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Thai weed from Thailand

Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
Causes of Mutation Rate Variability in Plant Genomes

"In plants, gene mutation rates, estimated to be between 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 genes per generation, are similar to those in animals, with rates around 10<sup>-8</sup> to 10<sup>-9</sup> changes per base pair in a gene. "

While both plants and animals experience gene mutations, plants may have a higher germline mutation rate, potentially due to their lack of a segregated germline and exposure to environmental mutagens, while animals tend to have a lower rate. "
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Well-known member
3 words overused to exhaustion and often inaccurately


For me mutation takes the cake; mutation this, mutation that I always hear… naturally mutation rate in plants is @ 1/billion, no bro that’s not a mutation in your seedlings it’s thrips eating the newest leaf growth 😝
Hola Ledo
I ask you because I dont have the knowledge and experience you have with growing weed
Thanks to the F2´s I made from Madmac haze share Ohz90 x Seedsman Hz and viceversa I have plenty of this whorled philotaxy unwanted shit. Is whorled philotaxy a mutation?
1/billion? Tri haze has popped at about 10-15% rate from the F2s
Is whorled philotaxy a mutation? I dont know, but certainly is totally unwanted and I am afraid this shit is the result of reversing females and reversing males for breeding and putting all of this cannatorture on test and expecting plants to remain sexually stable after this plus submitting to abrupt climate change and keeping them on very small feet and stuff like that. This is what they call breeding and it is sold at 15u$s seed.
I dont mind the pricing, I dont think is cheap, I understand breeding in Germany or New York indoors is very expensive but I dislike being told this is top quality because it is not
The productivity of these plants is real sad. I flowered them to finnish and I smoked them. Normal plants have better high than this, not to talk about productivity
Tri Haze
haze tri (2).jpeg

Quad haze was the only one that appeared after sprouting some 50 seeds. What is the rate of this quad to appear I dont know in the genetics?
Can we call this whorled philotaxy thing a mutation or is something else?
I dont think is normal nor common. It only appeared from my own progeny, I never seen it before
Quad haze for the fans
quad haze (2).jpeg

Ledo, Manala Cream is just for making charas. The hash or charas should be great.
The flowers of it should have nil high or super mild. It should be bhang plants, not sativas.
Charas plants grow super tall and can have a very high yield. But it is not for smoking buds
Did you test the extraction of the Malanas or the flower? The extraction should be very good quality
I smoked Manali charas during the 90s every day. I love it so much. Same with the nepali charas I smoked until 2012. I used to smoke a tola(aprox 10 grams) a week
I really miss smoking charas as much as I miss the old lebanese hash red and blonde.


Active member
I may have made a mistake and seen elchischas or a name similar 'like' some photo of a thai 82 reproduction by green hornet on instagram or another forum. I swear it was by eastcoastnewyorklabs but now I can't find where I saw it.
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Active member

I think someone was using this.


Well-known member
Funky that first joint I had (first couple days in Thailand) was a new level for me to measure everything cannabis related, like I said back then that kinda of high it’s got its own category indica sativa and Thai. The high was very intense and I wouldn’t suggest people smoking it in public it got overwhelming, even for me that I have flight hours in the astral plane.
Every time I’ve done a trip (acid, San Pedro, psilocybin, dmt, changa…) I can’t be around people because my energy flow gets polluted with other peoples energy. This is the same feeling I had with that joint, I needed space to experience and the crowd and busyness of Bangkok was intense. I didn’t have a bad trip but it was a trippy ride.

BS aside I only was able to smoke the half of that joint and had to stop. Later at the end of my holiday I got 10grm piece of the same herb and smoked back to back 3 joints I was high for the rest of the day and woke up feeling high to take my flight back.

Unfortunately I couldn’t experience imported Thai sticks, so I can’t associate correctly but I can recreate what it can feel like by the accounts of the stories of y’all who did smoke it. Nothing I have tried in Canada is even close to trippy weed.
I grew Mangobiche x 60s Lambsbreath from Swami and it was good herb, not trippy but elevated spirit and lots of introspection, head high and contemplation, I passed it so others could smoke it and some folks here that have never smoked real sativas would take 3 tokes and refuse the 4th… I thought they disliked the high but it was to much for them to keep smoking. People with no Sativa experience will creep out and get anxious and have severe palpitations and start sweating.

