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bad backs and the weather.......


have you tried topicals?
i made a hash oil topical out of qwiso and mixed it with menthol rubbing alcohol.
about 15% of the alcohol only so the oil doesnt get hard and whatnot.

it really helps my back pain.


Active member
I saw Dr. Oz tell Oprah the newest thing in medicine is the theory/studies that human bodies are bundles of energy and need to be treated that way. I think that is very true and someday maybe they'll be better able to deal with it from that point of view.

Last evening there was a lot of electricity in the air. thunder and lightening all around me. Antennae TV reception was bad, wifi reception was bad, and I was in agony.

I have found Aspirin (and weed of course) to be the only relief. Back in the day, I titrated Aspirin (acetyl-salicylic acid) in 11th grade chemistry lab. It's not hard or expensive. Now the drug companies add all kinds of shit to the Aspirin we buy over the counter. They even add talc, I think to "buffer" it. I DON'T HAVE A FUCKIN' DIAPER RASH. I never used to EAT that shit. I don't think it's even digestible.

I try to limit my Aspirin intake because it really screws up the stomach (bleeding), but next time I go to the pill pusher I guess I have to ask for a prescription for fuckin' acetyl-salicylic acid. Oh BTW, just FYI, Bayer used slave labor jews in their factories during WWII. NOW look at 'em. Fuck them!


Natalie J. Puffington
dddaver: "I saw Dr. Oz tell Oprah the newest thing in medicine is the theory/studies that human bodies are bundles of energy and need to be treated that way. I think that is very true and someday maybe they'll be better able to deal with it from that point of view.
Last evening there was a lot of electricity in the air. thunder and lightening all around me. Antennae TV reception was bad, wifi reception was bad, and I was in agony."
I wonder if he (Dr. Oz) was referring to "micro current therapy"?
One of my doctors wants me to do this...She thinks it will help my leg heal faster after my hip replacement, and may also improve the fibromyalgia. I've tried it twice and am unsure if I will continue; while it hasn't really seemed to do much, I did *kind of* feel a flow of energy similar to after acupuncture, for a short time (<1hr.) after the treatment. From what she said, it takes a while to become effective, (6-8 weeks: doing the treatments twice a week, for 2 hours at a time.)
Not sure what I'm gonna do...I'm also unsure how much this is costing; for the cost/bene analysis, lol. :dunno:

Anyone out there know anything about "micro current therapy"? Any input would be greatly appreciated!! :eek::
Figured I might as well mention it, since it sorta came up...

I hope this finds you all feeling well!!
Please, take good care of yourselves!


Stoner I feel your pain. I had back problems starting in my mid twenties for about ten years. I went to orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors for years with little relief. I couldn't walk straight and some days I would have to crawl just to get anywhere. The pain was terrible. No amount of pain killers or anti-inflammatories helped. Then I got a miracle cure. One day I was outside working on a 8 foot ladder and a storm blew in. The winds were so strong it picked me and the ladder off the ground and we danced. I lost my balance and fell off the ladder landing on the concrete sidewalk on my ass. Since that moment I have yet to suffer ever again from the debillitating back pain I had. The doctor that had been treating me just shook his head in disbelief.

damn that's amazing- you are lucky man i hope it stays like that for you.
my back is fucked from years of labor and my girlfriends' back is tweaked real bad from getting rearended while sitting at a redlight.
those pills are like poison - took em daily for years, really i think alls i did was fuck up my back worse! the pain would be gone so i would go do what my back was telling me not to, but i'd get it done, wake up the next day in major pain from the day before, take more pills, endless cycle.
well i broke down and got us new bed - sleep number. she adjusts her side and i rock mine on different settings depending on the days events or whatnot. expensive as hell but i gotta tell ya it REALLY makes a difference in our lives, i get giggly like a little girl at bedtime now, i'm actually excited and can't wait to goto bed.
not cheap but wtf? a third of your life right? :dance:


Natalie J. Puffington
MaxMurder: "well i broke down and got us new bed - sleep number. she adjusts her side and i rock mine on different settings depending on the days events or whatnot. expensive as hell but i gotta tell ya it REALLY makes a difference in our lives, i get giggly like a little girl at bedtime now, i'm actually excited and can't wait to goto bed."
:chin: We were considering getting a sleep number bed; but Mesa read something online that made him leery...I guess he read that they're really difficult to get repaired? :dunno:
I'm gonna show him your post and hope he reconsiders!! lol.
I'm glad it helps you so much! Too bad insurance won't help cover stuff like that...Daily massages and a sleep number bed; I'd probably be a whole lot better off than doing this "micro current" crap, lol.
:thank you:
Sleep well MaxMurder!! :wave:


well we've had ours for close to a year now and moved once, moving that thing was a breeze- the matrace(sp??) prettymuch flattens out with no air so it almost folds in half so you can carry it like a futon but it's WWAAAAAAYYYY easier than regular mat/box spring and the base is plastic and snaps together , light and easy. my buddy was thinking sleep# but changed his mind at the last minute and got a temperpedic, it smells funny and because my bad back i can't help him move it hahahah , he's kinda bummed.
yeah repairs might be a bitch depending on where you live- but you guys should go to the dealer and lay on one- it's free , then decide.
peas, mm


senior member
We bought a comfortair (sp?) bed a couple of years ago and we both love it. They are pricey, but a good nights sleep is so important. Right now my right hip needs replacing and my left shoulder has what they told me was impingement. Both bother me all night. Plus can't sleep on my back or stomach do to back problems. So it's pretty tuff to get comfortable enough to sleep and a good bed really does help. So does smoking a fatty just before lights out.....scrappy


