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Diary Chimera strain mélange.


subiendo el humo
Purple Mexican x Highland Mexican

Purple Mexican x Highland Mexican

This is another pollen chuck. Here the mom is a purple mexican/pck and pollen is highland mexican/bb. This plant is at week 4 and she has a sweet chocolate type smell that reminds me of the tootsie roll candy. The similarity is kinda wild. Very stretchy plant that I will have to train if I decide to keep for another run. She is showing some purple in the flower set and has decent resin production for a 4 week old plant.



subiendo el humo
Congo x BH f2

Congo x BH f2

This is one of 5 f2 females I currently have going at the moment. It was closest to the door so I pulled it to show. Some strange offsprings in the f2 progeny with a three leaflet leaf on some of the f2s. I did have a couple power outages during its veg cycle so that may have contributed to its funky development. Smells just like the mom except no berry in the bouquet. Sweet, spicy, floral, a bit woody, but nice. I'm also getting a lemony scent when I brush against her. She didn't branch much but shot two decent sized spears when flipped. This at week 4 same as the previous plant.



subiendo el humo
Another pollen chuck

Another pollen chuck

This is island purp/ss x hm/bb I made last cycle. I popped 4 and 4 came up. One had a strange leaf structure almost like some of the blueberry leaves I have seen in the seedling stage. The top left plant has is but if difficult to make out in the picture. Anyhow, ipss x hmbb with hopes of something intresting:



subiendo el humo
Melon haze x ss

Melon haze x ss

So my order came in and I couldn't wait to try some of the new gear. I put in 3 seeds and three come up. Looking forward to what the line has to offer. I also grabbed a pack of the melon x jack to look through in the future. From the new offerings, I put in some nl#1 as well but they where in the back of the room so I'll show them next time. Below is melon haze x ss:



Genetic Resource Management
Nice work Jahaze, I'm enjoying the show.

Those blockhead hybrids & inbreds have a real tendency towards apical dominance (one main stem). Great for some applications but something to keep in mind if people are trying to fill a canopy. These would definitely need encouragement (topping) to go sideways.

Hope you enjoy the melon, she's definitely not in the Kushy range of most of todays flower, that's for sure.



subiendo el humo


So I went to water the garden this morning and noticed one plant in particular looking droopy and unhealthy. As I pulled it out of the room about 15 leaves feel right off. In the natural light I noticed some yellowing and spotting on the leaves. The plant is at week 5 and while I expect some changes as she devours soil nutrients this looks uncharacteristic for me. Just brushing against the plant It drops leaves. I have a new light with Samsung leds and have read elsewhere It may cause such problems. It looks like mag deficiency but could be something else. I am getting ready to give it a mild dose of Epsom salts and RO water and allowing for runoff. My question is should I try and measure ph runoff with RO water or go ahead and start epsom salt treatment? I'm afraid this plant has suffered and will not finish properly



subiendo el humo
So closer inspection leads me to believe it may be lock out perhaps. Some leaves look like potassium def with leaf tips curled up. I already gave the plant Epsom salt drench at about 500ppm (1teaspoon in gal). It could have been my last compost tea feeding last week. The medium has my usually mix with added calcium from crushed shells so I seldom have this issue ut sometimes these things happen. Its also the only plant showing this level of deficiency and is directly underneath the new led


Well-known member
Did she move from another spectrum to the new light? My plants turned over an awful lot of leaves going from blurple to QB....

Runoff ph is definitely worth checking, though. =)


subiendo el humo
Did she move from another spectrum to the new light? My plants turned over an awful lot of leaves going from blurple to QB....

Runoff ph is definitely worth checking, though. =)

Hey Zif, yes she started life under blurple and moved to qb about 3.5 weeks ago. My ph meter needs calibration so just ordered the buffering solution which won't be here for a couple days.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Hey Jahaze,

If it’s directly under the QB then it will be receiving extremely intense light. Others have experienced this same type of problem. Shmavis for instance has noted that whenever he starts with one light and then moves to QBs there’s a similar reaction to what’s happening with your plant. I would hazard a guess that if you started and finished under the same light you possibly would prepare the plants better.