Yes I have made crosses with my Filipino stock since I started growing it in 2022. I recovered the seeds myself while in Palawan in 2019.
Seeds came from heavy seeded herb I bought from a Rasta called LoyLoy he is a personality in Puerto Princesa, sleeps in a hammock inside his tuktuk. Dude looked like the reincarnation of Bob Marley. I don’t want to put his face on the internet but I spent quality time with him, it was a genuine interaction. I had psilocybin powder I took and I gave them to try they were tripping balls.
He told me getting his herb was a journey, he would head to Luzon, sometimes Manila but when there was none in Manila he would have to go farther North to score. I wanted to see the plantation but he said too dangerous not worth it taking me there. Even for him sometimes it was too much danger. Let’s keep in mind Duterte was killing users of cannabis and growers… it wasn’t just the meth users. Real life consequences if he got caught.

It cost me like 50$ to score half OZ but I paid in full because I had seen the seeds. We smoked all that weed together. It was great happy uplifting not trippy, very good head high with no come down, could smoke it all night and not fall asleep. Set and setting was the difference, Rasta man and I would smoke and have beers all night, talk about his life, his life choices, it got real intimate Im the sense of the connection between us was like we knew each other from past life.
I wrote myself a letter put the seeds inside and posted the envelope to my home in Canada.

I was able to grow the seeds the first time in 2022, I found that year 1 male and one female, I tried to grow both along with other gear I have, I seen the first Filipino male in 2022 so I decided to cross it with 2 lines one comercial and the other my line. I was not successful at IBL the Filipino because the female took for ever to flower and the pistils came at late September so the rain started and I couldn’t pollinate. I regret this till today.
Could smoke the female as it never finished…

I grew it again 2023, 2024… male both times… so each time I crossed the male to whatever I was growing at the time. Last year I grew Ace Chiang Mai and I used the Filipino to cross all my phenos…
Today I am testing all of the progeny, small numbers, that’s what I can afford.

The traits are passed on pretty strong, I believe this genetic pool to be very strong and dominant because I have seen it in the progeny. The resistance of the Filipino males is out of this world.

Filipino 2024 in October 49N
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I was very excited because I got 2 Chiang Mai phenos one green pheno and a pearl pheno a wild expression, also SMG colombia got pollinated. I need it a SEAsian pool to pair the Filipino and Chiang Mai was my option. I want to get a male from this cross because I have 3 different pools I can go and back cross to start chasing specific traits like best high.

I would highly recommend anyone to go to Philippines and try to source weed and seeds. Still illegal to smoke grow or possess cannabis but the killer is in jail, and Filipinos smoke herb not like Thais. So I would assume it’s more relaxed now and possibly more available.
Cebu has herb, Palawan as well. Luzon go up to Sagada or Baguio. One can even go all the way to Kalinga and get a tattoo from the old matriarch of Kalinga tattoo history, she is pretty famous now… tourist make their way up there.

Anyway Philippines is a beautiful country and the diversity is there, every island is a micro cosmos so each herb grown there is different.
Hey bro,

Here's your Thai x Duterte's. Have 4 seedlings going at the moment.






Chasing the Present
Hola Ledo
I ask you because I dont have the knowledge and experience you have with growing weed
Thanks to the F2´s I made from Madmac haze share Ohz90 x Seedsman Hz and viceversa I have plenty of this whorled philotaxy unwanted shit. Is whorled philotaxy a mutation?
1/billion? Tri haze has popped at about 10-15% rate from the F2s
Is whorled philotaxy a mutation? I dont know, but certainly is totally unwanted and I am afraid this shit is the result of reversing females and reversing males for breeding and putting all of this cannatorture on test and expecting plants to remain sexually stable after this plus submitting to abrupt climate change and keeping them on very small feet and stuff like that. This is what they call breeding and it is sold at 15u$s seed.
I dont mind the pricing, I dont think is cheap, I understand breeding in Germany or New York indoors is very expensive but I dislike being told this is top quality because it is not
The productivity of these plants is real sad. I flowered them to finnish and I smoked them. Normal plants have better high than this, not to talk about productivity
Tri Haze
View attachment 19172701

Quad haze was the only one that appeared after sprouting some 50 seeds. What is the rate of this quad to appear I dont know in the genetics?
Can we call this whorled philotaxy thing a mutation or is something else?
I dont think is normal nor common. It only appeared from my own progeny, I never seen it before
Quad haze for the fans
View attachment 19172702

