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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
alot of information here, but I think it could be an interesting subject for a thread.
Heres some background information on "U.F.O.'s"...

A UFO or unidentified flying object in the original, literal sense is any airborne object or optical phenomenon, detected visually or by radar, whose nature is not readily known.

Perhaps the best scientifically accepted definition of :
"A UFO is the reported perception of an object or light seen in the sky or upon the land the appearance, trajectory, and general dynamic and luminescent behaviour of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients but remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common sense identification, if one is possible."

Typical reported characteristics of UFOs

* Saucer, toy-top, or disk-shaped "craft" without visible or audible propulsion. (day and night)

* Rapidly-moving lights or lights with apparent ability to rapidly change direction — the earliest mention of their motion was given as "saucers skipping on water."
Disc-shaped craft are sometimes reported to move in an irregular or "wobbly"manner at low speeds.

* Large triangular "craft" or triangular light pattern

* Cigar-shaped "craft" with lighted windows (Meteor fireballs are sometimes reported this way).

Popular ideas for explaining UFOs

Depending on who is doing the evaluation, between about 3% and 30% of all cases remain unexplained.
The remaining residue of unexplained UFO sightings constitute a debate on their ultimate origin.
Some of the more popular hypotheses for explaining UFOs are:

* The Extraterrestrial Visitation Hypothesis

* The Paranormal/Occult Hypothesis

* The Interdimensional Hypothesis

* The Psychological-Social Hypothesis

* The Natural Explanation Hypothesis, e.g. ball lightning

* The Earthlights/Tectonic Stress Hypothesis
No Link

* The Man-made Craft Hypothesis (see Military flying saucers)
* More than one explanation--various combinations of the above

List of major UFO sightings

The number of different shapes, sizes, and configurations of claimed UFOs has been large, with descriptions of chevrons, equilateral triangles, spheres, domes, diamonds, shapeless black masses, eggs, and cylinders.
Skeptics argue this diversity of shapes, size and configurations points to a socio-psychological explanation.
Other researchers argue that the large diversity of UFO shapes points to a possible paraphysical origin.
Still others argue that there is a large diversity in the shapes and sizes of human flying craft, reflecting different origins, propulsion systems, and purposes, so such diversity in UFOs is not necessarily unexpected or inexplicable.

Another argument is that the true underlying shape may, in some cases, be concealed or distorted by the ionization of air around the objects, believed by some researcher advocates, such as NASA engineers Paul Hill and James McCampbell, to be a characteristic of the propulsion system.
Air ionization could also partly explain the diversity of colors reported, as different air molecules are excited at different energy levels, as well as the electric, neon-like glow around the objects often reported, similar to what happens with polar auroras.
Another view is that the shape may be concealed or distorted by space-time distortions arising from an anti-gravity propulsion system. However, some feel that such speculation is overly premature because the very actuality of UFOs as alien craft is itself problematic.

Evidence and explanations

Some feel that UFO study is still a worthwhile topic because of open questions, especially due to occasional reports of UFOs from professional or military astronomers or pilots - individuals whose careers, and often their very lives, rely on their ability to recognize and assess aircraft, weather conditions, distances, and other factors vital to flight.
Some Ufologists argue such cases are more difficult to dismiss as misidentification of mundane objects. Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell are two NASA astronauts who have expressed an interest in UFOs, and both have decried what they consider the biased attitudes of some professionals; Cooper claims to have seen UFOs in the early 1950s.

It is also noted that UFO evidence goes beyond just eyewitness accounts.
There is sometimes corroborating evidence such as simultaneous radar contact, photographs/movies/video, or physical interactions with the environment, e.g., electromagnetic interference, physiological effects, or "landing traces."

Skeptics and ufologists both agree that the vast majority of cases can be explained as natural phenomena, usually misidentification of objects that viewers are either unfamiliar with or see in unusual conditions. These turn out to be honest mistakes. Only a few percent of sightings have been actual hoaxes.

