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Honduras x Panama


Well-known member
Intensity (PPD) is a function of distance. Having a few lights that you can position where you want has advantages in terms of tweaking "intensity" as the plant perceives it. I have a smaller cab (2 square feet) that I sometimes use for vegging or flowering. It has a 32 watt old-style LED panel and usually two 23w CFLs. That's 78 watts total. I've pulled as much as 2 1/2 ounces from this cabinet using only 78 watts, and it's usually very high quality because everything stays nice and cool, and the light is even dispersed. Here is a recent run from this cab, last summer, right before I started working with Ace genetics. First pic is at harvest, second pic is a handful of cured buds today, third pic shows density/weight (yes, I should clean my scale with some alcohol). This particular run was just shy of 2 ounces. You don't need a "badass" light to have good results. My first light was a 1000 watt metal halide (eons ago), and that was way more than I needed at the time although I didn't know it. People have been complaining that the newest white LEDs don't produce trichomes with proper heads, don't get you high, etc., so who knows. It's definitely better to have things on the cool side if you want the nicest final product, perhaps at the cost of a bit of extra yield. Hon x Pan is half Panama, genetically, and Dubi has stated that Panama can do well under moderate light, so it stands to reason that at least some phenos of Hon x Pan probably don't have the light intensity requirements of a pure Honduras. My pheno doesn't grow tall like a corn plant (like a pure Honduras). I'd rather have 8 ounces of something that smells really nice (grown nice and 'cool' like a Hawaiian or Columbian mountaintop) than 10 or even 12 ounces of something lesser. It's priorities and personal preference in the end. Don't be afraid to experiment with CMH or other types of light in addition to your LED panel.
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Did you grow these from the feminized or regular seeds?


Active member
Regarding the number of plants, one can fill a SCROG faster with numerous plants versus a single plant. So if a number of seeds / cuts is not an issue, time and electricity can be saved with shorter veg time and multiple plants.

I personally also enjoy some variation, and when mainly growing from fem seeds, i like to go with two plants in the 2x4, bending other more to the left and the other more to the right. It saves me veg time and i get to enjoy two phenos. And they are also sharing the same pot, so they won't feel so lonely! 😂 Possibly there is some kind of root interraction between the plants also, but i do not know much about that. Trees are known to support their offspring via root connections if i remember correctly, but with cannabis I don't think it goes like that.
I find having two (or three) centers from which the branches radiate makes it easier to fill the screen with fewer gaps. But I have done single-plant SCROGs, too (usually with slightly less yield and more time/work).

Keif Cake

Active member
Love the way you finished her @Keif Cake :love: ! Voluptuous flowers with really sexy sativa reflowerings. The plant looked mostly Hondurax-Mexican while she was flowering, but i can also feel resinous Panama influence in the buds in the jar. Please, let us know your opinion once you are starting to get familiarized with her ;)
Thank you! I was wondering what it leaned towards. Im starting to get a grasp on what you mean by Panama resin after seeing a few Panama crosses. I'm starting to get familiar with it, and so far i like it. It does tend to choke you up a little hitting it. I havent gotten a good feel on the effects yet, but it does seem to be motivating and energetic. Will know better in another month or two.
The clone of this one will be going back in flower soon, maybe a week or two.


Well-known member
That's from before I ordered my first Ace seeds... it's a Mango Haze x C99 I made from a C99 bagseed I found which turned out to be a male. That gives you an idea of what I'm crossing with the Hon x Pan. Dubi said it sounds like it has potential as a cross, so we'll see.
That does sound like a luscious cross :yummy:


Active member
That does sound like a luscious cross :yummy:
I'm about to flower an Ace Panama in the smaller cabinet with the CFLs and 32w LED panel. I will be posting some pics before long. I think the cross should be good. The male is super-vigorous and is sativa-looking. It should add to the resin, density, and give a danker smell, hopefully retaining the good qualities of the Hon x Pan like size and an uplifting high. I have a feeling it will be more of a late afternoon/early evening smoke vs. earlier in the day like the pure Hon x Pan.