Ledo, Manala Cream is just for making charas. The hash or charas should be great.
The flowers of it should have nil high or super mild. It should be bhang plants, not sativas.
Charas plants grow super tall and can have a very high yield. But it is not for smoking buds
Did you test the extraction of the Malanas or the flower? The extraction should be very good quality
I smoked Manali charas during the 90s every day. I love it so much. Same with the nepali charas I smoked until 2012. I used to smoke a tola(aprox 10 grams) a week
I really miss smoking charas as much as I miss the old lebanese hash red and blonde.
No it's not a new or unique mutation; neither is fasciation but I think he may have been selecting for both those things, certainly fasciation with his Predator haze.... To me, and I've been saying this for years, Fasciation equals more stem, more leaf and less flower.... To each their own

Plants often grow out of the Whorled Phyllotaxy and often it doesn't pass on either to offspring, sometimes we get stuck with what is though, Cambodian #1 was a insane whorled plant, up to 9 sites at one node, it was crazy... Subsequent generations didn't whorl, just that one seed... I have had many whorled plants in my day, I'd say it's uncommon maybe 1% or so, far from a new mutation.

Freak Show to me is a mutation in cannabis, I believe this was even sequenced. When someone finds me a C4 cannabis plant then I'll mutate on over to give ya a hug & some loving super fast, that too would be an amazing mutation one I'd be after - haha.... If you don't know what I'm talking about look up C3 vs C4 plants.. Cannabis is C3, Sorghum or Corn for instance are C4

I understand what Malana Creme is brother, thank you, never made hash from that grow, was a very busy time of year and I was simply bulking / reproducing the old stock for future works... The fella in S Cali growing them is getting fantastic flowers from them, beautiful and unique terps & effect too, if it wasn't against TOU to share the pics while giving him credit I would but it's a private forum so won't / can't - sorry...

I made a LOT of Malana seed though and the male was beautiful I used, the Malana Creme in general have a great open structure and seemed like they would survive well outdoors vs most hash plants, especially in a wet / humid environment. Maybe I'll toss a few gorilla this year and see what they can do, think I used 6 females and one male to make the beans. It's something I should circle back to indeed
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Chasing the Present
"In plants, gene mutation rates, estimated to be between 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 genes per generation, are similar to those in animals, with rates around 10<sup>-8</sup> to 10<sup>-9</sup> changes per base pair in a gene. "

While both plants and animals experience gene mutations, plants may have a higher germline mutation rate, potentially due to their lack of a segregated germline and exposure to environmental mutagens, while animals tend to have a lower rate. "
what does 10 8th or 9th power equal btw...? 10, 8th power =100,000,000 ~ 10, 9th power equals 1 billion

I can google search too and find numerous articles stating 100 Hundred million to 1/billion....

"Plant mutation rates, while variable, generally fall within a range of 10<sup>-8</sup> to 10<sup>-9</sup> changes per base pair per generation, similar to those observed in animals"

Not sure how you have in quotes 10,000 and then same exact quote 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 - did you leave off some zeroes by accident?

it's not 1/10,000 buddy unless you're growing stuff around Chernobyl 50 years ago...

And my point was that people use the term mutation all cavalierly and frivolously and wrongly and very, very often, not trying to nitpick scientific journals here neither of us were involved in nor wrote...

Peace brother Genghis
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Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
what does 10 8th or 9th power equal btw...? 10, 8th power =100,000,000 ~ 10, 9th power equals 1 billion

I can google search too and find numerous articles stating 100 Hundred million to 1/billion....

"Plant mutation rates, while variable, generally fall within a range of 10<sup>-8</sup> to 10<sup>-9</sup> changes per base pair per generation, similar to those observed in animals"

Not sure how you have in quotes 10,000 and then same exact quote 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 - did you leave off some zeroes by accident?

it's not 1/10,000 buddy unless you're growing stuff around Chernobyl 50 years ago...

And my point was that people use the term mutation all cavalierly and frivolously and wrongly and very, very often, not trying to nitpick scientific journals here neither of us were involved in nor wrote...

Peace brother Genghis
Im not trying to argue with you. Im not a geneticist and am just looking to learn.
I get different information when I look it up. What I find says that plants mutate more frequently than animals and that plants have a lot of variation in mutation rate.

what i posted says "1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 genes per generation"
not 1 in 100,000 individual plants

it seems that a species would have a difficult time adapting to environmental changes if the gene mutation rate required so many individuals. Plant species manage to adapt to unique island environments with very small founder population sizes. Far far less then a billion individuals.

