Everyone is Grownin some awsome Grass in Fl. I love it!!!
SSH Looks like yer gonna have some powerfuil smoke good Job
ltns bro!
Everyone is Grownin some awsome Grass in Fl. I love it!!!
SSH Looks like yer gonna have some powerfuil smoke good Job
Hey Gsizzle, do you have a coat on? Because it's snowing in your house.....Lil update fellas and to keep the thread rolling....
DGS Sweet Cindy 99
CAK47 Day 3 of flush and calyxes are swelling
Badass Gsizzle, lookes to be a yielder and quality:tippet:
Does most of your crosses come out pretty good?.
I just started pollen chucken myself. Just made some of my first crosses
mosca c-99 x ghs alaskan ice
mosca c-99x purplewreck
... In real life when you add hot water to hot water you get hot water. In this seed genetics if you add fire genetics to fire genetics you don't always get fire genetics. Well at least in my situation cause my clone only strains are not stable genetics to begin with.
it is a shame that so many clone only elites are not stable.
i have yet to chuk any pollen and i have a few strains in seed but the more i read on the subject of breeding the more apprehensive i get about germinating them.
i think that breeding with unstable genetics would require growing a large # of its offspring to find the desired traits, and who knows how many generations until they can be combined and stabilized.
btw, is there a trick to posting larger pics?
I could be wrong by saying this but if you gonna pollen chuck. Make sure you in it from the long haul and make sure you have something worth working on. The success of the genetics you working with is only gonna be as good as the time you put in it.
Make sure you in it from the long haul and make sure you have something worth working on. The success of the genetics you working with is only gonna be as good as the time you put in it. Plus so many breeder's/pollen chucker's are doing so many crosses that if you don't have the time or space. You better off letting them do all the work and find something unique in their work.
For those one you running 1kw in the south, whats your ventilation consist of? Will a large enough fan keep temps within a 10 degree range? Or is it necessary to A/C?
For those one you running 1kw in the south, whats your ventilation consist of? Will a large enough fan keep temps within a 10 degree range? Or is it necessary to A/C?