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RJ Brand Bud Brothers
>Best>>>ibes :huggg:


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Chem 91 fully functional THCAS gene

This chart represents the Illumina sequence coverage over the Bt/Bd allele. These are the three regions in the cannabis genome that impact THCA, CBDA, CBGA production. Coverage over the Active CBDAS gene is highly correlated with Type II and Type III plants as described by Etienne de Meijer. Coverage over the THCA gene is highly correlated with Type I and Type II plants but is anti-correlated with Type III plants. Type I plants require coverage over the inactive CBDA loci and no coverage over the Active CBDA gene. Lack of coverage over the Active CBDA and Active THCA allele are presumed to be Type IV plants (CBGA dominant). While deletions of entire THCAS and CBDAS genes are the most common Bt:Bd alleles observed, it is possible to have plants with these genes where functional expression of the enzyme is disrupted by deactivating point mutations (Kojoma et al. 2006).

'71 '74 SKUNK
Type I plants require coverage over the inactive CBDA loci and no coverage over the Active CBDA gene.



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Terpenes are classified by the number of carbons:
monoterpenes (C10),
sesquiterpenes (C15),
diterpenes (C20)

Biosynthetic pathway edit Full details of the sequence of reactions that converts individual amino acids into the corresponding glucosinolate have been studied in the cress Arabidopsis thaliana.[9][5]

A sequence of seven enzyme-catalysed steps is used. The sulfur atom is incorporated from glutathione (GSH) and the sugar component is added to the resulting thiol derivative by a glycosyltransferase before the final sulfonation step.[10]

Our tongue is covered with taste receptors that allow us to identify different tastes, and these receptors come from genes in our DNA. One type of these taste receptors tastes for a bitter chemical called PTC (phenylthiocarbamide). This receptor is coded by a gene named TAS2R38, or the PTC gene. Even though PTC is not normally found in our food, it is very similar to chemicals found in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts. The PTC gene comes in 2 common forms – bitter-tasting or non-tasting. As we all have 2 copies of each gene, if you have both copies to be the non-tasting gene, your PTC receptor would not work and you would not taste the bitterness of Brussel sprouts. Some people might have one of each form of the PTC gene, allowing them to have a partially working receptor and only taste part of the bitterness. On the other hand, some people will have both copies of the bitter-tasting PTC gene. They are known as ‘supertasters’ and would find Brussel sprouts extremely bitter, meaning that they are likely to be disgusted by them!

:thinking: Happen to love sprouts so theres that
As well there are many health benefits for those who enjoy mustards and thiols :huggg:
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Well-known member

Journal of Cannabis Research - BioMed Central

Etymology edit The name lactone derives from the ring compound called lactide, which is formed from the dehydration of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (lactic acid) CH3-CH(OH)-COOH. Lactic acid, in turn, derives its name from its original isolation from soured milk (Latin: lac, lactis). The name was coined in 1844 by the French chemist Théophile-Jules Pelouze, who first obtained it as a derivative of lactic acid.[5] An internal dehydration reaction within the same molecule of lactic acid would have produced alpha-propiolactone, a lactone with a 3-membered ring. In 1880 the German chemist Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig extended the name "lactone" to all intramolecular carboxylic esters.[6]

Milk can be used to rid plants of PM

The genetic basis of foliar terpene yield: Implications for breeding and profitability of Australian essential oil crops October 2014Plant Biotechnology 31(5):363-376 DOI:10.5511/plantbiotechnology.14.1009a

Think that fully covers the chemicals
Some people hate skunk while other love it 🤷‍♂️


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Isovaleric acid is a major component of the cause of intense foot odor, as it is produced by skin bacteria metabolizing leucine and in rare cases a condition called isovaleric acidemia can lead to heightened levels of this metabolite.[19]

It is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it: it must be obtained from the diet. Human dietary sources are foods that contain protein, such as meats, dairy products, soy products, and beans and other legumes. It is encoded by the codons UUA, UUG, CUU, CUC, CUA, and CUG.

