Maybe not in the kitchen tho…Perfect day to make some hot handmade duckshit lemon tea don't you think?
Happy Birthday all over you.Unfortunately, and really feeling it this morning. Need the H girl to come over and give me an old fashionrub down. Me bones are feeling rickety and creaky. Lots of snap, crackle and need a pop to get back to limber.
More preparation for the ice storm they say that's coming.
ya'll be kind and enjoy
View attachment 19149584
What about a Porsche Mooney?????????I used to love to fly really low over the swamp down here in Floriduh. Dead flat, so no wires or trees other than in hammock "islands" -- and Piper Warrior speed was more than plenty for the rush for this pussy.
I always have a nightmare where I'm in boot camp and my stuff is all disorganized and I'm trying to get high and we are about to meet the drill instructor. I never see them.I have a dream every now and then for some reason of making an emergency landing on a plane like that in a big grassy field. I’m always glad to wake up because it’s intense but then always wonder if I made itI’ve had that same dream for years
I hope that eval comes out well for you.Morning everybody, busy day at the grind today. Future new owners coming tomorrow, and I have my disability evaluation later today as well. Hope all have a great day
I just checked. Nope. Ain't got one.What about a Porsche Mooney?????????
Those fluffers are adordable.Just started to snow a few minutes ago. Suppose to be freezing rain and snow all day. Arlo is trying to see where it’s coming from
View attachment 19149685
Waiting for spring here.Those fluffers are adordable.
Oh... it's 76F and Sunny.
Yeah, sumpin' like that, but with more rings. Where and what the heck was the bunker in your pic?
Ummmmm, certainly adorable fluffy dogs, but have you looked at all the definitions of fluffer?Those fluffers are adordable.
Oh... it's 76F and Sunny.
Ummmmm, certainly adorable fluffy dogs, but have you looked at all the definitions of fluffer?