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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Active member
:scripture::jerkit: wadda load of shit....37% of precincts in Detroit counted more votes than registered voters in their districts...with no way of determining who voted for who...
the precincts tallies are voided...that's the law
In Michigan....deal with it


Uh, No. The point here was/is the broken voting machines.

Broken machines for one of the biggest districts in the state? In 2016? In America? The most affluent nation in the world? WTF?

Hmmm, I guess it's just coincidence. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that it is a minority heavy district. Like those waterlines in Flint. Just an oversight. Simple mistake. Sorry folks!

I guess it would be impossible for the GOP to intentionally use a state law, combined with broken voting machines, to nullify all those votes, for the Federal, State and Local races, to their own benefit.

That would just be.... nasty politics. Not the GOP!!!!

So, I will leave you with a whole list of articles about broken voting machines (this is not fantasy) and that quote off the building in DC:

The Price of Liberty of Eternal Vigilance

See you in the voting booth!

In 59 percent of precincts in heavily Democratic Detroit ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports, and according to state law, “precincts whose poll books don’t match with ballots can’t be recounted,” the Detroit News found. “If that happens, original election results stand,” the Detroit News wrote, adding, “The city’s decade-old voting machines are reportedly to blame, with 87 vote scanners breaking on Election Day.”

Over 80 polling machines were reportedly broken on Election Day last month, which has led to concerns that the final electronic vote tallies may be wrong in more than half of Detroit’s precincts and one-third of the surrounding precincts in Wayne County, the Detroit News reported this week. The news came just before a federal judge stopped the recount Wednesday — three days in — a move that has enraged recount supporters.

Detroit's election director Michael Baxter says that as many as 87 voting machines in Wayne County, Michigan, broke on election day. Baxter says that in many cases, ballot scanners jammed when polling precinct workers were trying to use them. Michael Baxter reportedly believes that every time that a ballot was removed, and retried into the machine, the machine may have counted the ballot a second time.

According to the Detroit News, over 80 polling machines were broken, leading to concerns that more than half of Detroit’s precincts and one-third of the surrounding precincts in Wayne County may have incorrect vote totals.

More than half of Detroit’s voting precincts may be ineligible for a statewide recount of presidential election results because of broken optical scanners and other problems with ballots.State law disqualifies the recounting of precincts where voting machine printouts don’t match with ballots. That happened at 59.2% of Detroit’s 662 precincts.

  • More than a dozen precincts in Detroit had broken ballot machines this morning.
  • Two Donald Trump supporters wearing camouflage were intimidating voters at Dort Elementary in Roseville.
  • Voting was delayed at Crowell Recreation Center in northwest Detroit because of a lack of ballots, so some people left.
  • A woman’s hand was stuck in a ballot machine at 8200 Rolyat St. in Detroit.
  • Disorganized poll workers and two-hour lines prompted some people to leave without voting in Detroit.
  • Some voters were turned away because they didn’t have ID, which is not required in (2016) Michigan.
  • Several precincts in Detroit lacked privacy booths.
  • A poll worker told voters to go home if they didn’t like the wait at 4605 Cass, where disorganization caused a two-hour wait this morning.
  • Police were called to two voting locations in northwest Detroit because of a Trump supporter yelling at voters.
  • People who registered to vote on the last day aren’t showing up on some voter rolls in Detroit.
  • At precinct 20 in Sterling Heights, voters were told to place their ballots on a table because the machine wasn’t working.
Were More Votes Than Voters Recorded in Detroit in 2016?
Precincts in Detroit showed more votes than voters due to inaccurate voter tallies by poll workers rather than voting fraud.


Well-known member
A Glossary of Terms


Definition of terms:
  • Boy lovers: A term used by to describe pedophiles who are attracted primarily to young boys.
  • Chronophilia: An umbrella term that covers sexual attraction to young children and teen, including pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia. Anonym is: Teleiophilia.
  • Ephebophila: Preferred definition: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is primarily sexually attracted to older teens, aged 15 to 19.
    Sometimes used to describe sexual preference for pubescent and adolescent boys. [SUB]3[/SUB] Derived from the Greek word "ephebos" which means "one arrived a puberty," and "philia" which means "love."
  • Girl lovers: A term used by pedophiles who are sexually attracted primarily to young girls.
  • Hebephilia: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is primarily sexually attracted to 11 to 14 year old pubescent children. [SUB]6[/SUB]
  • Infantophilia: A rare form of pedophilia in which the primary interest is a child 24 month or younger.
  • Lolita syndrome: Synonym for hebephilia. "Lolita" is a book written by Vladimir Nabokov in 1955 that describes the sexual attraction of a man with a pubescent girl.
  • Paraphilia: An umbrella term which includes many conditions in which an adult's sexual arousing fantasies involve non-human objects, the infliction of pain, non-adults, or other non-consenting persons. Some examples are: ephebophila,exhibitionism, hebephilia, fetishism, frotteurism, pedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, transvestite behavior, and voyeurism. It is derived from two Greek words: ''para" means "beyond" and "philia" means "love for."
  • Pederasty: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to post-pubertal adolescents (14 to 17).
  • Pedophile: An adult or older teen who is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to a prepubescent child or children, typically aged 13 or younger..