After investigation, most UFOs actually become IFOs -- Identified Flying Objects. However, a small residual, from 3% to 30% depending on who is doing the counting, remain unexplained.
The 1950s Battelle Memorial Institute statistical study, commissioned by Project Blue Book, found that it was actually the better cases with the better witnesses and evidence that tended to defy explanation.
Their percentage of unexplained cases out of 3200 studied was 22%, which went up to 35% for the best cases.
... Physicist Michio Kaku states that although "perhaps 99% of all sightings of UFOs can be dismissed as being caused by familiar phenomena" that "What is disturbing, to a physicist however, is the remaining 1% of these sightings, which are multiple sightings made by multiple methods of observations.
Some of the most intriguing sightings have been made by seasoned pilots and passengers aboard air line flights which have also been tracked by radar and have been videotaped. Sightings like this are harder to dismiss."

On the other hand, many still inexplicable cases are either ignored by the media or, if a purported skeptic offers an explanation that fails to fit the facts (e.g., Zig-zagging formation of lights and confirmed by radar are blamed on misinterpreting 'Jupiter'), it is often taken up by the press and the case is closed, as far as the media is concerned.

It is sometimes said that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", but many pro-research groups only claim that the topic deserves further investigation, not that UFOs are necessarily alien craft.
The threshold of evidence for further investigation is lower than that for a conclusion about the nature of UFOs.

Skeptics say there are indeed genuine sightings of strange flying objects, which are usually logically explained, that no physical evidence of an alien spacecraft has ever been produced, and that many claims have been proven as fraudulent.

They also note that the burden of proof lies with whomever makes a claim....

...Supporters also often argue that the subject is prejudiced by ridicule and stigma, (Kaku agrees with this; in the article cited above he writes that

"There is no funding for anyone seriously looking at unidentified objects in space, and one's reputation may suffer if one pursues an interest in these unorthodox matters"), and that an extremely large body of compelling evidence not as yet disproved or effectively countered also exists, including photography, motion video, and multiple independently corroborated sworn affidavits.

Majestic 12:

Majestic-12 (sometimes written simply as MJ-12 or MJ-XII) is the codename of a secret committee presumed to have been formed in 1947 at the direction of U.S. President Harry S. Truman, in order to investigate UFO activity.
This alleged committee is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory.

The existence of MJ-12 has been denied by the United States government, which insists that documents suggesting its existence are hoaxed.
The FBI investigated the documents, and concluded they were forgeries. Opinions among UFO researchers and enthusiasts are divided: Some argue the documents may be genuine, others contend they are phony, due primarily to errors in formatting and chronology.


UFO conspiracy theory:
The UFO conspiracy theory is any one of many conspiracy theories in which it is suggested that major world governments (particularly the United States government) have proof that UFOs are the result of alien visitation, but are suppressing this information either for nefarious purposes and/or out of the belief that mankind is unprepared to deal with the psychological, social, or theological implications of such a reality.

Such theories often incorporate the idea that governments are in fact in communication or cooperation with extraterrestrials. Some of these theories claim that the government is explicitly allowing alien abduction in exchange for technology.

In fact, the United States' government has demonstrated a sometimes keen interest in UFO reports, but has also typically been reluctant to admit this or to discuss their opinions or findings.

Some high-ranking military officials have reported that the military's private views of UFOs were very different from their public statements on the subject: In a signed statement to the United States Congress (also reported in the New York Times), dated February 28, 1960, former CIA Director Vice Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter stated,

"It is time for the truth to be brought out... Behind the scenes high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.... I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about unidentified flying objects."

The Brookings Report is a genuine study commissioned by the U.S. government, which suggested that evidence of extraterrestrials might prove disruptive to human society; this study has led to speculation that government agencies might cover up evidence of extraterrestrials, whether on Earth or elsewhere.

U.F.O. Photos
Upload Pics

U.F.O. Videos

Black Triangles

"Alien Beings?"

Suspecting there was more to the Roswell story, Popular Mechanics undertook its own investigation to learn if anything new had emerged in this 50-year-old techno-mystery. After interviewing witnesses who had seen and handled crash-site debris, and reviewing documents that were still classified when the GAO undertook its investigation, we have concluded that there really was a crashed disc, dead bodies and a secret that could have been politically deadly to presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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My little pony.. my little pony
I got probed once. Does that count?


I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Thats a Ford "probe"...Not unless its an "Alien Probe",

Thats a Ford "probe"...Not unless its an "Alien Probe",

if your not in the states, I guess that technically qualifies ;) :D

"Do it yourself alien abduction"

Parts needed for "The ultimate do-it-yourself alien abduction kit."

1 High intensity spotlight

1 electronic car killer (can be obtained from a police supply warehouse).

