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Is the Water You Use the Best It Can Be? Structured Water. Why? And an Easy DIY


Active member
I have repeatedly emailed my cities mayor about fluoride. He just ignores me. I bet many have complained about chlorine as well. Like Michael Jackson's last song "They don't care about us". Actually, it's worse, much worse

Before you ask me (once again) to PROVE it, let's go to one thing we all know for certain:

Cannabis is not a drug, to make it a schedule one drug is a crime against humanity! It heals, and replaces pharmaceuticals, and yet we are denied it through the financial pressure of those who have plenty to lose

no clue where you live, but here in texas we have a wonderful( though antiquated feeling) database of all PWS systems complete with violation histories... sample collection dates, test results etc.


i suggest you look up your particular public water system... i think you will find that your chlorine disinfection residuals are far below what you think they are.

you could also commission your own chlorine residual test from an NLEAP accredited laboratory... the results of which could be forwarded to the state and an out of cycle site inspection could be triggered.

again lol... i LITERALLY design small ground water treatment and waste water treatment systems( among other things) for a living.
im working on an RO system engineering report right now.

running a plant is not hard. and managing chlorine disinfection residuals are trivial.

the state usually forces you to keep regular logs related to chemical usage, equipment replacement etc. any radical increase in chlorine consumption would reflected in these logs.

there is 0 reason to agressivly chlorinate clean water traveling through a cold dark pipe... you only need a tiny amount of chlorine to keep the water clean.

treating effluent from a waste water treatment plant? whole different ball game... the clarified effluent is still turbid and has a low BOD meaning it contains suspended solids and some amount of organic material.
its also full of phosphates and nitrates or ammonia depending on how the plant is operated.

this is "dirty" water. it contains alot of oxidizable shit and food for growing organisms so you need a much higher chlorination dose and contact time to effect disinfection with reasonable reliability.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Back on topic Here's a great YT video that will reveal so much about light and water, and that health starts in the mitochondria


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My SPYDR 600 with my spectrum choices (>90% white) is now for sale. New $1500. If interested PM me with an offer I can't refuse


the roman horns changed according to period as well as region, roman history is pretty vast and complex and their technologies changed as time went by and as they were influenced by the places the conquered. same goes for the use of drums for war... only very recently (compared to the history of the drum) were instruments use for battle communication; before, it was very straight forward use: to inspire valor in your soldiers or fear in the enemy.

btw, there's also a simple experiment you can do at home if you have big enough speakers... you can place a bowl of water in a metal bowl over the speaker's woofer, and play music, accordingly the water will vibrate with specific geometric shapes according to the frequencies of the specific songs you play. you need to get the water level right in the bowl so it won't spill over and also so that the geometric shapes can be more easily seen.

be good

Look for salt and loudspeaker experiments. We duplictaed some in the studios to freak people out.

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