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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics



Just trashed a second grow in a year because of this stupid virus. Never ever getting cuts or seeds from anyone again. Thrips are bastards, I think I'm gonna start raising ladybugs to just always have in the garden. Feed them grapes and leave a wet cotton ball around.

thrips = owned by spinosad


seeker of greater knowledge
Thrips also = vectors ...start by killing the thrips and destroying ALL infected plant matter

Otto Flour

ICMag Donor
virus? deficiency?

this plant also had some curved fingers on lower leaves

Zen Master

people really need to stop thinking that some crazy ass thing is goin on with their plants. the majority of pix I've seen here aren't even virus'.

otto, your petioles (the stems for leafs) are straight PURPLE, unless its genetic (and it usually isn't) that is an indicator of pH and/or feed issues.

I see nothing that indicates a virus, I see a lot more that indicates problematic pH.

if your pH is off enough, your plant cannot even begin to absorb nutrients, regardless of the concentration. Adding more will only worsen the problem until the pH is correct.
that first pic looks like something i had but i was using bad water and flipped it around so far
i guess ill find out for sure when it flowers,also have a leaf that turned a little but not curved
hmmm hope it was bad water also this is just bagseed so its very possible on the shock how to 5 gallons


Active member
People killing plants, and others advocating the killing of plants just because they think they have a virus is why I even entered into this thread. Seems like the internet is a great place for a high level of uninformed hysteria, especially when considering that everyone including the deaf, dumb, and delirious weigh in with their pearls of wisdom and recommendations.
Couple that with that special intelligence that youth provides, and you have a real nice pot of bullshit for everyone to dip their ladle into.

And many may think I too am another internet idiot...which is fine by me. I just hate to see worthy growers, and especially kindhearted well intentioned people, take bullshit recommendations from the less than learned and start killing their stuff and throwing hard work, time, and risk away.

Otto...man don't do anything drastic yet. You sure don't have signs of a viral attack. And don't start swinging the pH around because you have purple stems...that is a common thing and nothing to worry about. Especially in light of the fact that there is a large percentage of plants that do that naturally.
What I would look at is the diet. It is obviously a bit our of whack, which is made apparent by the tips of the fan leaves being Nitrogen burnt. Tells me you have been feeding it a bit heavy. And depending on what stage of growth, and how that particular cultivar reacts to it's diet, there are any amount of anomalies and deformities that can happen when the feed is just out of the line of what that particular plant likes.
One of the most common things seen is deformities and such due to reactions from the feed. Overfeeding is most common and folks often tend to want to throw the big bud juju juice at them in an attempt to grow em as large as they can. Thing is...they often times can't handle it. It may just be one component of the feed that is too much for that plant, but just one thing being in over-abundance or in short supply, and other things tend to happen. Lockouts occur of other nutrients occur as a result.
Little bit heavy feed, and pH being a bit off (probably due to the heavy feed), and you get what you are seeing.

And I aint no pot doctor...but I am certain that the majority, if not all, of the pics in this thread have nothing to do with TMV. Most are due to the feed and conditions not being optimum for that particular strain and that particular phenotype.

How do you know your buddies plants don't have a genetic mutation?
And do you realize that a viral infection will not be passed on to an infected plants progeny? An infected plants children, in other words, will not carry the affliction in their genetic map. Only if a truly infected plant was in contact with the seeds, could the seeds possibly carry the virus. But by the time the seeds are cast, and a seeding arises, there is more than a 99.9% chance that the virus is no longer even existing, and it would have about zero chance of manifesting itself on a new plant even if it did.
You are wishing he read this long ago, I am wishing he reads it now.
lol...and I aint even his buddy.

Otto Flour

ICMag Donor
The strain was groovy grape, which is purple and seems to always have purple petioles. It has been on an all organic diet from day 1. The only nutes i have given it were worm castings and fish emulsion in veg, and now that its in flower its been getting wood ashes and molasses. The soil may have been a little too hot since it had some chicken litter in it.

And do you realize that a viral infection will not be passed on to an infected plants progeny? An infected plants children, in other words, will not carry the affliction in their genetic map.

If this is true then i dont see what all the fuss is about


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
doesnt the scientific data/reports also report the virus is transmittable thru seed?
I could swear it did....