    According to the American Psychiatric Association:
    "A person who over at least a 6 month period has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (age 13 years or younger). The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children. Not to include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13 year old (straight or gay). Individuals with pedophilia generally report an attraction to children of a particular age range. Some individuals prefer males, others prefer females, and some are aroused by both males and females. Pedophila involving female victims is reported more than pedophilia involving male victims." [SUB]1[/SUB]​

    As noted above, the term is sometimes misused in law enforcement circles to include any criminal activity victimizing persons under the age of consent, which is 18 years-of-age in many North American jurisdictions. More details.
  • Pedophila: A condition in which an adult or older youth, usually male, is sexually attracted primarily to pre-pubertal children -- those aged 13 years or under. It is derived from two Greek words: ''pedo" means "child;" and "philia" means "love for." Most are attracted to children in a specific age group (e.g. 5 or 6). Fewer are attracted to young people of any age up to puberty.
  • Phebophilia: Alternative term for Ephebophilia. Derived from the Greek words ''phepius" whic means "youth;" and "philia" which means "love for."
  • Teleiophilia: An adult who is mainly or exclusively sexually attracted to adults. It is derived from the Greek word "teleios" which means "full grown," and "philia" which means "love for."


Active member
What do the other 1,400 hours of video evidence (being withheld from the American people by Schiff and Pelosi) show?

What do they NOT WANT you to see?

They won't show them because they don't want to give the layout of the capitol to everyone including our enemies. It's that simple Hempy. To bad you can't understand this. You ignore all the video evidence out there now so why the hell would you believe more videos they release?


Well-known member
They won't show them because they don't want to give the layout of the capitol to everyone including our enemies. It's that simple Hempy. To bad you can't understand this. You ignore all the video evidence out there now so why the hell would you believe more videos they release?

yup. if they don't show what he thinks they should, he'll just label them all "deep fakes", so why bother?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Ask yourself: Why do you not do a little bit of "research" about the CLOUD MAKING MACHINE linked above? Ask yourself: How do they test rocket motors? Ask yourself: Where do "they" test rocket motors?

Let me know what you find out about that CLOUD MAKING MACHINE.

What makes you think I didn't know this already?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Uh, No. The point here was/is the broken voting machines.

Broken machines for one of the biggest districts in the state? In 2016? In America? The most affluent nation in the world? WTF?

Hmmm, I guess it's just coincidence. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that it is a minority heavy district. Like those waterlines in Flint. Just an oversight. Simple mistake. Sorry folks!

I guess it would be impossible for the GOP to intentionally use a state law, combined with broken voting machines, to nullify all those votes, for the Federal, State and Local races, to their own benefit.

That would just be.... nasty politics. Not the GOP!!!!

So, I will leave you with a whole list of articles about broken voting machines (this is not fantasy) and that quote off the building in DC:

See you in the voting booth!








Snopes^ :biglaugh:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
A Glossary of Terms


Definition of terms:
  • Boy lovers: A term used by to describe pedophiles who are attracted primarily to young boys.
  • Chronophilia: An umbrella term that covers sexual attraction to young children and teen, including pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia. Anonym is: Teleiophilia.
  • Ephebophila: Preferred definition: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is primarily sexually attracted to older teens, aged 15 to 19.
    Sometimes used to describe sexual preference for pubescent and adolescent boys. [SUB]3[/SUB] Derived from the Greek word "ephebos" which means "one arrived a puberty," and "philia" which means "love."
  • Girl lovers: A term used by pedophiles who are sexually attracted primarily to young girls.
  • Hebephilia: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is primarily sexually attracted to 11 to 14 year old pubescent children. [SUB]6[/SUB]
  • Infantophilia: A rare form of pedophilia in which the primary interest is a child 24 month or younger.
  • Lolita syndrome: Synonym for hebephilia. "Lolita" is a book written by Vladimir Nabokov in 1955 that describes the sexual attraction of a man with a pubescent girl.
  • Paraphilia: An umbrella term which includes many conditions in which an adult's sexual arousing fantasies involve non-human objects, the infliction of pain, non-adults, or other non-consenting persons. Some examples are: ephebophila,exhibitionism, hebephilia, fetishism, frotteurism, pedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, transvestite behavior, and voyeurism. It is derived from two Greek words: ''para" means "beyond" and "philia" means "love for."
  • Pederasty: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to post-pubertal adolescents (14 to 17).
  • Pedophile: An adult or older teen who is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to a prepubescent child or children, typically aged 13 or younger..

