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Air Layering-- with pics.


Hello friends, I did this little experiment and documented it in HC.com, I thought I try and remember what I did and share with you guys... I did a search and could not find anything about air layering here so here we go..


Air layering is just one more way to clone our beloved MJ plant. It usually takes more time but works for people with not much space for rooting clones. You can air layer various branches in a plant and just wait for them to root on the mother plant and cut them loose and transplant.

In this example I used a small plant so I could only air layer the main stem, what you need to do first is to cut the flow of auxins down the stem by peeling the outer layer of the stem, around it and about an inch long.
Peel away all the outer part, completely around the stem.

This are the materials you need:
A starter plug opened on the side to slide the stem in it, and some PRESS N SEAL plastic.

After peeling the stem, wet the plug, secure it around the stem... It needs to be tight and wet. Then wrap it with some plastic wrap and make a nut. You can use anything that will keep the plug tight.

Then use some PRESS N SEAL to seal the plug so it keeps moist, it should not dry out.



10 days later I open the plug looking for progress, and I see it!!!

Here you can see the stem, how I peeled it around...

On the 15 day I see the roots thru the wrap--

The I cut it, uwrap it, and plant it in a DWC bubbler.

Hope you guys enjoy this technic

Good luck,
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thats awsome, i might try this soon as i dont have any room for clones...

does it matter what type of lighting schedual your in?


thanks, I`m glad you guys like it.

It doesn`t matter your light schedule as long as it is a vegetative schedule.

I used 18/6 for this one.


Active member
Thats awesome.... :D
I've known about air layering for awhile now, just had never seen it done.. Very nice...
Have you ever tried airlayering and planting the new rootball still attached to the plant?? Instead of cutting it off...
I think I may try it... :wink:
Thx again for the cool tutorial. Short & Sweet. :joint:


Air Layering

Air Layering

this type of shit is right up my alley...
i have a press-n-seal fetish too:spank:
and i LOVE the way you used a starter plug..
what is that there? a rapid root cube?
hear those babies contain beneficial mycorhizzae (root fungus!) -
- a great thing! can't wait to try these -
get that microhurd goin from day1 - cap-o likey!!!

danks again for sharing your tek :)
going to read it now..hehe..i was too busy lookin at all the purty picties:D

R00KIE said:
Have you ever tried airlayering and planting the new rootball still attached to the plant?? Instead of cutting it off...
I think I may try it...

well air-layering is actually normally done this way outside,
and then you cut the plant free from the 'mother'.....
creating 2 seperate plants that will eventually yield more,
for the SIMPLE FACT that what was a lower popcorn arm,
is now a plant of it's own soaking up more light, hence forming juicy colas..

2 root masses will NOT increase your yields,
just slow the plant down as it works on throwing new roots from that point

VERY easy to do outside r00k,
select a lower arm long enough to reach the earth at it's center,
and flexible enough to bend over without snapping
take a small container, or prep a hole where the lower branch will meet the earth,
use jiffy mix or promix (no nutes for this guys, its just another form of cloning)
score stem as if it were the cut-end of a typical stem-cutting,
and bend over the arm burying it or resting it on the soiless mix or bare earth will work too just not as easy....
once roots form cut away the new plant from the mother,
and let it grow on it's own beside the motherplant.

any part of the stem touching the ground will form roots.....my first air-layering happened by accident:pointlaug

keep rH up by mulching around the area - roots don't take to dry earth

once again, COOL THREAD
thanks for posting it.


Done that long ago on Ficus.made a 10 clones of them.nice thread tho keep up


Active member
Very cool but I got 2 questions:

1 - Can it be done with rockwool?

2 - Any pics of how peeled the stems is before it's wrapped?

R+ :smoker:


Thanks for the kind words...

1 - Can it be done with rockwool?

I suppose you can use rockwool, I have only used starter plugs.

2 - Any pics of how peeled the stems is before it's wrapped?

Damn it!... I´ve been looking for that picture and could not find it. :confused:

Anyways, you need to cut all around the stem, one inch long. It was pretty easy to do.

If you have any more questions about the peeling I can draw a picture of how it is done.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Thanks for the tutorial Panamajuice. I hadn't heard of Air-Layering before, but I'm sure I could do it now.

GreatLakes THC :wave:



I forgot to mention that you need to keep the plug wet, a good way of doing this is using a syringe and inject the water thru the plastic wrap.

BTW, english is not my first language so please forgive any spelling mistakes.


Active member
Heh no worries bout the english bro.... My first language is english and I still f*** up on my spelling... :wink:
Your english is fine... :D


Active member


nice thread, i've seen a buddy do this with tropical houseplants.

he just cut a small 3" pot in 1/2, wrapped pot around branch with soil in it, and wrapped it back up like you did. so i guess you could use anything, although i doubt a mj plant would hold up a 3" pot.....great idea with peat pucks....


That's a really neat way of cloning. No extra space requirements, and fairly easy. And really 15 days is not that bad, it's only a couple extra days really. Definately hanging on to this so I can eventually give it a try.

big mike

Active member
this wont cause any stress.. ? does the vertical growth stop? do the bottom arms of the plant start to branch out more, because it has a new 'top'.. ?

i see that it works, but it just doesnt look all that kosher after 10days, is there a fine line between bad bacteria build up and rooting?
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