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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Unfortunately, and really feeling it this morning. Need the H girl to come over and give me an old fashion :whistling: rub down. Me bones are feeling rickety and creaky. Lots of snap, crackle and need a pop to get back to limber.

More preparation for the ice storm they say that's coming.

ya'll be kind and enjoy

View attachment 19149584
Happy Birthday all over you.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I have a dream every now and then for some reason of making an emergency landing on a plane like that in a big grassy field. I’m always glad to wake up because it’s intense but then always wonder if I made it 🤪 I’ve had that same dream for years
I always have a nightmare where I'm in boot camp and my stuff is all disorganized and I'm trying to get high and we are about to meet the drill instructor. I never see them.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Yeah, sumpin' like that, but with more rings. Where and what the heck was the bunker in your pic?

Also located in Salt Creek Recreation Area is Camp Hayden. Dating back to the 1940s, Camp Hayden was built as a coastal defense base during World War II.

In 1941, multiple temporary batteries, or groups of artillery, were built near Port Angeles and Angeles Point to protect crucial areas such as the entrance to Puget Sound and the Canadian naval base at Esquimalt.

However, these temporary structures were replaced by the establishment of Camp Hayden and its two fixed gun batteries: Battery 249 and Battery 131.

Camp Hayden was built using steel-shielded concrete and was designed to withstand a direct hit.

It was named after Brigadier General John L. Hayden, the former commanding officer of the Puget Sound Harbor Defense.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Ummmmm, certainly adorable fluffy dogs, but have you looked at all the definitions of fluffer?

I was more concerned with the temps being so cold and wondering if Unca turned up the thermostat

that fecker never misses a chance to rub it it , temperature wise , when he gets a chance

30 degrees here with snow on the ground

Swede looking for gold


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