Well-known member
I'm about to flower an Ace Panama in the smaller cabinet with the CFLs and 32w LED panel. I will be posting some pics before long. I think the cross should be good. The male is super-vigorous and is sativa-looking. It should add to the resin, density, and give a danker smell, hopefully retaining the good qualities of the Hon x Pan like size and an uplifting high. I have a feeling it will be more of a late afternoon/early evening smoke vs. earlier in the day like the pure Hon x Pan.
Yeah im about to grow out the honduras original myself. Im looking for that purple colombian pheno. but also will be growing some panama and new caledonia


Well-known member
Intensity (PPD) is a function of distance. Having a few lights that you can position where you want has advantages in terms of tweaking "intensity" as the plant perceives it. I have a smaller cab (2 square feet) that I sometimes use for vegging or flowering. It has a 32 watt old-style LED panel and usually two 23w CFLs. That's 78 watts total. I've pulled as much as 2 1/2 ounces from this cabinet using only 78 watts, and it's usually very high quality because everything stays nice and cool, and the light is even dispersed. Here is a recent run from this cab, last summer, right before I started working with Ace genetics. First pic is at harvest, second pic is a handful of cured buds today, third pic shows density/weight (yes, I should clean my scale with some alcohol). This particular run was just shy of 2 ounces. You don't need a "badass" light to have good results. My first light was a 1000 watt metal halide (eons ago), and that was way more than I needed at the time although I didn't know it. People have been complaining that the newest white LEDs don't produce trichomes with proper heads, don't get you high, etc., so who knows. It's definitely better to have things on the cool side if you want the nicest final product, perhaps at the cost of a bit of extra yield. Hon x Pan is half Panama, genetically, and Dubi has stated that Panama can do well under moderate light, so it stands to reason that at least some phenos of Hon x Pan probably don't have the light intensity requirements of a pure Honduras. My pheno doesn't grow tall like a corn plant (like a pure Honduras). I'd rather have 8 ounces of something that smells really nice (grown nice and 'cool' like a Hawaiian or Columbian mountaintop) than 10 or even 12 ounces of something lesser. It's priorities and personal preference in the end. Don't be afraid to experiment with CMH or other types of light in addition to your LED panel.
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Ok then.😎 I used HPS and metal halides for over a decade. This 650 led is far superior to any 1000 watt hps with top notch bulbs that I ever used.
Personally I’d rather have 24 ounces of top notch bud. Giant plants can also yield very high quality buds. Like I said, you do you.


Well-known member
Love the coliseum indoor structure @tjmccoy :) :yes: Great main colas on your Honduras x Panama! Glad you are pleased so far at mid flowering with their aromas and performance. Please, post pics of each female if you have the chance and if you find big differences between them.

Regarding the feeding, they are extremely healthy and green, sligthly too high with nitrogen, but keep it strong with the PK until the end for best yields!

Here’s my 4 females

HxP Fem - 8.5 weeks @ 11hrs hps/cmh, veg was 3 weeks @ 14hrs. Tallest is about 4.5 feet - I can see only a couple brown pistils on them - not topped or trained - only lower branching removed

So glad I was able to get a pack of Regs before they are gone!!

been giving them some good doses of P and K and micros but doesn’t seem to be keeping up, just gave them some worm tea and a heavier dose at 1.6ec

HP1 - Getting some nice Lemon Smells from this one - smells dank!!!

Hp2 - up close seems to have the most resin coverage, maybe finishing faster, smells sweet and slightly musky

HP3 - This one has been the most vigorous, fat main stem, has always stood out from all the other plants from the beginning. Smells so sweet but also musky. Sweet Floral perfume, maybe vanilla. So far it has my favorite smells of this grow! Can’t wait to get this in my pipe!

HP4 - Kinda in between the smells of the others seems to have more fox tailing


HP3 Cola

All 4 together


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Well-known member
Today I cut an early sample lower bud from the HP2 - Beats going to the shop! I’ve been noticing she’s looking kinda resinous! Smells lightly sweet and lightly musky. Hp3 has far more in your face smells than this one!

Outside pic against the snow 😎

Inside flash pic 🤩

Common Sense

Well-known member
Thanks RobFromTX! OMG I’m just on cloud 9! Between this, the Zamaldelica and the Malawi I don’t know how I’m going to get any work done after this harvest!
Looking great, tjmccoy! It will be interesting to see how the different phenos compare effect wise. I am alternating between HxP, Zamaldelica and Kali China. Unfortunately, I can not grow at the moment, because I would really like to give Zamaldelica another try. I somehow messed that grow up and didn't do her justice, but it is still good.
Today I tried a 1:1 mix of HxP and Kali China in my vaporizer. Honduras x Kali China would be an interesting hybrid! Has anyone ever tried this?

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