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Active member
Good day IC! Some months ago i was criusin BOGs forums and came across a pic of the biggest, gnarliest BOBBubble tree i think the world has ever seen (27 ozs to be exact) grown by a guy named Goldmember. After chattin' with him and pickin' his brain for info on how he did it, it turns out he uses something called a "freedom" bucket, im sure most of you are hip to these things but its new to me. While i have been pretty happy with my ebb & flow buckets i was bored and wanted to try something new. It took a few lengthy conversations for me to get the jist of it but finally a light went on and i got it! For those of you that dont know how a freedom bucket works heres the deal as best i can describe it. 1 container holds the grow media, lava is the preferred. Usually the media container is a 5 gallon bucket but i am using 3.5ers. since i have scaled it down a bit. This bucket sits inside another container (another bucket, big rubbermaid or in my case a square plastic planter without drain holes) The media bucket must be raised off the bottom of the outer container 6 to 8 inches. Basically the top bucket is constantly fed buy two 1/4" inch feed lines, the roots drop down through to the lower bucket and are splashed with bubbles (nft) by air stones sitting in the bottom in 1" to 1 1/2" of water. I dont think im doin a very good job explaining this so im gonna show some pics of mine and if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I put an m-39 mom i had lyin around in it and she has exploded!

feed lines from rez:

supports for 3.5 gallon bucket and drain keeping water level at 1" to 1 1/2"

test set up

i am using 4 air stones powered by a GH dual diaphram pump

bubbles in the bottom creating NFT

up and running

m-39 exploding

Im just thrilled with this thingie and had to share it with yall' Anyhow id be happy to answer any questions you might have and im sure GM will step in if i have overlooked somethin' :woohoo:


bonz :wave:

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor

You've got some exciting times in the near future! I'm not even a real fortune-teller and I know that! hahaha :bigeye: Take care, cc


Hi Bonzo, how ya been?

so is this recirculating?... are the nutes drained back into the same res they originally are pumped from? If so, how often will you be topping off/changing your res?

VERY interesting setup!


This is awesome. I am changing my setup for next round, I want bigger trees and fewer plants. I hope to build a 5 gallon version of this or something similar, thanks for the info. I'll be back with questions soon!

In the meantime, I have my seat reserved. :lurk:


Active member
Thanks CC, :wave: EXCITING INDEED! :woohoo:

Howdy Hell, :wave: i been good, and you? Yes its recurculating, and yes nutes are pumped from where they drained. Topping off depends on size of rez and how much you girls are drinkin' right now im addin allmost 2 gallons a day. As per GMs instructions i change nutes and flush for 24 hrs once a week.

Sleepy my brotha, :wave: thanks man! I am a carpenter by trade (20 yrs) so biuldin' these things comes pretty easy and is alot of fun and even more fun sharin em with all of you! :friends:

Hey Shorts! :wave: Your gonna love it man. Home Depot has the same pots but bigger too, you could use a 5 gallon and one of the big pots and grow some serious trees man. If i had the room you do though i would go with vertical lighting, it goes hand in hand with this system. Makes way more sense for trees. Your welcome dude c'mon back! :friends:

bonz :woohoo:


Active member
One thing i forgot to mention: When runnin more than one unit a single rez is used not i rez per unit so a good pump is in order and the GH dual diaphram air pump runs the stones pretty darn good.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Bonzo, :yes: :yes: for hosting this thread. Love the idea and the name - Freedom Pots! Just gonna sit here and take in the experience.... :chin:


Active member
Thanks chucky, :friends: trees are indeed a good thing!

Howdy wikid! :wave: it is interesting isnt it? It took a bit of convincing but GM showed me some pics that prove this system works and works good. Thanks girlie, by the way your garden looks outstanding, :woohoo: cant wait to see your next run!

Hi MJG, :wave: your welcome man! Well both the idea and the name "Freedom Buckets aka Krusty buckets" have been around for quite some time but new to me and apparently new to some here as well so im glad we can all learn from it. It should be alot of fun! :woohoo:


bonz :wave:


Active member
Sunny!? :woohoo: Sunnyside? is that you? how in sam hell are you man! :friends: God dang good to see ya bro! Well thats mighty nice of ya, but i have been fortunate enough to read some of Krustys stuff that someone had saved and it was explained about as good as could possibly be, i think how deeply he explained his methods kinda depended on his mood. When it comes to growing trees in buckets he knows his shit backwards forwards sideways and upside down. "GH 3pt bottle directions" i love that.

good to see ya sunny, dont be a stranger!

bonz :wave:


Let Freedom Ring! :woohoo: I know you are gonna love the explosive grow from this style of growing,I do :yoinks:


Active member
Howdy red, :wave: id love to see your system, do you use vertical lighting? I cant wait till i can go vertical! :woohoo:

peace and happy memorial day

bonz :woohoo:


A very nice set up, simple, easy, and it does seem to produce the bigger plant's.

I do not want to change system's again, but I have been wanting a way to grow a bit bigger plant's, current system has limit's as they do not give enough room for good root growth on the bigger plant's as needed.

Thank you for sharing this with everyone.

stay safe and grow the same way.



Active member
Hey GM :woohoo: ,thanks man! :friends: , happy memorial day to ya, you got some barbecue goin' today or what? Come back by later if ya can i got some ideas to throw out at ya. I wanted to post a pic of your giant BB but i couldnt do it, maybe sleepy can help me with that. Gonna post a new pic of the m-39 just before lights on. WOOO HOOO man glad you came by dude! :friends:

Howdy real high, :wave: thank you bro, i know what you mean about not wantin' to change systems, but hell if your girls dont have enough room for their little rooties i dont think you have any choice bro, its all in the roots is what they say! Plus this thing is pretty darn easy to setup and once its up and runnin' its a breeze! :woohoo:

roots from my last ebb & flow run: thats with the 3.5 inner and 5 gallon outer. lotta roots in there! :friends:

enjoy your day

bonz :woohoo:


Active member
Good mornin IC, :wave: iwas up last night puttin a couple more of these thingies together and thought i would have a look at a couple different possibilities:

5 gallon inner and bigger bottom bucket :woohoo:

3.5 inner and bigger bottom: :chin:

smaller bottom used as the inner placed in bigger bottom: looks neat anyway :rolleyes:

freedom marching: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

close up shot of the GH/Blustone duall diaphram air pump, this pump is the coolest damn thing ive ever seen, very high quality. :friends: :D

OGRE surprize: :D

yall have a great day now :woohoo:


bonz :D