The main cause is foot sweat

Sweet; Floral; Nectar; Rose; Jasmine; Vanilla; Cherry Blossom; Apricot Tree; Orange Blossom; Lilac; Violet; Fruity; Berry; Raspberry; Strawberry; Blackberry; Blueberry; Cranberry; Tropical; Passion Fruit; Pineapple; Cantaloupe; Mango; Kiwi; Banana; Coconut; Grape; Apricot; Cherry; Plum; Peach; Apple; Pear; Sugar; Honey; Bubble Gum; Cookie Dough; Peanutbutter; Butterscotch; Chocolate; Marshmallow; Whipped Cream; Licorice; Sour; Citrus; Lemon; Sweet Lemon; Lime; Lemon Grass; Grapefruit; Orange; Blood Orange; Tangerine; Dairy; Butter; Cheese; Hot Milk; Sour Cream; Acidic; Spicy; Hot; Mustard; Teriyaki; Curry; Chili; Tabasco; Soy Sauce; BBQ Sauce; Mint; Spearmint; Herbs; Ginger; Pepper; Cinnamon; Sage; Basilicum; Thyme; Dill; Saffron; Cloves; Parsley; Fennel; Sandalwood; Cedarwood; Pine; Maple; Hashish; Bitter; Nuts; Fresh Nuts; Macadamia; Walnut; Hazelnut; Tonsil; Rosted Nuts; Pistachio; Peanut; Chestnut; Chemical; Coughsyrup; Medicine; Metal; Poison; Glue; Diesel; Tar; Organic; Cucumber; Chives; Tee; Cocoa; Coffee; Tobacco; Onion; Garlic; Vinegar; Salty; Microbiological; Rot; Earth; Musky; Mold; Sweat; Charcoal; Wood; Alcohol; Chalk; Soda; Leather


@Sam_Skunkman thx for sharing that about the plant you found :huggg: funny now
how long it takes to get where your going :thinking:
The longer chains maybe take 26 weeks to synthesize ?







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Well-known member

Do see your point in not giving up your trade secrets if its your career and lifes work, why give it away ?

Went to McDonalds yesterday just love the french fries 🤷‍♂️ seems 90% of the potato they use is

Their recipe used to call for fries to be fried in beef tallow, before trans fat ...

I have personally grown many potatoes french fingerling, russian bananna, purple peruvian etc
all kinds of others besides fingerling ... yellow finn, german butterball, several russets
even tried growing half a doz sweet potatoes and making fries

I can tell you Russet Burbank is a delicious potato

Russet Burbank​

Potato 'Russet Burbank'
SpeciesS. tuberosum
Cultivar'Russet Burbank'

Idaho russet potatoes
Russet Burbank is a potato cultivar with dark brown skin and few eyes that is the most widely grown potato in North America.[1] A russet type, its flesh is white, dry, and mealy, and it is good for baking, mashing, and french fries (chips).[2] It is a common and popular potato.[3][4]


This variety is a mutation (or sport) of the cultivar 'Burbank's Seedling' that was selected by the plant breeder Luther Burbank in 1873. The known lineage of Russet Burbank began in 1853 when Chauncey E. Goodrich imported the Rough Purple Chili from South America in an attempt to add diversity to American potato stocks which were susceptible to late blight.[1][5] Goodrich bred Garnet Chili from Rough Purple Chili, and Albert Bresee bred Early Rose from Garnet Chili, from which Luther Burbank bred Burbank. This cross-over was formerly known as the Russell, but was eventually popularized as the Russet potato in the American stores. Russet Burbank has been widely, but incorrectly, reported to have been selected in 1914 by the Colorado potato grower Lou D. Sweet. A 2014 study confirmed that it was originally released in 1902 by L. L. May & Co and was first known as the Netted Gem.[1]

To improve the disease resistance of Irish potatoes, Luther Burbank selected the potato that became known as "the Burbank." It was not patented because plants, such as potatoes, propagated from tubers were not granted patents in the United States.[6]


Russet Burbank was not initially popular, accounting for only 4% of potatoes in the US in 1930. The introduction of irrigation in Idaho increased its popularity, as growers found it produced large potatoes easily marketed as baking potatoes.[5] The invention of frozen french fries in the '40s and fast food restaurants in the '50s increased its popularity further. By the 2010s, Russet Burbank accounted for 70% of the ultra-processed potato market in North America, and over 40% of the potato growing area in the US.[1]

Restaurants such as McDonald's favor russet potatoes for their size, which produce long pieces suitable for french fries. As of 2009, "McDonald's top tuber is the Russet Burbank."[7] After decades of consumption in North America, consumers and processors consider it the standard potato against which others are judged.[1][5]

Well maybe off topic a little maybe not....