:chin: We were considering getting a sleep number bed; but Mesa read something online that made him leery...I guess he read that they're really difficult to get repaired? :dunno:
I'm gonna show him your post and hope he reconsiders!! lol.
I'm glad it helps you so much! Too bad insurance won't help cover stuff like that...Daily massages and a sleep number bed; I'd probably be a whole lot better off than doing this "micro current" crap, lol.
:thank you:
Sleep well MaxMurder!! :wave:

NNG, I have had the sleep number bed for over 6 years now and have had zero real problems with it. 3 cats and a rambunctious 80 pound dog in addition to me and the wife have done no damage to it (other than having to replace the zipper-top pad from it being left in the dryer for too long). :tiphat:

Some more ammunition for the new bed fight :)


Natalie J. Puffington
ImNotKrazy: "NNG, I have had the sleep number bed for over 6 years now and have had zero real problems with it. 3 cats and a rambunctious 80 pound dog in addition to me and the wife have done no damage to it (other than having to replace the zipper-top pad from it being left in the dryer for too long).
Some more ammunition for the new bed fight."

:thank you: for the ammo, NotaLoon!
The cats were a concern too; glad to hear all has been well with your bed and critters, and no claws have destroyed it!

Round 2: ding, ding!! :bigeye:

Scrappy4: "We bought a comfortair (sp?) bed a couple of years ago and we both love it. They are pricey, but a good nights sleep is so important. Right now my right hip needs replacing and my left shoulder has what they told me was impingement. Both bother me all night. Plus can't sleep on my back or stomach do to back problems. So it's pretty tuff to get comfortable enough to sleep and a good bed really does help. So does smoking a fatty just before lights out.....scrappy"

You're right, Scrappy...We spend a third our lives in bed, (or half, if you're me);
we certainly spend more time in bed than in our cars, (most of us), yet we pay far more for a vehicle than a bed... :chin: I sound like I work for the mattress industry, lol.
And boy can I relate to what you're going through physically: I just had my hip done 2 months ago, (as I realize I mention far too often :rolleyes:); the only position I've been able to sleep in for the past year or 2 has been on my back...But, I'm finally starting to be able to sleep on one side, w/ a pillow between my legs...It's so nice being able to change positions again!! It's torture just laying in one position all night.

One Tip: I would strongly advise making a batch of canna-milk before your surgery; (freeze it in small bottles, so you can use a little at a time, and it will stay good while you recover.) It was a miracle for me!! Honestly, it was far more helpful than any of their pain meds. (which I was sure to let my nurses know, lol.)
I really wish I had had someone to talk to about it, who had been through it, before I got mine done, (I had lots of Q's and was really scared); which is why I would be glad to talk to you, if you have any questions or anything. :) Surgeons just come from a completely different perspective than another patient…Anyway, no pressure either way. :eek::

Good luck with your surgery, Scrappy!!
Sending lots of healing energy out into the universe for you! :ying:
And thanks again, NotaLoon! ;)
Sleep well, friends! :eek::


senior member
Thanks, natty natty gurrl. I'm waiting as long as I can go. I read they only last 20 years and I'm a fairly active 56. I guess I'll know when it's time. I can still do most things it just aches all the time. I ran into a slightly built woman younger than me who has had 5 hips, (car accident) now she does not have enough bone to do more, boy oh boy, this getting old thing sux.....Scrappy


Natalie J. Puffington
Scrappy4: Thanks, natty natty gurrl. I'm waiting as long as I can go. I read they only last 20 years and I'm a fairly active 56. I guess I'll know when it's time. I can still do most things it just aches all the time. I ran into a slightly built woman younger than me who has had 5 hips, (car accident) now she does not have enough bone to do more, boy oh boy, this getting old thing sux.....Scrappy"

Yeah, they don't last long, unfortunately...My surgeon said it was like a car part, they don't last forever. I was 32 when I was told I needed a new hip, (avascular necrosis), I waited almost 2 years, until I couldn't stand it anymore and was starting to worry I might not have enough bone left to do it at all, as you said was the case with that woman you spoke to...Now THAT freaks me out!! Poor lady. To be left in pain and immobilized like that, is awful. That is one reason I did it too: there are people years ago, or people in other countries now, who didn't or don't have this option...That kind of made me feel like I had to.

