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The Wreck


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
hoj fardo,
rozdíl mezi A a C,
A rychlejc zakořenuje a roste, taky po přepnutí "povyroste" cca 6X :yoinks: nebo co, C blbě zakořenuje, je pomalé na začátku vegetace, má nechutně tenké stonky (A je "samonosné", C ani omylem) a po přepnutí se vytáhne
jenom 2-3X
A ma palice tvrdé a při troše štestí vysoký výnos (nejvíc cca 25g jedna kytka, pod 250-tkou jich bylo pokaždé 10 :joint:) podle mě voní po hřibech - smažených na slanině - a taky tak chutná :yeahthats
C má takové "sativovité" měkčí/lehčí palice, váhově stejný výnos
vůni a chuť nedokážu popsat nejbíž mi přijde "mentolated dead whale with lemon dip" nebo jak přesně bejvá popisovaná chuť a vůně ATW (nikdy sem velrybu nepojedl, kór na mentolu a s citronem, nicméně myslim že by mohla chutnat a vonět podobně jako Wreck C :2cents:)
Vobě phena zmaštovali fest, C mi přišlo "lehčí" "sativovitejší" B je takovej "jednoprdovej afghan" (nedejte se zmást voboje je spíš na té sativa straně, ale když budete kouřit jenom sativy, dáte mi za pravdu :joint:)


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
I´ve got some samples of the cross of Bubbakush and Wreck. I´ve got a cured sample, so I can´t review the bag appeal. The smell of this strain is really heavy. Real stinker. It reminds me an afghan+ tropical fruit. The taste is very sweet with afghan/hash undertones. If you smoked bubbakush sometimes, you could recognize the classical bubba taste. Very rare and excellent taste + smell. The high is a long lasting creeper. It lasts for about 4 hours and represents both types of cannabis - the indica influence is body-stone effective, the sativa influence is very heady and sometimes slight trippy (reminds me 1 piece of Golden Teacher shrooms).

sepsal o5 UdL a je to o kytce o stránku z5, post #25 und #26


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
Wreck "C"
I've been growing both phenotypes of Wreck for about one year ago. The "C" phenotype has more indica influences than "A". The plants are not so vigorous as expected and the yield is about an average. Now I´ve got a sample to try. I can´t speak about a bag appeal becouse of the cured material. The smell is fantastic, like tropical weed + afghan hash. The taste is definitely Wreck. Both phenos seems to taste similar. The effect seems to be more indica influenced. I´ve been smoking a joint while walking in the wood. After smoking, my way starts to zigzag! :eek:) And after a half an hour I could feel slight laziness and tiredness.

tolik k dané kytce UdL, můžu nesouhlasit, ale to je tak asi všechno, páč je jedinej ochotnej se taky rozepsat krom obvyklého : "no po piči" nebo "byl sem moc":nanana: navíc ingliš :yeahthats

a tadyma teda foto čerstwě usušeného W"C"


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
mno a když už jsme v tom :

Bubbakush BackCross
I got a sample of Bubbakush BackCross to taste to. I was very surprised after opening the paper handmade jar. The smell of Bubba filled the whole room in several seconds. The smell is so intensive that I have to ventile the whole room everytime after opening the bag. BUt it is definitely the best cannabis smell I can imagine. Very rare, very strong, very amazing. I´ve got a cured material again, so no bag appeal. The taste is typical Bubba. Fantastic!!! Without any doubt, my personal taste favourite. The high is very strong and confusing. It seem to be stronger than original Bubba. My mate made this out of Bubba (F) and BubbaWreck (M). So it definitely has to have something from the creepy wreck... My Top1 for about an year. ;o)

a jestli v tom najdete chybu tak proto že jak autor reportů dodává:
"Musíš to překontrolovat, po těch degustacích jsem pěkně na sračky a nechce se mi to po sobě číst... :eek:)"
a jelikož já jsem na tom stejně a nic nekontroluju.......tak aspoň pár mizernejch fotek suchého Bubba Bx


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
a ještě jednou Bubba

Bubbakush 75 days
I´ve got 2 samples of Bubba. One has 60 days, the second one has 75 days. 75 days pheno has the same characteristics like its earlier version. The buds are like a stone, very stinky, meant in the possitive way. The smell is like an parfume. Very intensive, very strong, very addictive! :eek:) It is so strong, that after rolling a joint, it is really necessary to ventile the whole room. It fills it in several seconds. The smoke is very unique, typical Bubba. Very sweet, very strong but doesn´t make want to cough. The effect is very heavy. I think 75 days pheno has more CBD, it switches me to the couchlock effect! :eek:) Very strong, very tasty, the Best One in the last year. ;o))) Winner!!! I´d like to know how potent could be a 45 days sample! ;o)


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
tak ještě neco smokereportů
sepsal UdL

1. Bubba Bx
Bubba at 50 (?) days looks very strange. No huge stone-hard buds. This is an early material. The smell is intensive with typical but this time lighter bubba smell. The taste is very strange with bubba background. The 70 days old plants taste definitely much better. The effect of this early bubba is very heady. It doesn´t have the typical indica body couchlock. In my opinion it´s worth to wait for 70 and more days...

2. BubbaWreck F3 (Wreck pheno, rare pheno)
This cross is very sativa looking. At the first sight it has more of wreck than bubba. The smell is very deep and intensive. The buds are fluffy but very sticky. The taste is really good, wreck dominant. Very rare and delicious taste. The effect is fast and very strong. In my opinion 8/10 in potency.


New member
hello, greeting to Czech :joint:

I've got one question: what's the average yield for 1 Watt in your vertical growbox? Thanks a lot!!