Cannabis sativa is a complex species with highly variable morphological features. The present chapter provides detailed descriptions of morphological and anatomical characters of various parts of C. sativa plant and illustrated with bright-field and scanning electron micrographs. Male and female flowers occur in separate plants. Three types of glandular trichomes namely, glandular stalked, glandular sessile and bulbous glandular trichomes are found. Of these, glandular stalked trichomes are restricted to the floral bracts in pistillate plants and anthers in staminate plants. The other two types of glandular trichomes are found in various parts including bracts, leaves, stems and petioles. Two types of non-glandular trichomes namely, cystolith trichomes and slender covering trichomes, are present. Cystolith trichomes are primarily found on the adaxial leaf surface while the covering trichomes are commonly present on the abaxial leaf surface, stems, petioles and tepals. Cystolith crystals of calcium carbonate and cluster crystals of calcium oxalate are observed in the leaves. Anatomical features of various parts of the plant are described and illustrated.
Morphology of C. sativa. a-c Twigs with female inflorescences; d A twig of a male plant; e Leaves showing variation in the number of lobes; f Seeds
Micro-morphology of different parts of C. sativa a, c, e, f Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); b, d Light microscopy (LM)]. a Female flowers; b Outer surface of a bract showing numerous glandular trichomes with yellow contents; c Portions of bract and young leaves with various types of trichomes; d A portion of bract; e Petiole surface covered with nonglandular and glandular trichomes; f Lower surface of leaf base and a portion of petiole showing branching of major veins to leaf lobes
Leaf micro-morphology of C. sativa [C and F-LM; all others SEM]. a Adaxial leaf surface; b, c Adaxial leaf epidermis; d, e Abaxial leaf surface; f, g Abaxial leaf epidermis showing stomata. Cc cystolith trichome, Cu cuticle striations, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, Ngt non-glandular trichome, St stomata
Anatomy of C. sativa [A and C-LM; all others SEM]. a, b Transection (TS) of leaf through midrib; c, d TS of leaf through lamina; e TS of stem, with a portion enlarged (f). Ch chlorenchyma, Co collenchyma, Ct cystolith trichome, Fu furrows, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, La lamina, Ld laticifer duct, Le lower epidermis, Mr midrib, Ngt non-glandular trichome, Pa palisade, Pf pericyclic fibers, Ph phloem, Pi pith, Ri ridges, Sp spongy tissue, Up upper epidermis, Xy xylem
Anatomy of C. sativa [E-LM; all others SEM, F-colorized SEM]. a TS of petiole; b TS of root; c, d TS of root; e, f cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in the leaf midrib. Br bract, Cc cluster crystals, Co cortex, Co cotyledon, Gr adaxial groove, Pe pericarp, Ph phloem, Vb vascular bundle, Xy xylem
Figures - uploaded by Vijayasankar Raman
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Morphology of C. sativa. a-c Twigs with female inflorescences; d A twig of a male plant; e Leaves showing variation in the number of lobes; f Seeds
![Micro-morphology of different parts of C. sativa a, c, e, f Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); b, d Light microscopy (LM)]. a Female flowers; b Outer surface of a bract showing numerous glandular trichomes with yellow contents; c Portions of bract and young leaves with various types of trichomes; d A portion of bract; e Petiole surface covered with nonglandular and glandular trichomes; f Lower surface of leaf base and a portion of petiole showing branching of major veins to leaf lobes Micro-morphology of different parts of C. sativa a, c, e, f Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); b, d Light microscopy (LM)]. a Female flowers; b Outer surface of a bract showing numerous glandular trichomes with yellow contents; c Portions of bract and young leaves with various types of trichomes; d A portion of bract; e Petiole surface covered with nonglandular and glandular trichomes; f Lower surface of leaf base and a portion of petiole showing branching of major veins to leaf lobes](