Blurples are much weaker compared to QBs.

Personally I would make sure your PH is good first but would definitely go ahead with a foliar of epsom. You might need repeat applications daily or every other day.

My LED adventures have led me to using much higher doses of Mg in the feed. It seems to be one of the only ways to get good results under modern LED.

Maybe though you’ve already had successful grows under your new QB? If that’s the case maybe your pH is off?


Well-known member

Also, if it’s just the transition, it seems to hit fan leaves much more than anything else. Maybe better for the plant to grow new tissue instead of revamping the old?

I just finished out a plant that went through exactly this after a change of spectrum two weeks in. She dropped a fair amount of the pre-QB leaf, but ended up finishing strong.

Hope she perks up for you!


subiendo el humo
Hey Jahaze,

If it’s directly under the QB then it will be receiving extremely intense light. Others have experienced this same type of problem. Shmavis for instance has noted that whenever he starts with one light and then moves to QBs there’s a similar reaction to what’s happening with your plant. I would hazard a guess that if you started and finished under the same light you possibly would prepare the plants better.

Blurples are much weaker compared to QBs.

Personally I would make sure your PH is good first but would definitely go ahead with a foliar of epsom. You might need repeat applications daily or every other day.

My LED adventures have led me to using much higher doses of Mg in the feed. It seems to be one of the only ways to get good results under modern LED.

Maybe though you’ve already had successful grows under your new QB? If that’s the case maybe your pH is off?

no this my first grow with the new lights. I should have waited but like a little kid I had to try it out. I typically don't have ph problems unless my temps really swing or I change soil. I recycle my soil and use a fair amount of composted soil to amend so things typically stay stable throughout. I had a feeling the plant was too close to the lights. I just started two new plants under the new lights so I hope they turn out better. ill check my ph regardless since its just good practice but am waiting for some buffering solution to calibrate.


subiendo el humo
zif and kal, thanks for the replies...I really appreciate your input and feel better about moving forward with the new system. ill probably get another qb to keep things even in the flower room. ill be checking my runoff once my ph meter is set and will report my findings. I did give the plants a dose of epsom just to get ahead of the problem. I hope I didn't make matters worse driving blind without checking the runoff first so fingers crossed.


Bat Macumba
I'd be interested to see the pH as well as the EC. As Kal said, others have been reporting similarly in other sub-forums, and I've had a touch of it lately when I switched to a new LED I cobbled together. I don't have a pH meter but I do have an EC truncheon. Upping my EC to 1.8-2.0 solved a lot for me.


subiendo el humo
pH results

pH results

So as mentioned above, I have some problems with a plant I have flowering directly under a new LED QB SF-1000. I have read that perhaps some plants may exhibit a magnesium deficiency when using these lights so I set out to confirm if this is the case in my plant. After calibrating my pH meter with 7.0 buffering solution (Atlas Scientific pH 7.00 Calibration Solution), I set out to test not only the run off but also the mater going into the medium. I’m using a HM Digital PH80 ph meter and a HM Digital TDS-EZ tester. My tap water measures on average 185-225ppm TDS including the chlorine added by the water authority. Years ago, we installed a RO water system for drinking and cooking water and this is what I typically use to water my plants but sometimes I collect rainwater and use that as well. I can say that this plant has never had rain water or tap water only RO water. My RO measures consistently 5ppm TDS. What I had never realized is that demineralized water from the RO or even distilled water is slightly acidic after pouring as the water reacts with CO2 in the air and the forming bonds lowers the ph. So my Tap water pH is 6.8 and my RO was is 5.5. While the RO water it seems like it should cause problems I must say I have not noticed problems like I have using straight tap and plants locking out. But since this is a test of runoff for the plant showing less than ideal health, I decided to buffer the RO and bring it as close to 7.0 pH as possible. I used a gallon of RO water and to it I added ½ teaspoon of epsom salt and the pH came up to 6.1 after 15 minutes. To reach 7.0 I added a drop at a time of pH-up solution and after about 45 minutes of fiddling around I hit 7.0 for 20 minutes without fluctuating. The TDS of the water at this point was 213ppm with the Epsom and alkaline drops. After pouring the first 1/3 gallon water I collected the initial runoff and measured a pH of 5.9. Once the gallon was completely emptied into the plant container I measured a pH of 6.2. I must point out that before this test I had poured half gallon of water with Epsom salt about 3 days earlier at 500ppm because it was dropping leaves like crazy and just didn’t look right. I wish I would have been able to measure the runoff pH then as it would have been a better indicator of where the plant was when she was looking ill. The point of me noting this is that it’s possible the pH has come up since then and what I am seeing now is perhaps the correction that the first salt water bath I gave the plant. At any rate a pH of 6.2 doesn’t seem too far off and may be on the lower side of normal so perhaps the light are to blame for the perceived magnesium deficiency. I will measure again in the next watering in a few day and will repeat what I did to bring my RO water to 7.0 and see if anything changes. I may just start adding ½-1 full teaspoon/gal of epsom in RO water once a week during flower as a preventative and see how that goes…adjusting more or less if needed. In the mean time I just put in a pair of plants into flower also under the new light to see if they suffer from mag def. One plant (XL) in particular I know very well as I’ve had it for several years now and have gotten really good at knowing her needs so we shall see.

