holes all over my super spot. I still have another spot i want to try too, but that's DEFINITELY for another day :1help:

Note to self, wear gloves next time!

Anyway, i have a couple of random pics for you kids. Nothing weed related, just outside shit:abduct:

Alright so I freaked out when i got to my spot today when i saw this ...
this is where i thought my water source would be...as you can see all that was left was this messed up root system

and this is for all you knowledgeable types... i encountered probably 30000 of these, and i feel i might be the sole cause of the extinction of this plant...what the hell is it? My guess is onions:2cents:

and here's a two for one picture! My lovely ghetto shovel (the neighbor's Labrador attacked the handle) and the "scenic" vista known as my guerrilla spot. And for anyone that thinks "dude how could you show your spot to all the RIPPERS man???" ...If a ripper found this spot he deserves the stash, seriously.:noway:

OHHHH THERE'S the water source! I founds a few arrowheads and little water lizards...seriously, underwater lizards...who'd have thunk it?:joint:

But the soil is really really awesome until i get about a foot down, then its all clay...totally lame! And i can already see that i'm going to have a major major problem with deer...i found their thickets and watering spots and whatnot...its going to suck!:1help:

And that's my crappy update!



The Brown Stink Bug sleeps through the winter under cover at the sides of fields. With the coming of spring, he begins to feast on the crops of the field. He feeds by sucking the juices out of the stems, leaves, and seeds of many cultivated plants. His work can cause the seeds and fruit to underdevelop or not to form at all. But be careful not to scare him for he lives up to his name, he can let out a nasty smell to defend himself.

dude they DO exist! and they've infested my whole upstairs!


I hate those bugs slow moving nasty things first time i saw one i freaked

one year they just came out of noware I was told they love pine trees

You got big balls to do that on a powerline


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Hey man,

Stinkbugs=nastiest shit on earth
Powerlines=i'm going to try it out, see how it works! Choppers go out there sometimes i guess, but i'm not doing it directly under the lines, but on both sides of the valley! No rows!

Update on the vegging "girls".... As Esbe predicted, I've got some autoflowers! And pretty much all of my keeper females turned out to be autoflowering males! I'm so pissed! So the dudes went out on the deck with the others until i figure out what i'm gonna do with them. They have beautiful structure...but theyre dudes!

In a week or two i'll start vegging a couple more and if the lebs decide to have another sausage party, so be it! Leb27 f2s?

I'm definitely discouraged, but i will not give up! And i still have a lot more digging to do, so yeah!

Stay tuned for more trials and tribulations


Hey man,

Stinkbugs=nastiest shit on earth
Powerlines=i'm going to try it out, see how it works! Choppers go out there sometimes i guess, but i'm not doing it directly under the lines, but on both sides of the valley! No rows!

Update on the vegging "girls".... As Esbe predicted, I've got some autoflowers! And pretty much all of my keeper females turned out to be autoflowering males! I'm so pissed! So the dudes went out on the deck with the others until i figure out what i'm gonna do with them. They have beautiful structure...but theyre dudes!

In a week or two i'll start vegging a couple more and if the lebs decide to have another sausage party, so be it! Leb27 f2s?

I'm definitely discouraged, but i will not give up! And i still have a lot more digging to do, so yeah!

Stay tuned for more trials and tribulations

better watch for 4 wheelers too look for trails later this spring

Vol Funk

Leb27 at 40*N?

Awesome, I got some leb27 to try out in 39 latitudes. I would recommend you pop some seeds outside. I believe it will just auto-flower in this latitude if you put them out right now. Since you only have 12-13 hours of sunlight in spring. http://www.jgiesen.de/daylight/
(although, you will get 15 hours of sunlight in summer. Leb27 are Denmark's landrace strain. In Denmark, they get 17 hours of sunlight)

I've seen someone harvested leb27 in late August. I think it was in the Spain.

Don't take it from me though.


The Brown Stink Bug sleeps through the winter under cover at the sides of fields. With the coming of spring, he begins to feast on the crops of the field. He feeds by sucking the juices out of the stems, leaves, and seeds of many cultivated plants. His work can cause the seeds and fruit to underdevelop or not to form at all. But be careful not to scare him for he lives up to his name, he can let out a nasty smell to defend himself.

dude they DO exist! and they've infested my whole upstairs!


God I hate them damn things, had em all through the house in Oct/Nov.

GL AB, we at the same latitude, I'll be trying some Danish genetics this year myself.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
started germinating 6 more Leb27s and 5 UKCheese/ErdPurT x B3 last night, we'll see where they're at in a day or two



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
alright, so after the longest 24hours ever, i officially got every girl out of my house (and one male). After my risky night operation, and my gutsy early morning attack, i got 22 decent sized ladies outside.

on a side note, i can't understand how you guys do this every year! When i was walking through a very deserted forest last night, i had this very real feeling of being busted at LEAST once every 5 minutes! And dont even get me started on the earlymorning/daytime operation...i almost shit myself every time i heard a car or dog in the distance

But yeah, so i put 7 ladies at the spot in the pics above, and about 7 more in an undisclosed location, and the other 6-7 nearby. I didnt take pics obviously, because it was dark and i was too busy hyperventilating, i'm sure you guys understand!

I'll try and put a couple of pics that i still have from before i put them out, and whenever i go check them i'll take some more pics!

I still plan on germing a few more seeds before i'm completely finished, but that'll be after tomorrow!



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
this isnt a huge update, but i'd figure i'd put it on here for my own use, since i dont write anything down!