Micro-morphology of different parts of C. sativa a, c, e, f Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); b, d Light microscopy (LM)]. a Female flowers; b Outer surface of a bract showing numerous glandular trichomes with yellow contents; c Portions of bract and young leaves with various types of trichomes; d A portion of bract; e Petiole surface covered with nonglandular and glandular trichomes; f Lower surface of leaf base and a portion of petiole showing branching of major veins to leaf lobes
![Leaf micro-morphology of C. sativa [C and F-LM; all others SEM]. a Adaxial leaf surface; b, c Adaxial leaf epidermis; d, e Abaxial leaf surface; f, g Abaxial leaf epidermis showing stomata. Cc cystolith trichome, Cu cuticle striations, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, Ngt non-glandular trichome, St stomata Leaf micro-morphology of C. sativa [C and F-LM; all others SEM]. a Adaxial leaf surface; b, c Adaxial leaf epidermis; d, e Abaxial leaf surface; f, g Abaxial leaf epidermis showing stomata. Cc cystolith trichome, Cu cuticle striations, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, Ngt non-glandular trichome, St stomata](
Leaf micro-morphology of C. sativa [C and F-LM; all others SEM]. a Adaxial leaf surface; b, c Adaxial leaf epidermis; d, e Abaxial leaf surface; f, g Abaxial leaf epidermis showing stomata. Cc cystolith trichome, Cu cuticle striations, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, Ngt non-glandular trichome, St stomata
![Anatomy of C. sativa [A and C-LM; all others SEM]. a, b Transection (TS) of leaf through midrib; c, d TS of leaf through lamina; e TS of stem, with a portion enlarged (f). Ch chlorenchyma, Co collenchyma, Ct cystolith trichome, Fu furrows, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, La lamina, Ld laticifer duct, Le lower epidermis, Mr midrib, Ngt non-glandular trichome, Pa palisade, Pf pericyclic fibers, Ph phloem, Pi pith, Ri ridges, Sp spongy tissue, Up upper epidermis, Xy xylem Anatomy of C. sativa [A and C-LM; all others SEM]. a, b Transection (TS) of leaf through midrib; c, d TS of leaf through lamina; e TS of stem, with a portion enlarged (f). Ch chlorenchyma, Co collenchyma, Ct cystolith trichome, Fu furrows, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, La lamina, Ld laticifer duct, Le lower epidermis, Mr midrib, Ngt non-glandular trichome, Pa palisade, Pf pericyclic fibers, Ph phloem, Pi pith, Ri ridges, Sp spongy tissue, Up upper epidermis, Xy xylem](
Anatomy of C. sativa [A and C-LM; all others SEM]. a, b Transection (TS) of leaf through midrib; c, d TS of leaf through lamina; e TS of stem, with a portion enlarged (f). Ch chlorenchyma, Co collenchyma, Ct cystolith trichome, Fu furrows, Gt-2 capitate sessile glandular trichome, Gt-3 bulbous glandular trichome, La lamina, Ld laticifer duct, Le lower epidermis, Mr midrib, Ngt non-glandular trichome, Pa palisade, Pf pericyclic fibers, Ph phloem, Pi pith, Ri ridges, Sp spongy tissue, Up upper epidermis, Xy xylem
![Anatomy of C. sativa [E-LM; all others SEM, F-colorized SEM]. a TS of petiole; b TS of root; c, d TS of root; e, f cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in the leaf midrib. Br bract, Cc cluster crystals, Co cortex, Co cotyledon, Gr adaxial groove, Pe pericarp, Ph phloem, Vb vascular bundle, Xy xylem Anatomy of C. sativa [E-LM; all others SEM, F-colorized SEM]. a TS of petiole; b TS of root; c, d TS of root; e, f cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in the leaf midrib. Br bract, Cc cluster crystals, Co cortex, Co cotyledon, Gr adaxial groove, Pe pericarp, Ph phloem, Vb vascular bundle, Xy xylem](
Anatomy of C. sativa [E-LM; all others SEM, F-colorized SEM]. a TS of petiole; b TS of root; c, d TS of root; e, f cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in the leaf midrib. Br bract, Cc cluster crystals, Co cortex, Co cotyledon, Gr adaxial groove, Pe pericarp, Ph phloem, Vb vascular bundle, Xy xylem
Figures - uploaded by Vijayasankar Raman
Author content
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Morpho-Anatomy of Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.)
- May 2017
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