Anyways, my biggest tip is canna-milk!! Things started to get a bit 'better' after the 2nd and 3rd week, improving a little each week, although there is some "1 step forward, 2 steps back" kinda progress and I feel like I kinda hit a plateau around week 6....One other thing I'll warn you about: it has left me feel pretty...down...I definitely still don't feel like myself yet, but, I hear it's common, (just to forewarn you and anyone who might be caring for you afterwards, lol...I was a jerk!! I feel terrible about it.)

But heck, it must get better, or no one would do this, right? lol.
Kinda makes me feel like an early 'cyborg', or "the 50 thousand dollar woman"!! "We can rebuild her; better, stronger!" :bigeye:

Best of luck to you Scrappy; feel free to 'hit me up' if you ever want or need to! :)


senior member
Would it be too off topic for a canna milk recipe, or a link? I like eating my meds. My last back op I snuck in a couple of brownies, didn't even tell my wife. Turns out they made me feel worse, it took me a while, actually now I think about it, when I got off of big pharma drugs, mine helped more, go figure! Scrappy


Natalie J. Puffington
Scrappy4: Would it be too off topic for a canna milk recipe, or a link?
Heck no! I would be absolutely elated to share it with you! :)
That's why I (always) mention it; the word needs to get out about this stuff!! :good:

Here's a link to a good recipe by Motley, to get you started: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21368&highlight=CannaMilk

If you'd like, send me a quick PM reminding me and I will send you the rest of the "tips" and tricks I've gathered; (my memory is sooooooooo horrible, I might forget unintentionally, and then I'd beat myself up for forgetting, lol.) ...It's nothing earth shattering, but it would at least save you the hassle of looking for it and might give you a little more insight; you know how anything canna-related is like that; everyone has a different method or tweaks they make to a recipe...

I'd send it now, but I have a "phone" appt. with one of my doctor's tomorrow morning, at the crack of dawn...He's back on the east coast and I'm on "mountain time", and natty time...
Although, w/ my rambling, I probably could have sent it by now! :rolleyes: :yappy:

Please take good care of yourself, Scrappy!
And sleep well!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I believe we had 25 days of rain out of 30 for June, July started off the same so my spine (or what's left of it) hasn't recovered yet.


Natalie J. Puffington
Stoner4Life: "I believe we had 25 days of rain out of 30 for June, July started off the same so my spine (or what's left of it) hasn't recovered yet."

Wow, 25 days! I can only imagine...
We really need that vit.D too!

Sending hopes for some warming sun to shine your way, Stoner4Life! :)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
S4L n Natty ever part of my life is controlled by barometric pressure changes. I have had several spine fusions, low back and neck, both with hardware. Even slight pressute changes wipe me out with pain. I am like many here that can feel storms comming long before they pop up over the horizon. Thunderstorms affect me as well. My pain is unbearable without narcotics during these low pressure events. I use a muscle stimulator and Tens unit to help mask it.
My spine surgeon swears the barometer can't affect me, I swear, I know, he is wrong. Be well everyone...DD


Natalie J. Puffington
Doobieduck: "S4L n Natty ever part of my life is controlled by barometric pressure changes. I have had several spine fusions, low back and neck, both with hardware. Even slight pressute changes wipe me out with pain. I am like many here that can feel storms comming long before they pop up over the horizon. Thunderstorms affect me as well. My pain is unbearable without narcotics during these low pressure events. I use a muscle stimulator and Tens unit to help mask it.
My spine surgeon swears the barometer can't affect me, I swear, I know, he is wrong."

It's incredible to hear some of the things doctor's fail recognize; they can be so frustrating some times. :rolleyes:
Wow, Doobie, I didn't realize how many crazy back ops you have had. I really feel for you.
I know how much of an effect the weather has on me, I can't imagine what it must be like for you guys.
Sometimes, it's too much to bear. I wish those around us better understood how hard it can be; but how could they possibly, if they haven't been through it themselves...this is yet another reason I find doctor's frustrating...I only have one doctor, out of the plethora of doc's I either see now, or have seen in the past, who really seems to have any compassion and empathy for his patients; I love him for that.

I wish I could do more to comfort you guys.
Stay tough and try to keep your chin up everyone!!


Active member
Sorry to hear about the gravity of everyones problems and sometimes it helps that other people understand -but not very often. My docs told me about pressure changes and their effect but they don´t understand why I won´t take opioids.

A) weed is better b) I was hooked once and I´d rather have the pain than going cold turkey a second time.

Green dragon or tincture help chronic pain a lot, check the underdep to Edibles (cannabis brewing) for some good recipes.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about the gravity of everyones problems ....
You got it Piel..and thanks everyone here for sharing your compasion and caring.
I'd like to add..it is not just my neck and back that suffer during these low pressure events. My artheritus goes ape shit. Elbows, wrists, knuckles, shoulders you name it. All my joints become inflamed. Some of that is from my work as a salesman, my entire 30 year carear in the beverage industry had me going in and out of cold boxes all day everyday. The Docs claim that didn't do me any good. Cold has the same affect on me as low pressure. A couple docs have suggested I move to Arizona, that'sa little drastic but I think about it when I'm suffering. ...for now, it's the hot tub...cheers...splash... :dance013: DD