1 Laser Strobe incapacitater (currently being tested for riot control in prisons)

Small supply of hallucinogenic drugs (preferably in gas form)

Alien costumes

gas mask

Any medical equipment you wish to do experiments with.

Locksmith tool for car locks.


Setup your abduction HQ on a road that is rarely used.

Lay out your electronic car killer well in advance of your location (usually around 500 yards).
This will allow the approaching car to quietly glide to a halt without passing you.

Next, blind the driver with your high power spotlight.
After about 10-15 seconds, switch to your incapacitating laser strobe light (this works by causing a small seizure in the brain, turning the victim to a puddle of drooling jello...nifty).

Approach the car (insure you've put on your alien costume and it covers your gas mask) and open the door (always try for older model cars that don't have automatic locks or carry a locksmith tool...no one believes in aliens with slim jims).

Shoot some hallucinogenic gas into the car prior to dragging off your poor, helpless victim.

Perform all medical experiments while victim is still under the effects of the gas.
Always remember to render the victim unconscious prior to returning them to their car.

While the victim is still out, pack up your stuff and high tail it outta there.

After you get good with this kit you can move on to the "House in the woods alien abduction kit."

1 Helicopter with daylight spot.
1 White noise generator (gets rid of those nasty helicopter sounds).
1 Small panel truck made up to look like the inside of a spacecraft.

It's all so easy and now brought to you cheaply by Abductions Inc.

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Basement Garden Gnome
Lots of links I.M.

I get into the UFO stuff
But not sure what it is
Im thinking however, that Steve Jobs has an Alien captured, and is forcing it to reveal the technology they use....... So far, all he has given away is Smaller Hard Drives for Smaller iPods :(



Bakin in da Sun
the galaxy is too big for there not be life out there.... i mean do you really think we are the only planet at the correct distance from a star to support life?

imho... im sure theres life out there other than on this planet, but i bet there having the same problem as we are in tryn to traverse the great expanse that is space... to travel ANYWHERE far in the galaxy requires technology that beyond our scope of understandin... it has alot to do with time, the 4th dimension, and shit i dont even understand.

just my .02


Basement Garden Gnome
I've seen some strange stuff in the skies...... Sober!
But I can't say they are not from this world.
Some say the Greys are Genitally Engineered for Long Space Travel.
Others say the ONLY way to here from where ever is Via some Time Warp ot Worm Hole, a Demential Deal.
And Some say they are Demons comming for Armageddon.

I'm boggled first of all thanks for creating a discussion thread on this subject that was and still is, brilliantly stigamatized by the media and stills is a doubt for many many people in the world.

To me it sounds kinda obvious, first for looking at the raw evidence and then by watching some non airplane/balloon/satellite/falling star moving things in the night sky myself along other friends, and other situations were friends have see the exact same things.

First you have the evidence from every part of the world - ufo and et pics, videos of ufos, testemonies of sightings abductions or former military generals working in secret projects disclosing the information or former astronauts like Buzz Aldrin wich wrote a book disclosing some stuff he saw up there that was simply censured at the time.

I mean, the evindence are here, the truth is not out there like they want you to believe, the truth is right here next to you, at the reach of a single click.

The common skeptic usually uses the fake/assembled/special fx argument because they truly believe in the shit their fed - "if they can do it in hollywood they can fake this one too.." - and this way they automaticaly lose the capacity to analyse the issue from a neutral position - if you want to be neutral you cant take neither parts, you cannot believe what the media wants you to believe and you cannot believe what the hardcore alien conspirers say (for now).

So what i mean is for example you shouldn't believe in SETI - that's a complete coverup brain laundry organization - "We're sending a message to space and waiting for a reply" - how about using the phone and calling a US sub base?
that would be soo much easier...
[hehe dont take this serious if it disturbs you to much]

Ok, here's my links to the cause, howcome you quote wikkipedia all the time there's more to find on the subject...

This is the best site imo - it's from a guy that has a site with lots and lots of videos that he shot and they usually have very very recent videos.
It was this site that threw me in the well - i thought to myself howcome this guy gets to tape so many things, it's not downloaded from other sites, it's all his at least the major part of them..
So i started to check the sky myself and in next 2 weeks i spent my toking nights looking at the sky with an aching neck and creeped :yoinks: with the results - i along other ppl usually saw 3 sightings per night and one of them would be awesome, from about 9pm till 2am..
Haven't seen one for about a week or so...