"Comparing the genomes of plant and animal species is common scientific practice now, but the research team took this a stage further by studying all the genetic changes in five varieties of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (commonly known as mouse ear cress) over 30 generations. Their goal was to identify the differences between the genome of the final generation and the genome of the first generation. The research found that over several years 20 DNA building blocks (also called base pairs) had mutated in each of the 5 varieties of Arabidopsis.

This means in effect that each Arabidopsis seedling has, on average, one new mutation in each of the two new copies of the genome that it inherits from its parents.

The research made clear to the team just how changeable genomes are. Although the number of mutations in the Arabidopsis plants seemed small, when considering that the plant produces thousands of seeds in one generation, the speed of the mutations seems remarkable."

am i misunderstanding?

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Well-known member
Hi brethen

Hola @funkyhorse , yes brother, me and other great Friends are trying to get back the mitic "Thai 82" from greenhornet seeds.
I don't really like to comment on what I'm doing
until things are a reality.
I've always been that way since I started on the forums, more than 20 years ago. I don't like to comment or write much. Most of what is discussed seems like a waste of time, in my humble opinion, and I say this without meaning to offend anyone. I prefer to simply focus on objectives.
I truly love growing marijuana, and that's the only thing that interests me.
We have an ambitious project to revive many old genetics. Right now, we're working on Thai 82, Malawi Gold, and Vietnam Tourist, all from Greenhornet seeds. Also, many more very old Landraces, including many seeds saved from the 1960s.
It's not easy. For me, it's required a huge effort to keep moving to acquire rare genetics. All these years, including trips to high-risk areas in my country to acquire the last remaining strains of the legendary Mexican sativas, which is why I don't have much time for idle discussions.
Since it seems like real Thai strains are almost impossible to find, I've decided to create my own Thai version. I already have some very interesting genetics, so perhaps in the future we can offer something interesting to the community.
@ledo brother, I hadn't mentioned anything before because it was supposed to be a surprise.
But yes, brother, we're working with this old Thai strain ,hoping everything goes well.
You know, you'll be one of the first to receive seeds.


The Haze Whisperer
3% is a bit high on the H202, GA makes wonky plants…. Scarify, 1% H202 18-24 hours then into Living soil, worm castings are great & moist warm not wet conditions is your golden ticket hempy…

The early pearl & skunks I popped last year for instance were nearly 35 year old seed, got plenty to pop & turn into happy & healthy plants
You mix the 3% hydrogen peroxide with RO or distilled water, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down to h20.

I only used GA once and I ordered that pre-made from Israel and I only saw one seedling start to grow a little lanky, but it grew out of that early.

Old seed, no matter how they're store over time, lose all the hormones and enzymes stored in the embryo sack and dry up that's a big reason for older seed not germinating the GA replaces that and that's why it works well.


Golden Coast
I'm in my 60s and sorry to break it to you mate but no one was educated back then when it came to cannabis people didn't clone people didn't store their seed correctly or did we know or foresee extinction was going to occur to so many of our strains of that time and if we were educated we would have save most of them.

My Thai originates from imported Thai from the 70s this is only one of many different Thai lines I collected and grew over decades, I even had a mate collect Thai seed from Thailand.

I had school friends move up and live with the hippies in Main Arm in 78 who had bred the Mullum first time I smoked that was 79.
"Imported from Thailand" so that means its "Thai Cannabis" ? Or you collected it in Thailand in the 1970's yourself ?