I started germing 5 Early Durbans, 4 GGxDP f3's, and 5 ChemDDxCriticalMass (thanks Benji!) last night, and those will go outside in a week or two.

Around 4/20, my mother came to my house (talk about timing, right?) and i had to put all my vegging girls outside early, and haven't been able to check them until yesterday... every single one of them is flowering.... do you think they're going to re-veg or just finish flowering way early? we're still getting 18hour days here

Anyway, thanks for the help, i'll update more with pictures of my transplants and my "early flower-ers" later when i'm not so busy (I started a new job recently, 50+ hour work weeks are no joke! plus commute...ahh dont get me started)

Have a good one:abduct:


These asian stink bugs seem to like my girls too; any progress in their destruction? From what I can find they are only an issue in "a few neighboring states" and so far have not caused any significant damage to agricultural crops. I cannot find any observable damage to my personal stash but I suspect my apollo 11's growth is stunted by their presence. They apparently use a needle-like appendage to suck moisture from both plants and other insects. Heavier indica varieties seem to be left alone or at least unaffected. They sometimes seem to leave what appear to be sticky brown spots on tops of leaves, like drips of hot molasses, which I would not inhale... The plants you asked about earlier with the purple on them are skunk cabbage and I only see them in swampy areas that are wetter than would be suitable for an outdoor grow, maybe root rot is killing surrounding vegitation? I don't think skunk cabbage actually inhibits growth of other plants, but maybe. I only hope your little ones are as putrid as the bugs and cabbage. Around our localm burgh deer seem to be a bigger issue.


Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
hey bro, thats the problem with starting dedicated outdoors indoor even the ed actually do very fine runed indoor to. i hope and pray they will reveg.

best karma wishes my friend!


Artic blast how about an update. really curious to see your techniques as we are at the same latitude and from what your locatin says, we cant be more then a 100 miles from one another. everything looking good so far. keep an eye on them deer.

best of luck



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
ugh! you caught me, i've been slacking....

i'll upload pics and put them up in like 10 minutes, sound good?



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

To start, let me update on what exactly has happened. I had a bunch of "mothers" that i was going to take clones from and put all over the place. of COURSE it didnt happen that way haha :wallbash:

Surprise visit from my mother forced me to frantically throw all of my plants into the woods behind my house and tear down my setup. Super pissed doesnt even describe the emotion. So while she was here for a week, i was sweating about whether or not my babies were even still alive (this was right before the last death frost). So when she left, i went up and surprisingly, most of my plants were alive, flowering, and mostly female :woohoo:

So, the ones that werent flowering yet, i took out to my spot. After a week or two of backbreaking forest trekking, i had 3 spots. I sucessfully transplanted 4 leb27s, 2 ED's, 2 UK Cheese x (ErdPurT x B3)s, and various decent bagseed. I went back a week later, and one spot was completely gone, my Leb spot had been remodeled into a deer thicket and all but completely eaten. So my last spot was it, with 4 plants tightly packed together on the hillside. It happens.

Anyway, on with the show

when i first planted them


annnnnd from about 2 weeks ago:





And now, for my forced flower magical forest plants:

the lebs (both green and purple)

I've since put them into their own pots

airy buds (its been in the shade) and slightly seeded

same as above, slightly seeded Lebs


This is one of my Guerrilla Gold x Danish Passion F3's. Its a compact lemony nugget

Same plant, from the side so you can see the denseness

exact same plant, if not the same picture...

OKKKK :moon:

What i've learned...
Everything can be going great, then your mother decides to visit. You can have 3-4 beautiful outdoor spots, only to get all of them eaten within a few days. You can flower a plant by hastily throwing them in the woods.

I'm thinking about letting my flowering plants go for another couple of weeks, probably a month. Do you think that i could harvest most of the plants, and then re-veg them and make mothers of them? Obviously not the AF-tendency plants, but the others?? Just wondering, that'd be nice :) Ok, feel free to question me!

i'm sure there's more, but i think that was a decent update!



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
annnnd since i felt bad for not updating in a while, and when i DID update, i gave some dated pics, sooooo...

I just trekked up that hill, during midday, with my neighbors bustling about...never say i didnt do anything for you guys!!

On with the show:

so here's that GGxDP f3 that i showed last post, in her new bucket:

and notice her gigantic Lebanese neighbor:

here's a classic cellphone fuzzy shot for you all:
and another :

here's an aerial view of my "ABORTED" plants:

and here's another bird's eye view:

"one more big group hug" :

Alright, i feel like i've redeemed myself! Comments? Questions? i dont want to hear your concerns, i dont have all day :dueling:



Active member
Those babies look pretty nice so far! :yoinks:
I'm at 39 N' and I get a lot of deer. I use a chili pepper, rotten egg, garlic, and vinegar solution that I make and distribute accordingly. If you start seeing deer tracks, it works very well! Make it outside though, it's brutal!
I don't put plants out till early to mid July, as I veg them till then, because like yours they tend to finish early when put out real early!
Did you use your own soil mix or all natural? I asked Silverback for his, as I'm still working on the perfect o.d. mix, so hopefully he'll get back to me!
Also, I doubt you're plants will reveg but it never hurts to try.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
thanks tru!

Yeah i got some seed starting mix, perlite, and top soil, that's my soil mix. I use my leftover hydro nutes...i know i know...

I'm def gonna have to use your deterrant method, seriously, its getting out of hand...

And yeah i guess it never hurts to try to reveg lol

thanks man


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