This site is very good too


If you want to see 2 videos like the pictures above click here, different type of UFO and they're not any type of military or civilian flare..
crappy nightshot but hold your guts

or here, now this one is the true shit.. fireworks like a friend of mine said..

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Basement Garden Gnome
Setti is NOT Sending any signals, just looking for them.

The sky is just too damn big.
But NASA has some very very odd Pics and Videos.
I like looking for Buildings on Mars and the Moons of Jupiter
Here's somehting i wrote over at og on the subject and i added more things

The rulers and the owners of the media are more than aware of our visitors, but they just can't unveal a subject that was kept a secret for all this time - us, japan and russia have been developing experiments on this field for more than 50 years.
Ok, so all these years of lies and mis-informating the public cannot end with a snap of fingers, because this would likely cause generalised panic and chaos so the presentation to this issue must be gradual, so that everybody can tide up their little mis-informated heads, even the most brainwashed nationalist rednecks and the most fundamentalist religious..

I say UFOS will start popin on the news on tv breaking the good old ufo-tabuism, and on cinema more and more films will be made around this subject, more and more publicity will use alien themes, books about this will start to become big big sellers - you'll say it's market strategies, i say it goes deeper..

FACT: They are here, they've always been here with us, gods actually came down from the sky on their fire charriots, get it?

Cosmic Guardians
First edition: June 1988
Author: Ernesto Baron

"The cars of God can be seen in thousands of millions"
Salmos chapter. 68 vers.17

"Again i opened my eyes and i saw four cars that flew out from the hills"
Zachary chapter 6, vers. 1

"Three moons appeared at the same time during the consulate(sp) of Gnaeo Domitio and Cayo Fauno."
Plinio, Natural History year 222 BC chapter 32, Book II

"Three suns shined on that night at the same time and several stars flew through the sky surronded by sparks in Lanuvio"
Julio Obsenquens . Prodigiorum, chapter 114 year 85 BC

"During the consulate of Lucio Valerio abd Cayo Mario, a shield of flames surronded by sparks flew across the sky."
Plinio. Natural History year 85 BC, Book II

"In Rome, with the fall of the night, everything was enlightened by such a strong light that the peasants got up in spite the day had already finished"
Julio Obsenquens. Prodigiorum, chapter 130 year 42BC

The influence they've had in our past development as a civilization was 'minimal' but about 50 years ago, in my honest opinion, existing an agreement between humans and aliens or not, we've been able to develop new technologies from ufo wrecks and replicating them like lasers and fiber optics but there are more technologies that weren't showed to the public - like a free & clean energy source that would abolish all wars and would stop filling the already flooded pockets of a few selfish and greedy..

And why didn't this happen?
Because, as you understand all the energy monopoly would have been lost, multimillion world energy business would turn out obsolete in the very same instant!
If everyone had access to safe and free energy then there would be no more reasons to have wars!

The gov opted for keeping it hidden from the public eye, since this would stop at some point both warfare and global energy business!
So i say they are keeping it hidden from us as much as they can, supposely missing the agreement to give the world the peace it deserves by sharing this kind of technology and ending world conflicts once and for all

Check Project Disclosure - the most oficial disclosure organization that gathers retired big chiefs that headed secret operations from FBI NSA the military Army and Navy and NASA - it's mindbending howcome this is all public..


PS:If you can't deal with what i've just wrote, don't come back, don't think about it at night, toke a few and laugh on me and wait for it to go on tv, cuz i'm a crazy schizo not to be taken seriously IMHO

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Sin i really think SETI was sending a signal and waiting for an answer - its not much different anyway - there waiting for the phone to ring...

An on those buildings... they rule!!
Saw some frightening pics the other day, cant find the link...
its a site with only pictures, no text
In all that accidented terrain you find.. blocks.. rectangles...freaky!!

Heres some colorfull spanking
That's what? Aliens having a rave?

EDIT:No, it's humans having a rave.....
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Basement Garden Gnome
Yeah almost teh same thing

Yeah almost teh same thing

bush@crackhouse said:
Sin i really think SETI was sending a signal and waiting for an answer - its not much different anyway - there waiting for the phone to ring...

An on those buildings... they rule!!
Saw some frightening pics the other day, cant find the link...
its a site with only pictures, no text
In all that accidented terrain you find.. blocks.. rectangles...freaky!!

