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I hate most of the pot industry.


Active member
The pot industry is full scumbags and scam artists. Fake it till you make it types. The more people I met the more disappointed I became. Been growing weed since 2004 and I always had a suspicion it was that way. However, it wasn't until I completed a degree in hort and worked in the plant industry outside of cannabis that I realized how deep the rabbit hole really was here.
Cannabis industry has always had a reliability issue. You would think legalization would have made things better but it seems like it was gasoline on the fire instead.


Well-known member
The pot industry is full scumbags and scam artists. Fake it till you make it types. The more people I met the more disappointed I became. Been growing weed since 2004 and I always had a suspicion it was that way. However, it wasn't until I completed a degree in hort and worked in the plant industry outside of cannabis that I realized how deep the rabbit hole really was here.
Cannabis industry has always had a reliability issue. You would think legalization would have made things better but it seems like it was gasoline on the fire instead.
Well all the legal weed I've tried in Florida is shit imo...from the jungle Boyz to whoever runs the dispensary. It always has that after taste and gives me a headache.
But usually I have my own weed, sometimes I run out on vacation.
Crazy they're only giving out so many licenses on shit weed they made legal


Well-known member
amazing how people still expect that Berner is down in the trenches, hand watering their Cookies.

If you want to smoke great weed, just never buy any...
especially not from a place with a cash register, wtf?
I've never been a store before, just second hand weed from the depot.
I only smoke my own shit 💯 of the time.
I didn't expect much and it wasn't that much. Just advertisement from the depot


Well-known member
I won't buy gov approved ,taxed weed....the same people who destroyed lives and broke up families now expect me to buy it from them and forget as they pretend they are for the people and tolerant , not happenin,fk em.
I'm with you for sure. A little embarrassed to admit though, that back around Christmas time I bought an oz of some pretty nice SSH from a dispo down the road. That is the only time since the medical days that I have so much as walked into one of those places. But my brother told me they had it, and I couldn't resist for $60. I've been nursing that jar since I got it, still have a quarter or so left. So I guess I didn't live up to my own ideals here, but for this one time I'm okay with it.


Well-known member
Damn, you keep poping up like a bad Girlfriend...no matter how much verbal abuse, MF keeps poping up ...
Reminds me of this kid who always tried to become friends with our group in high school. We were such incredible dicks to that kid, I kinda feel bad now... he just wanted to be friends, but we'd make him bring cases of beer if he wanted to hang, go get us cigarettes and shit. God we were dicks.

Sorry Mikey... you were a good guy, and probably deserved better friends than us.

OP isn't that. He's just an obnoxious troll, and I'm pretty sure this guy is OP under a new name.

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