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Does Cannabis as medicine really work?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Do you guys prefer smoking or vaping for pain? Do you think theres a big difference? Its been a year since I stopped combusting and I kinda feel like a joint sometimes.
It depends, I prefer canna-pills, my wife prefers a joint. After smoking what I can produce with hydro, vaping is generally a big let down. lol

Green Squall

Well-known member
It depends, I prefer canna-pills, my wife prefers a joint. After smoking what I can produce with hydro, vaping is generally a big let down. lol

You have a link for a canna-pills recipe? I've always been turned off by edibles because I got so wrecked on them a few times, but lately I've been interested in trying a low dose version.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
You have a link for a canna-pills recipe? I've always been turned off by edibles because I got so wrecked on them a few times, but lately I've been interested in trying a low dose version.

  • Food grade bucket, with tight lid
  • Dry Ice
  • Several ziplock bags
  • Hammer
  • Thick gloves
  • Cannabis
  • Everclear or 200 proof organic ethanol
  • Unbleached coffee filters
  • Potato Ricer
  • Coffee Grinder (cheap blade type)

  1. Put the cannabis in the bucket (remove the larger stems)
  2. Put a few ziplock bags around the dirty hammer (the business end)
  3. Break the dry ice into golf ball sized chunks
  4. Put the dry ice in the bucket, evenly across the cannabis (USE THE GLOVES! Silly.)
  5. Let the bucket sit for 6-8 minutes
  6. Shake the bucket gently for 5 minutes
  7. Let the bucket sit for 6-8 minutes (put coffee filters in the potato ricer while you wait)
  8. Repeat 2 more times and then let it sit for 6-8 minutes
  9. Open the bucket, the cannabis should be greatly reduced in volume and powdered trichomes will be on everything
  10. Add enough ethanol to saturate the cannabis, plus about 10% additional liquid
  11. Close the lid and slosh the ethanol around the inside to pick up all the dust (this should take less than 30 seconds!)
  12. Open the bucket and pour the sludge into the coffee filters you put in the potato ricer
  13. When the filters are full, squeeze the ethanol into a container
  14. Repeat until all the sludge has been squeezed of ethanol
  15. Rinse the bucket once more and pour through the potato ricer

You'll want to work with small batches, until you can get the skills down to complete the soak and extraction within 30 seconds to a minute. The longer the soak, the more waxes and chlorophyll (think digestion issues) will come out in the wash. Make it quick.

In the past i've used a rice cooker to boil the ethanol off, which also destroys a lot of terpenes. This works, but I'm going to try some natural decarboxylation by letting some extract dry out for a few months, slowly.

Whatever method you use for decarboxylation, the next step is where the magic is. Choose an oil you digest well, most people do great with a certified pure olive oil. Most olive oils in the USA are tainted with additional non-olive oils. (thanks guys, really appreciate that) The more compatible the oil is with your digestion, the quicker the effects will hit you and the easier it will be to control dosage.

Remember the sludge? Go through and pick out any remaining stems and gather as much fine material as you can. Spread it out and let it dry completely. Throw it in the coffee grinder and powder it to a fine powder.

Mix your decarbed cannabis oil with your easily digestible oil in a 10:1 ratio. 10 parts cannabis oil, 1 part digestible oil.

Mix the powdered cannabis with the decarbed oil. I mean really mix it well. The more evenly mixed it is, the more consistent your dosing will be.

Pack some into a gel cap, about half full of a small capsule. (I use vegan caps, they digest very well for everyone). Wait 2 hours. Too strong? Add more powdered cannabis. Too weak? Use a bigger gel cap. lol Without lab equipment, it's a hit or miss thing until you get to know your own strains.

I like psyche level doses. I keep adding powdered cannabis until I'm unable to feel any effects when I take it. 3 weeks of taking them and the effects are amazing. Pain levels reduced, awesome functionality (I'm autistic lol), memory and focus... just amazing all around. :)

Tolerances are weird though. I once gave a few of my "can't feel it psyche dose" canna pills to a friend. They cut one in half and gave it to someone with a pain problem. Full blown panic attack for 8+ hours. Half of what I can't feel put them way over the edge. Ouch!

You can always take more, no shame in taking itty bitty amounts and working your way up. Remember the 2 full hours thing.


Well-known member
cannabis was once one of the top choices for treatment of peripheral neuropathy from diabetes. did it cure it? no, it is not curable. but the pain/discomfort CAN be treated/dulled to make quality of life higher. LOTS of drugs do not CURE the ailment, but are aimed at quality of life. saying cannabis is not medicine because it may not CURE what ails you shows the lack of facts in the antis arguments. if it makes you feel better, then it is a medicine just as opiate painkillers, aspirin, etc are, only safer for you.:comfort:

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