Bluegrasstoker - how would a genetic mutation spread from one strain to 15? It is a virus it is real and obviously you don't know shit about it. I feel bad for the people who actually have a virus and believe you. All the wasted time infecting more and more plants and gardens.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i would say otto is right....
cause ive seen it spread thru clones personally too
and thru others gardens

but ive read a few pieces that detail its transmittance thru seed progeny also (as in, it spread thru both clones & seeds!) is what im trying to say hahaha

i think l2h meant someone else....


Active member
Otto, wood ashes can bring havoc to your pH and could quite possibly be the culprit of a lockout. It is for certain that your soil was a bit hot due to the burnt tips. Organic medium needs to be as balanced as a chemically treated medium. I can't remember where, but I read a paper on wood ashes and the problems that can arise when used in the garden. If I remember correctly wood ashes can physically block pathways which triggers a lockout, which results in nutrient deficiency.

I may not know shit about much...but one think I do know about TMV...(and this is from real world experience having worked tobacco in the 70's)...if your garden gets infected with TMV, then every plant in the vicinity will see the virus. And they will all see an early demise too.
You will NOT be harvesting seeds from TMV infected plants. This I would bet money on. (the same money I would bet on there not being ONE pic of TMV in this thread).

Assuming you did harvest seeds from a TMV infected plant...they do NOT carry the virus inside of them, if you will. They can only carry the virus in a physical way on the outside of the shell casing.
Like not washing your hands after wiping your ass. Do your hands carry the disease that fecal material can possess? I mean, do you think the shit stays with your fingers even after washing them well?
Don't cut your hands and feet off...wash them.
But like I said..you aren't going to even have the opportunity to harvest seeds from a mosaic virus infected plant. And remember that it is not a random thing, and if one plant has it...they will all have it.

Love2herb, are you sure your "experience" isn't in reality that special intelligence youth provides that I spoke of earlier?

Ganja baba

Active member
i have found westlands fungus attack systemic spray kills the virus as well as powdery mildew , its not ideal i know but after 3 months of letting the mothers sit after treatment the plants seem just like they did many years ago ,
i am not sure the plants had a virus but some where elite clones and old strains that slightly changed over the years in regards to their over all vigour and showed signs similar to the pictures in this thread ,

i guess if all your mother plants are healthy but some all ways look slightly wrong its may be a sign of a virus .

Dr. D

Active member
i have found westlands fungus attack systemic spray kills the virus as well as powdery mildew , its not ideal i know but after 3 months of letting the mothers sit after treatment the plants seem just like they did many years ago ,
i am not sure the plants had a virus but some where elite clones and old strains that slightly changed over the years in regards to their over all vigour and showed signs similar to the pictures in this thread ,

i guess if all your mother plants are healthy but some all ways look slightly wrong its may be a sign of a virus .

TMV cannot be killed in the plant and certainly not by a fungus spray, its in every cell of the plant the only part it doesn't infect is pollen.


Bluegrasstoker- why is it that everybody buying the chem dawg d seeds still see the virus? I don't care if you worked with tmv 40 years ago, it does transfer to seed. So everybody growing chem dawg d cut seeds doesnt know how to grow? Everybody is giving wrong ph and using woodash I guess lol.


Active member
If you will read what I provided earlier on, you will see that I contend there are lots of shots showing genetic anomalies and mutations. Mutations can be the result of the bottlenecking that occurs in the world of cannabis inbreeding.

I showed multiple shots of plants that came from a single F13 mother, including her progeny from two separate males. She throws about 50% mutated plants, and the other half are perfectly normal looking plants. Some may have just a touch of the mutation, some don't show any at all.
If you saw just one of the plants I am showing in this thread I bet money you would call it a virus and would be trying to convince your buddy to cull the patch.
Seems to me that if we are talking about a single cut..which means that everyone who has it will have the exact genetic map...if there is any genetic mutation in that clones map it easily answers why so many who have it are seeing it. I would say if you don't see it, you may not have the cut you think you have.

Not everyone is "giving wrong ph and using woodash" but many such as yourself seem to be giving advise without really having a grasp of what we are talking about here.

If you can get over your defensive stance, perhaps you can educate yourself a bit?
Or...educate me...I am fully open to anything of substance you have to offer.

*Folks, for those diagnosing the "half leaf" mutation thing as a virus..try searching for some of DJShorts writings about such an anomaly.


Everybody knows about the crinkle leaf traits of dj shorts thai genetics that he used to make blueberry and other strains. I've grew his gear and never noticed the variegated leafs that tmv plants show. You might be right about some things bluegrass, I am done with this thread, Peace.