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Guest 88950

2012 could be the year...

2012 could be the year...

this is not in reference to the Mayan Doomsday prophecy or the end of the world but possibly the end of Cannabis Prohibition.

it could have been that bowl of bubba caused my thinking to be clouded but i saw a replay of the Republican Presidential Debate last night and it was Ron Paul that caught my attention but he and another candidate stated that Cannabis will become Legal upon being elected.

to have early candidates talking about this and the public in attendance in favor is groundbreaking. i can see this coming from Nader or the Democrats but the Republicans.

it seems to me that the perfect storm has been brewing and 2012 is when she makes landfall. our country is broke and on the edge of default with the dollar in decline daily and the public is tired with the politics as usual so what better way to save money than by ending prohibition on Cannabis and start taxing and regulating.

it pains me to admit but i am going to register Republican so i can vote in the primaries and hopefully the RNC lets its voters choose who is worthy to run instead of appointing McCain as their representative.

2012......Cannabis Legal not the End of Days.


Game Bred
i've been flamed like hell for saying it's the libertarian leaning repubs who will finally get the job done on MJ reform...

the dems seem ineffectual at best.

Guest 88950

i expected to get flamed too but that is how i see it.

im just glad their is positive input from the republicans. i believe it was Ron Paul that stated that prohibition is more destructive then the drugs themselves. i know its nothing new from Mr Paul but others in the party have similar outlooks regarding the legalization of Cannabis.

komrade komura

Active member
WTF....is it time for lies and promises again? (elections)

WTF....is it time for lies and promises again? (elections)

OGH...thanks for the tip bro. I hate the white fly traps and vaseline sounds much healthier than killer chemicals. If I could trap them and release them I would...but then the Dali Lama is one of the few humans who I admire....hahaha.

Super Silver Haze...I understand your strategy. I used to never be a single issue voter, but GWB made me one: Vote for the person who will be least murderous. Ron Paul ticks the boxes in foreign policy for me...isolationist, stay outta their business, they stay outta ours. Unfortunately, economics is where we are enemies. He is a devotee of Ayn Rand and her beliefs...I am more of a libertarian socialist (nicer name for a group that regularly gets imprisoned/executed by conservatives and communists).

Regrettably Obama is acting close to my expectations....which was for a Bill Clinton corporate lackey....government of the corporations, for the corporations, by the corporations.

The recent actions by the federal thugs are alarming and reminds me of those who follow the rules and implement them as vigorously as possible, without thought that the consequences of their actions are far more harmful than what they wish to prevent. Modern nazis.

As I have said before:
There are two kinds of muddaphuckers in the world: those bat-shit crazy ones who want to control everything and everyone; then there is the rest of us. I mourn the loss of one of us normal people. But those crazy ones? When they go, it hard not to fucking smile.

We don't need more rules...only more freedom.

But wait....the purpose of this post ain't to discuss politics:

Day 26 - 3 Chronic and 1 Sour Cream


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Game Bred
Cuz they be fucking from womb to tomb!!!

I just can't figure what purpose they serve?
They don't polinate,nothing seems to eat 'em.
OMG! When you gonna realize that ALL those politicians lie out their asses. It doesn't matter any more what the dems & repubs say anymore...they all work for the same boss, so you really don't have a choice!


New member
i am very familiar with those lil fuckers...i have a few hundred splattered all over my car,

always heard a rumor that they were created by the university of florida...tho i think its propaganda to make more people hate the gaters

Guest 88950

OMG! When you gonna realize that ALL those politicians lie out their asses. It doesn't matter any more what the dems & repubs say anymore...they all work for the same boss, so you really don't have a choice!

your right, they all work for the same boss. the voter.

my post wasnt about believing the rhetoric of the pre-primary debate it was that Cannabis was even being mentioned in a favorable context by ANY republican.

regardless of what we believe, time will tell.

Guest 88950

enjoying some Double Strawberry Diesel, strawberry pheno, to wrap up the 13th.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFF the love bugs. These suckers are driving me crazy. Keep it sticky, alot better stuff has been around for a min. and I'm loving it.
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