Burbank was praised and admired not only for his gardening skills but for his modesty, generosity and kind spirit.[22] He was very interested in education and gave money to the local schools.

He married twice: to Helen Coleman in 1890, which ended in divorce in 1896; and to Elizabeth Waters in 1916. He had no children of his own but did adopt a daughter.

His heart was fathomlessly deep, long acquainted with humility, patience, sacrifice. His little home amid the roses was austerely simple; he knew the worthlessness of luxury, the joy of few possessions. The modesty with which he wore his scientific fame repeatedly reminded me of the trees that bend low with the burden of ripening fruits; it is the barren tree that lifts its head high in an empty boast.[23]

In a speech given to the First Congregational Church of San Francisco in 1926, Burbank said:

I love humanity, which has been a constant delight to me during all my seventy-seven years of life; and I love flowers, trees, animals, and all the works of Nature as they pass before us in time and space. What a joy life is when you have made a close working partnership with Nature, helping her to produce for the benefit of mankind new forms, colors, and perfumes in flowers which were never known before; fruits in form, size, and flavor never before seen on this globe; and grains of enormously increased productiveness, whose fat kernels are filled with more and better nourishment, a veritable storehouse of perfect food—new food for all the world's untold millions for all time to come.[24]

Luther Burbank was highly revered throughout the United States of America. In September 1905 a group of California's most influential businessmen, intellectuals, and politicians gathered at a banquet thrown in honor of Luther Burbank by the State Board of Trade. Many people spoke about Burbank, such as Senator Perkins who stated that Burbank could teach the government valuable lessons, and that "he is doing more to instruct, interest, and make popular the work in the garden than any man of his generation."[25]

At the same convention, Albert G. Burnett, a judge of the Superior Court for Sonoma County stated that Burbank had improved the community incredibly making it a place that people came "to sit at the feet of this great apostle and prophet of beauty and happiness ... and catch some measure of his matchless inspiration." He also stated that Burbank's deeds were always done to "bring more of the sunshine of comfort and happiness into the cottages of the poor as well as the palaces of the rich."[25]

In 1924 Burbank wrote a letter endorsing the "Yogoda" training system of Paramahansa Yogananda as a superior alternative to what he considered narrowly intellectual education offered by most schools.[26] He caused a great deal of public controversy[27] a few months before his death in 1926 when he answered questions about his deepest beliefs by a reporter from the San Francisco Bulletin with the following statement:

I am an infidel today. I do not believe what has been served to me to believe. I am a doubter, a questioner, a skeptic. When it can be proved to me that there is immortality, that there is resurrection beyond the gates of death, then will I believe. Until then, no.[27]

Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in Autobiography of a Yogi that

"Intimate communion with Nature, who unlocked to him [Burbank]
many of her jealously guarded secrets, had given Burbank a boundless spiritual reverence".

Burbank had received Kriya Yoga initiation from Paramahansa Yogananda, and he is quoted as saying "I practice the technique devoutly,

Swamiji...Sometimes I feel very close to the infinite power...then i have been able to heal sick persons around me, as well as many ailing plants".

He is also recorded as saying the following in relation to his deceased mother
"Many times since her death I have been blessed by her appearance in visions; she has spoken to me."[28]


The scene at Skibbereen, west Cork, in 1847. From a series of illustrations by Cork artist James Mahony (1810–1879), commissioned by Illustrated London News 1847. “The first Sketch is taken on the road, at Cahera, of a famished boy and girl turning up the ground to seek for a potato to appease their hunger. ‘Not far from the spot where I made this sketch,’ says Mr. Mahoney, ‘and less than fifty perches from the high road, is another of the many sepulchres above ground, where six dead bodies had lain for twelve days, without the least chance of interment, owing to their being so far from the town.'”