Golden Coast
Hi brethen

Hola @funkyhorse , yes brother, me and other great Friends are trying to get back the mitic "Thai 82" from greenhornet seeds.
I don't really like to comment on what I'm doing
until things are a reality.
I've always been that way since I started on the forums, more than 20 years ago. I don't like to comment or write much. Most of what is discussed seems like a waste of time, in my humble opinion, and I say this without meaning to offend anyone. I prefer to simply focus on objectives.
I truly love growing marijuana, and that's the only thing that interests me.
We have an ambitious project to revive many old genetics. Right now, we're working on Thai 82, Malawi Gold, and Vietnam Tourist, all from Greenhornet seeds. Also, many more very old Landraces, including many seeds saved from the 1960s.
It's not easy. For me, it's required a huge effort to keep moving to acquire rare genetics. All these years, including trips to high-risk areas in my country to acquire the last remaining strains of the legendary Mexican sativas, which is why I don't have much time for idle discussions.
Since it seems like real Thai strains are almost impossible to find, I've decided to create my own Thai version. I already have some very interesting genetics, so perhaps in the future we can offer something interesting to the community.
@ledo brother, I hadn't mentioned anything before because it was supposed to be a surprise.
But yes, brother, we're working with this old Thai strain ,hoping everything goes well.
You know, you'll be one of the first to receive seeds.
Speaking of 1982. lol , this seed is from a batch that was out of Redondo / Hermosa beach "from" Thailand "unthai" , non tied in 1982 , I tried to germinate them over 10 years ago with no success , i sent some of the seeds in to Phylos when they first started via R Clarke , Recently i tried to germ the ones the were left i had success with one , its a male , i gonna try to treat clones of it with florel to see if i can get female flowers to pollinate with the original dad pollen , im trying to keep it pure , its it works could be really interesting , because seeds will be XY
Also have some Mexican "Skunk" seeds going right now from mid to late 80's from a batch of good pretendica , really unique looking plants


  • 82thai.jpg
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Well-known member
To me, and I've been saying this for years, Fasciation equals more stem, more leaf and less flower.... To each their own
Thank you for taking your time to share knowledge
In the whorled phillotaxy plants I got from the progeny I made they never grew out of it, the plant made until maturity 3 branches per node with very poor productivity. And the whorled phillotaxy I got from other sources it was always the lowest productivity plant not giving any special or stronger high than normal sisters
What you comment is exactly my experience with the only fasciated plant I got
Thunk sold by Breeders Retail was not clear if it was made in the 90s or early 2000s
I got about 25% germination from the 20 seeds I tried

This is the only flower the fasciated Thunk made. The rest pure leaf
Very beautiful to see but I dont high from looks, I get high from bud and this thing doesnt produce any bud
Thunk fem 3.jpeg
Thunk fem 3 (2).jpeg
Predator thunk.jpeg
Fasciated Thunk.jpeg

Good luck to everyone trying to revive those old gems

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
3 words overused to exhaustion and often inaccurately


For me mutation takes the cake; mutation this, mutation that I always hear… naturally occurring mutation rate in plants is @ 1/billion, no bro that’s not a mutation in your seedlings it’s thrips eating the newest leaf growth 😝

Nah ,,,
It`s a lot more common than that .

Old seeds seem to have more variations . But malformed crinkled leaves and stunted growth comes out a lot more often than 1 in 1 billion . I have seen it several times within a few thousand plants .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Thank you for taking your time to share knowledge
In the whorled phillotaxy plants I got from the progeny I made they never grew out of it, the plant made until maturity 3 branches per node with very poor productivity. And the whorled phillotaxy I got from other sources it was always the lowest productivity plant not giving any special or stronger high than normal sisters
What you comment is exactly my experience with the only fasciated plant I got
Thunk sold by Breeders Retail was not clear if it was made in the 90s or early 2000s
I got about 25% germination from the 20 seeds I tried

This is the only flower the fasciated Thunk made. The rest pure leaf
Very beautiful to see but I dont high from looks, I get high from bud and this thing doesnt produce any bud
View attachment 19172962 View attachment 19172963 View attachment 19172964 View attachment 19172965

Good luck to everyone trying to revive those old gems

The fasciation comes from genetics Sam used in his breeding .
Mad Mac then used a plant with this trait to breed with . Like begets like .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
what does 10 8th or 9th power equal btw...? 10, 8th power =100,000,000 ~ 10, 9th power equals 1 billion

I can google search too and find numerous articles stating 100 Hundred million to 1/billion....

"Plant mutation rates, while variable, generally fall within a range of 10<sup>-8</sup> to 10<sup>-9</sup> changes per base pair per generation, similar to those observed in animals"

Not sure how you have in quotes 10,000 and then same exact quote 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 - did you leave off some zeroes by accident?

it's not 1/10,000 buddy unless you're growing stuff around Chernobyl 50 years ago...

And my point was that people use the term mutation all cavalierly and frivolously and wrongly and very, very often, not trying to nitpick scientific journals here neither of us were involved in nor wrote...