sick plant = pm/pck x hm/bb - she lost all of her lower leaves in last week.

this is the pair just going in under the new light, the first is haze/ss x congo/bh. I will see how this one reacts to the lights.

Finally, this is a plant I am familiar with medina x SS = XL.

i really hope I can adjust rapidly to the new lights if that is in fact what is caused the deficiency.

to summarize:

1. Final runoff pH was measured at 6.2 with pH buffered water to 7.0 with added epsom salt at a 213 ppm TDS.
2. 1/2-1 tsp/gal of RO water (not buffered) once a week and adjust as needed.


Well-known member
That doesn’t seem too bad... which of course leaves you without a definite solution!

I just had an unhappy veg plant with runoff pegged to the low end of my pH paper’s scale (so 4.5 or less). Very bad, but also crystal clear diagnosis.

I’d be curious what she did with a little more root space. The QB might drive them just enough harder to throw off the pot size equation you’re used to.

Flowers still look very inviting! =)


subiendo el humo
I’d be curious what she did with a little more root space. The QB might drive them just enough harder to throw off the pot size equation you’re used to.

Thank you zif. You know that thought did cross my mind. Looking back at my calendar where i keep my notes she was in the same container longer than the other plants. I was toying with the idea of bigger container or a richer medium but that can easily go south on my if i add too much nutrient. So for the two plants above my current plan is to top dress after the stretch is done and see what happens. I have bigger containers I use when my plant count is lower but my greedy self can't help cramming the flower room. The plants are in a 3.7l/1gal container. Actually since I have a week or so before i need to address the top dressing, i would love some suggestion for an organic dressing while I research my options. FWIW, I typically make a compost aerated tea and give my plants 2 feedings and that usually carries most plants till the end but I would enjoy anyone's input in my quest to produce the best I can with my environmental limitations.


Well-known member
This was my second post at a Cannabis forum ever, I didnt know who against who, why and for how much
I have a question for Chimera:
I think what is happening with old stock I am interested is this: The old seeds store in fridges are fresh when you get them out of the fridge. How long would this freshness last? In my case, the post takes at least a month to reach me with the seeds. During all this time the seeds were out of any fridge. I believe during 10 days-two weeks they should still remain fresh, but after that period I have my doubts.

For instance, buds in vacuum in the fridge remain fresh for at least a couple of years. But when you get them out of the fridge, they start loosing freshness and potency after 10 days.

I am not sure, but I think like any other old bud or other edibles kept in fridge, old seeds will degrade fast when out of the fridge. So for someone living in UK or Europe I dont think this should be a problem because post arrives in a couple of days.

But for people like me who live very far away from the seedbank and have to wait 20-40 days for the seeds to arrive, when they do arrive they are not fresh anymore and I think this is the root of the problem

This was Chimera answer. It feels like going to a football forum for the first time asking how to make a goal and Batistuta is answering you
I think your assumption that seeds degrade or lose their freshness like food products or flowers is off base.

Seeds are designed by nature & evolution to last through difficult environmental conditions.