The Irish Potato Famine...

To improve the disease resistance of Irish potatoes,
Luther Burbank selected the potato that became known as "the Burbank."
It was not patented because plants,
such as potatoes, propagated from tubers were not granted patents in the United States.[6]

While im not able to thank Luther for his russet...

Skunk was a game changer in the early years
I am able to thank @Sam_Skunkman for skunkbud :huggg:
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Well-known member
pg 313 / 23
Reliance on only a few select male and female cuttings
for seed production reduces genetic diversity. The number

of female clones used as seed parents in sinsemilla breed-
ing is now limited, but even fewer pollen parents are used

to make commercial seed. Seed varieties and clones are
most often named after their female seed parent, but

equally important is what plant was used as a pollen par-
ent. Male parents that consistently produce uniform off-
spring are much harder to find than female parents,

which are often maintained as commercial cultivars. Indi-
vidual male plants are often selected for phenotypic traits

resembling females

(e.g., increased vigor, short internodes,
profuse branching, dense inflorescences, strong aroma,


However, in order to identify which male clone will
produce the best offspring, each of these male clones
must be crossed with a range of female cuttings. The seeds
from each of these crosses must then be progeny-tested to

check for quality and consistency.

For example, if ten pro-
spective male clones are each crossed with ten individual

female clones, and 200 seeds (approximately 100 will be
female) of each test cross are sown, about 10,000 female
plants will be produced, and then they must be screened
to determine which male and female clone combinations

produced the best offspring.

To cite this article: Robert C. Clarke & Mark D. Merlin (2016)
Cannabis Domestication, Breeding History,
Present-day Genetic Diversity, and
Future Prospects, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences,
35:5-6, 293-327
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2016.1267498
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Well-known member

SamS 25+ YO clone male x Cheese
You heard it from the man before the reason for the genetic drift and strain decline was due to poor male selection!

Looks like this one brought the frost!
Tiny seeds haze type morphology!
Looking for that euphoric skunk high.
Resin on undersides of the leaves is promising
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Well-known member
Critical and Cheese from seedfinder just some random examples orig cheese iirc was a hybrid? Maybe someone can add to this ?


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The original Super Skunk was realeased in the late 80s by Neville's Seed Bank. It is an afghan 'T' female from Jim Ortega's Maple Leaf Indica x Skunk #1 from sam the skunkman.

This plant is especially developed for Skunk lovers. We have crossed our best Skunks to their Afghani ancestors. Watch out for this one, the smell is dead give away. Brush against this plant and the room becomes immediately filled with a powerful Skunk aroma. Despite the smell a very pleasant high with a little more body to it than the Skunk #1.



Sep 2, 2010 #59 The Maple Leaf came from a guy known to me as Jim Ortega. We traded seeds for a while. Not only did he supply me with Maple Leaf, but also Garlic Bud and Kush 4. The cannabis smoking world owes him a lot.

The Maple Leaf line provided me with a plant that I labeled Afghan T. This plant is the mother of Super/Ultra Skunk and also crossed well with HzC.

Kush 4,
I crossed with NL2(which had the same Kush smell)
and this Kush Hybrid is the foundation of todays Kush lines.

Garlic bud has also made it's presence felt and is part of todays super yielders.

Let me say one more thing about ML AfgT. This plant had exactly the same smell as Sams best SK1 but more so. It is the true Skunk archetype. I do not believe for one N.Y. minute that Afghani#1 is behind the SK1, which IMO gives credence to the Mendecino Joe story about SK1.

The world owes you a big Thank You Jim!
Let me be the first to say that I appreciate the work that you have done.


Basic5 x Skunk#1 F3

8/9 sprouted maybe one is mutating.

This is the sexiest so far ;) hard to decide- haha.

View attachment 18998988
Im interested in seeing the fruits of these hybrids :love:
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Well-known member
Maple Leaf Indica does have a red hair pheno
Afghani T (MLI) used in Super Skunk
and was the same plant used in Mr Nice Afghani x SK1 Afghan Skunk
The red hair pheno is the keeper MLI
:thinking: see critical above ...