Peace brother Genghis

What`s up with the ones that just grow cotyledons but no true leaves ?
Had a bunch of them over the years too .
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Active member
Hi brethen

Hola @funkyhorse , yes brother, me and other great Friends are trying to get back the mitic "Thai 82" from greenhornet seeds.
I don't really like to comment on what I'm doing
until things are a reality.
I've always been that way since I started on the forums, more than 20 years ago. I don't like to comment or write much. Most of what is discussed seems like a waste of time, in my humble opinion, and I say this without meaning to offend anyone. I prefer to simply focus on objectives.
I truly love growing marijuana, and that's the only thing that interests me.
We have an ambitious project to revive many old genetics. Right now, we're working on Thai 82, Malawi Gold, and Vietnam Tourist, all from Greenhornet seeds. Also, many more very old Landraces, including many seeds saved from the 1960s.
It's not easy. For me, it's required a huge effort to keep moving to acquire rare genetics. All these years, including trips to high-risk areas in my country to acquire the last remaining strains of the legendary Mexican sativas, which is why I don't have much time for idle discussions.
Since it seems like real Thai strains are almost impossible to find, I've decided to create my own Thai version. I already have some very interesting genetics, so perhaps in the future we can offer something interesting to the community.
@ledo brother, I hadn't mentioned anything before because it was supposed to be a surprise.
But yes, brother, we're working with this old Thai strain ,hoping everything goes well.
You know, you'll be one of the first to receive seeds.
Aw man, I feel bad, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to air your business or ruin any surprise.
I would also like to apologize to everyone in this forum.


Well-known member
No it's not a new or unique mutation; neither is fasciation but I think he may have been selecting for both those things, certainly fasciation with his Predator haze.... To me, and I've been saying this for years, Fasciation equals more stem, more leaf and less flower.... To each their own

Plants often grow out of the Whorled Phyllotaxy and often it doesn't pass on either to offspring, sometimes we get stuck with what is though, Cambodian #1 was a insane whorled plant, up to 9 sites at one node, it was crazy... Subsequent generations didn't whorl, just that one seed... I have had many whorled plants in my day, I'd say it's uncommon maybe 1% or so, far from a new mutation.

Freak Show to me is a mutation in cannabis, I believe this was even sequenced. When someone finds me a C4 cannabis plant then I'll mutate on over to give ya a hug & some loving super fast, that too would be an amazing mutation one I'd be after - haha.... If you don't know what I'm talking about look up C3 vs C4 plants.. Cannabis is C3, Sorghum or Corn for instance are C4

I understand what Malana Creme is brother, thank you, never made hash from that grow, was a very busy time of year and I was simply bulking / reproducing the old stock for future works... The fella in S Cali growing them is getting fantastic flowers from them, beautiful and unique terps & effect too, if it wasn't against TOU to share the pics while giving him credit I would but it's a private forum so won't / can't - sorry...

I made a LOT of Malana seed though and the male was beautiful I used, the Malana Creme in general have a great open structure and seemed like they would survive well outdoors vs most hash plants, especially in a wet / humid environment. Maybe I'll toss a few gorilla this year and see what they can do, think I used 6 females and one male to make the beans. It's something I should circle back to indeed
I hate fasciated branches and always cut them, I don't want those flat stems and horrible flowers, recently I had to cull a seedling I was testing because all her branches were fasciated, no way I bloom a horrible plant like this. I came out of Bota Farm seeds testers, some polybybrids made without any real breeding goals except "fingers crossed I'll get a clone elite" out of this genetic mess, it's a ridiculous breeding program to starr and the seeds are sold at insane prices, thankfully I didn't pay for mine or I'd be very angry and ask for a refund, I had only 1 viable plant out of 5 seeds, the ones I culled were horrible mutants or just degenerate seedlings, that's what you get when you don't know what you're doing and make seeds with highly unstable polyhybrids who don't breed true. My advice so far is, don't waste your money on those Bota farm bullshit seeds they are not worthy of their asked price or your grow space, I do better seeds in my small set-up while having fun with what I have available. I have a grow journal where I document the Bota Farm seedlings, I hope the last plant alive will make decent flowers and won't herm which is still a possibility with this highly unstable polyhybrid absolutely not worked for further generations to try to stabilize desired traits, I'm afraid the seed maker of BT have no idea what he's doing and just pollen chuck without any goals to begin with.

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