And once you've seen them, you can pick them out by the dozens,
Harbors, and Roads, and tunnels, Pentagons in the Center of a Crater? Even on the Moon!
Something happened a LONG LONG Time ago.

Blaze 1

Chairiots of Fire

Chairiots of Fire

I belive in the phenomenon known as UFO's. I don't believe that these are interplanetary craft and beings. I believe that they are supernatural manifestations from extra-dimensional beings also known as Angels and Demons.

The bible teaches that Fallen Angels and human women mated and had offspring. The bible calls them Nephalim (Fallen Ones) and giants (earth born) in the King James version. They were Giants but they were half Angel and half human. This incident is the reason for the FLOOD OF NOAH. The Human gene pool was being contaminated with Angelic DNA. NOAH and his family were un contaminated by the Angels. The dead nephalim and their offspring are the demonic hosts we encounter today.

I believe that Fallen Angels are employing technically superior technologies in order to deceive mankind. I believe that the Alien abductions are attempts by these same Fallen Angels, to mingle themselves with the seed of men.

Some people speculate that the Anti-Christ will be an Angel (Alien) and human hybrid or have some kind of Extra terrestial support.

It is held, by a number of Highly respected christian scholars, that these HYBRIDS are the Demi Gods of Mythology. Could these Nephalim or Giants be responsible for Stone Henge and the Great pyramid or the Face on Mars?

There are stories even in early American history of a race of six fingered six toed beings referred to as star people by Native Americans. They say they were so fierce and strong that they could tear a buffaloes leg off at full stride.
"I don't believe that these are interplanetary craft and beings. I believe that they are supernatural manifestations from extra-dimensional beings also known as Angels and Demons."

That's something that i've read very slightly the nephilim, but i really think you got it upside down, you've said it yourself - these are not angels and demons, these are beings in interplanetary crafts.

Man portrayed them that way because he couldn't explain it in other terms..


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
When folks ask me about life out there in space wither I believe or not, I say, well if God didn’t put life out there it just seems like a whole lot of wasted space…………..soooo yea I believe.


Active member
i have had a couple of very vivid experiences with some sort of beings while in a dream-like state.....and one experience of "lost time" when all of a sudden it was four hours later....but either i could drive myself crazy thinking about aliens all day or i could just go on with my life and not think about it too much.....it's kind of like we are the animals and they are the humans in this sense: think about what an animal goes through when it gets hit with a tranquilizer dart....say a cheetah or something.....the animal gets tranquilized by werid beings, airlifted in a helicopter (like a spaceship), and tagged with a small eartag (like an alien implant) and then returned to its cheetah habitat......now does this cheetah go to its family and say, "guess what cheetah family? I was abducted by aliens!" no......the cheetah isn't really sure what happened and besides it still has to go on with its life......that is the analogy to aliens....they communcate via telepathy which is indistinguishable from the thoughts that you think all day.....so it is impossible to know when a thought is your own and when it is an alien transmission......but you just sense that there is a subtle difference.....same with the lost time phenomenon.....it's like they seamlessly edited four hours of my life, as if my life were a videotape or something......my biological clock was even suspended so i felt tired four hours later than usual......anyway, i guess the point i'm trying to make is that, in the end, it doesn't matter whether or not you believe or do not believe......if they want to come for you they will and there's just nothing you can do about it- like you were a cheetah and they were the humans.....you just go on with your regular routine and say "woah that was werid" for the rest of your life.....who knows? maybe it was all a dream anyway.....you can never tell.....-gp alien
That's rigght bigtoke, hehehe
It's like having a warehouse with 80.000w in HPS lamps, 500 vases filled with dirt and a single plant on one of them - an awfull waste of space!!
Oh and good post guineapig, next time i'm gonna ask a cheetah if she believes in darts.. "No!!!! No more implants!!!!"

I wish more people would post pics videos links shit..
but no more wikkipedia please - hehe
[EDIT:post wikkipedia at will]
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I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
That gosh darn Wikipedia...

That gosh darn Wikipedia...

always gettin in the way.:D
I love that Wikipedia project, They seek the truth there.
I search for the "Truth" in all aspects of my life and this is one those subjects where the more one learns about "u.f.o.'s" , the more questions one has on the subject, much conflicting information to be sure. ...
I'm not positive/sure what to think.