We use temperature & humidity control to optimize the seeds storage up until they leave, but that doesn’t mean they are no longer “fresh” 2 weeks later.

I believe the extra care we put into seed storage helps in their later years (20+), but I don’t think it has much effect on the order of months or weeks.

Don’t take my word for it, make some seeds and experiment. You’ll see seeds left out at room temp or in flowers in jars still germinate readily after a couple of years.

Master Chimera, I am sprouting a pack of Fighting Buddha coming from an old distributor of your stuff in Spain
Out of the old stock I am trying to germinate now, two strains stand out on germination and one of them is yours and the other is from Seedsman Skunkman Range Wonder Woman. If anybody know the exact pedigree of Wonder Woman it will be very appreciated
From your pack, 7 out of 9 seeds showed superhealthy roots in 24 hours. One sprouted after 6 days to my surprise because it was the first time I see a seed wake up after 6 days using paper towel method. One seed didnt sprout and I have the last one with 5 days, hopefully will show roots too
If your stuff would be accesible with more friendly paying methods, money would last in my pocket like it lasts to a kid in a candystore, so honestly thank you for preserving my economy, I shouldnt be buying seeds in such difficult times

What is the source of the Burmese in the Fighting Buddha? I used to make many visa runs to Myanmar
This is one of the seedling 4 days old. This is the first time I see this happening. I dont know if this is the famous beginner's luck or if this is just the beginning of the beginner's nightmare. Are there reports of this X-Man seedling happening in this cross? How often it happens?


Well-known member
I thought that since I don't really do my own threads I would pop in on this stellar one dedicated to Chimera's work and report.

I popped 5 Congo Blockhead, 4 of which were males and 1 female. It's a beautiful plant with slightly foxtail buds that smell like a candy cane.
The effect is a wonderful head high that is expansive, happy with very little cloudiness or hard come down. There was barely any stretch on this plant. In fact too little for my taste, but honestly perfect for most people's short indoor space.

I also popped 2 Lemoncello x (HMxBB "f1") that I am pretty excited to experience.

Thanks for letting me join in the Chimeric fun. :bandit:

Oh yeah, I also have one confirmed female from a Simply Irresistible x (gorilla glue x (? Probably yummy)) going too. It smells flat out SKUNK at this stage, which is just having shown sex).
Last edited:


subiendo el humo
I thought that since I don't really do my own threads I would pop in on this stellar one dedicated to Chimera's work and report.

I popped 5 Congo Blockhead, 4 of which were males and 1 female. It's a beautiful plant with slightly foxtail buds that smell like a candy cane.
The effect is a wonderful head high that is expansive, happy with very little cloudiness or hard come down. There was barely any stretch on this plant. In fact too little for my taste, but honestly perfect for most people's short indoor space.

I also popped 2 Lemoncello x (HMxBB "f1") that I am pretty excited to experience.

Thanks for letting me join in the Chimeric fun. :bandit:

Oh yeah, I also have one confirmed female from a Simply Irresistible x (Original Glue x (? Probably yummy)) going too. It smells flat out SKUNK at this stage, which is just having shown sex).

welcome pinkus. the congo x bh were much bigger plants than the congo x jacks from the ones i grew out. I very much preferred the high with the jack but I also had more females than with the BH so its important to note selection was probably the factor...given enough of any line there will be standouts. The cross with the BH seemed like it was stronger in effect but that was just the different terps most likely. Te Jacks were fruitier over all and the spicy fuely berry thing with the BH. I made some congo x bh f2's and while most of the plants grew with apical dominant branches, they were chunky as hell even in a one gallon container. The F2 generation (5 total females so far) have been more of a candy sweet limonene with a cedar like scent and earthy flavor from test nugs. Anyhow, feel free to post your work here anytime.

Congo x BH f2 plant. Of the 5 females, 3 look exactly like this plant and 1 has a wider leaf and branched structure with a subdued smell and the other is a mix of the two. All except the wider gal have a very sweet lemony spiced smell with an herbal type smell. The wider gal has a more prominent cedar like smell with some hash notes. I will be smoking these soon so I'll post my impressions of the f2's when I have smoked them all.