@Boo don't know what or how to say it buddy.
Some of my deepest sadness and regrets came from having to put down my last 3 dogs all of them suffering from some kind brain disorder I believe.
They all lived to be a ripe old age which the vet said was to my credit.
I still miss them dearly and still see glimpses of them when I dust or go by their pictures I still shed tears and feel the nee to talk to all of them, ain't a day I don't say good morning and good night to them.
She's the only one that stretched that much under my CMH light. Must be from the Kali Mist side of the family@ Travis ….lot of stretch in her. I will take a picture of mine when the lights come on. You do good work.
Maybe a junky or was grabbed hard in rough play…What the hell is wrong with her purple arm?
View attachment 19139662
Wow, that’s beautifulLooky what my wife made me for our anniversary, last of the Door County cherries for this year View attachment 19139719
Happy anniversary old fox!Looky what my wife made me for our anniversary, last of the Door County cherries for this year View attachment 19139719
Clutching my guy a little tighter todayI remember when Boo got Dutch as a puppy. Seems like yesterday. I wish there was something I could do. Just sitting here staring at my computer screen….
So sorry my Dear friend.
Congratulations and happy anniversary brother!Looky what my wife made me for our anniversary, last of the Door County cherries for this year View attachment 19139719
Was corrected 44 years not 43Wow, that’s beautifulHappy anniversary to both of you. How many years?
Love cherry pie we used 2 have 2 huge cherry trees when I was a kid.Congratulations and happy anniversary brother!
Good choice on pies! Cherry is my favorite!
Good choice on pies! Cherry is my favorite!