Glad to see that its stimulated some interesting conversation., a change of pace subject for around here..Thank you all very much for your imput.

The collection of resource material available on this very broad subject of U.F.O.'s is quite vast and extensive (I dare say "humongous") particularly on the internet.
Any links to the best of the best ufo sites is most appreciated.
Maybe we could give an award to the most biased/slanted site we can find..one way or the other. Believe my position or else.
Many sites, I have observed, really seem to have their hearts set on "selling" their package of information & beliefs to the reader...usually very passionate beliefs.

I was contemplating writing a summary under one hundred words or so, using monosylables so that these brain atrophied, pea-brained nationalist rednecks around here can begin to understand the subject too. It's think that it's only fair. hehe :D
Have a good day Ya'll. Yippee kye yeah all you buckaroos. ;) :D

A cowboys prayer...
Oh, when I die,
you just bury me
Away out west,
where the wind blows free.
Let cattle rub my tombstone down,
Let coyotes mourn their kin.
Let horses come and paw the mound,
But please, don't fence me in.

This artist conception is of Lockheed aerospace's pantented saucer design

Possible Alien Technology pictured below?
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to all of you ufo atheists that think im kinda dillusioned and conspiracy theorist - a hammer with your head size

US To Jail for 70 years UK man who has intruded computer networks to uncover facts about American anti-gravity cover-ups

"If you are into understanding how much world-changing information is being kept away from us, while appreciating from a direct person account (which of course you can believe or not) how vulnerable high-security systems within the US Government and military really are, you MUST listen to this fascinating BBC interview with Gary McKinnon, who has been accused of breaching into US secret computer systems.

Gary is a guy from the UK, who over the years has become interests in finding out more about whether UFOs where an imaginary fad or if behind them there was some massive cover-up operation determined not to let the world know about major revolutionary scientific information.

The information Mr. McKinnon was able to uncover and the lessons learned about accessing highly secure computer systems within the US military and government complex open up a whole bag of interesting questions ranging from the state of effective computer security within the US in the midst of the vigilant war on terrorists, to the far reaching implications of who, what and why would be managing powerful new technologies like anti-gravity engines on this planet while keeping all of this information completely secret.

The US government is trying to obtain extradition of Gary McKinnon in the US as it is accusing him of having caused hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage, including having also immobilized for three days the military district of Washington DC.

Gary is facing charges from the US that could lead up to a 70 years in jail if he gets extradited.

McKinnon recounts in full detail his story of intruding the US military and government computer systems, while openly explaining the reasons for his choice.

Gary McKinnon, who is just waiting his extradition hearing, still a few days away, recounts without censorship what he has seen, and underlines multiple times that he has not provoked any damage to those computer systems, nor deleted files, nor crippled access to networks in any way[/b; his efforts according to his own recount, were only driven by a humanitarian drive to find out in first person what the truth really was about the issues he was most interested in.

The interview is extremely well conducted by a BBC female interviewer who leaves no stone unturned, asking Mr. McKinnon explanations and details about each and every aspect of this incredible story.

What McKinnon claims is that within the documents and records he has been able to access there is plenty proof that the use of anti-gravity principles has been taken advantage of on this planet by yet unidentified groups.
:woohoo: [another confirmation of what i've shared before, no looney here]

Originally inspired by the research made available by over 300 scientists in the Disclosure Project, McKinnon claims to have been working on a "humanistic" agenda, with his efforts trying to verify how much of the claims made by a large group of scientists in respect to UFOs and anti-gravity technology were indeed being made inaccessible to the public at large.

He was also interested in the positive aspects that would have resulted for humanity as a whole if this technology were to become available for everyone on the planet.
[like for instance, ending the fucking wars for the arcaic 19th century industrial revolutions fossil fuels -oil- so, free energy for everyone]

In the interview McKinnon recounts how he went about accessing military network computers, which operating systems he found and how difficult it was to penetrate them. McKinnon reports in detail about the difficulty level encountered in accessing top security computer systems running the Windows operating system and of the types classified information he was able to access."

article taken from here

get the audio here

The truth is right over here where it always has been..

Free Gary Mckinnon support site


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Active member
i say fact...

9 of us saw it...

i haven't seen any of them since!!

that was over 20 years ago. i'm stickin' to my story. :chin:

we were all pretty f*cked up, though!!