    According to the American Psychiatric Association:
    "A person who over at least a 6 month period has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (age 13 years or younger). The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children. Not to include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13 year old (straight or gay). Individuals with pedophilia generally report an attraction to children of a particular age range. Some individuals prefer males, others prefer females, and some are aroused by both males and females. Pedophila involving female victims is reported more than pedophilia involving male victims." [SUB]1[/SUB]​

    As noted above, the term is sometimes misused in law enforcement circles to include any criminal activity victimizing persons under the age of consent, which is 18 years-of-age in many North American jurisdictions. More details.
  • Pedophila: A condition in which an adult or older youth, usually male, is sexually attracted primarily to pre-pubertal children -- those aged 13 years or under. It is derived from two Greek words: ''pedo" means "child;" and "philia" means "love for." Most are attracted to children in a specific age group (e.g. 5 or 6). Fewer are attracted to young people of any age up to puberty.
  • Phebophilia: Alternative term for Ephebophilia. Derived from the Greek words ''phepius" whic means "youth;" and "philia" which means "love for."
  • Teleiophilia: An adult who is mainly or exclusively sexually attracted to adults. It is derived from the Greek word "teleios" which means "full grown," and "philia" which means "love for."


https://www.icmag.com/forum/talk-ab...0282-the-great-awakening?p=18027375#post18027 375

https://www.icmag.com/forum/talk-ab...0282-the-great-awakening?p=18027173#post18027 173

https://www.icmag.com/forum/talk-ab...0282-the-great-awakening?p=18027248#post18027 248

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
They won't show them because they don't want to give the layout of the capitol to everyone including our enemies. It's that simple Hempy. To bad you can't understand this. You ignore all the video evidence out there now so why the hell would you believe more videos they release?

They don't want to show the layout of a public building that probable thousands of spies have already been inside. They have virtual tours of the capital online, too. Where did you hear this excuse? And why did you believe it? It is preposterous! Why show any footage at all then, lol?


Well-known member

What makes you think I didn't know this already?

Maybe because the CLOUD MAKING MACHINE has nothing to do with clandestine or covert weather modification. Do you know who the person in that YouTube is? If you say Deep State....

What should I ask myself about methane (that I haven't asked myself already)?

What have you asked yourself about methane in relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Will socialists join the Freedom Truckers and anti-mandate workers in the world's largest workers protest in human history?

Or, are they really just communists (who want to destroy individual liberties)?

Hempy calls this "The Socialist's Dilemma."


How utterly predictable!!

Deliberate sabotage of Ottawa ‘Freedom Convoy’ counter-demo by aristocracy of labour (marxist.ca)

They don't care about workers rights! They only care about hating their political rivals (those who truly care about workers rights)!

"Some of the truckers are RACIST!!!"



Active member
They won't show them because they don't want to give the layout of the capitol to everyone including our enemies. It's that simple Hempy. To bad you can't understand this. You ignore all the video evidence out there now so why the hell would you believe more videos they release?

Bullshit...Vids or it never happened....
Cuz everybody knows our enemies can't just
Google the Capitol layout....:jerkit: Wadda maroon

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe because the CLOUD MAKING MACHINE has nothing to do with clandestine or covert weather modification. Do you know who the person in that YouTube is? If you say Deep State....

What have you asked yourself about methane in relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide?

The 'clandestine' remark was meant more for all of the links above that. I only included the NASA video to speak to a particular point made in Morcheeba's original post.

Morcheeba said: "please enlighten me as to how and when humans developed the ability to control the weather b/c if that was true then the global warming issue could become less of worry as people could avoid droughts in the crop production regions."

This of course, not even getting into cloud seeding. Perhaps that would have been a better example, but the video I showed is a little more dramatic. That's why I used it.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What have you asked yourself about methane in relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide?

As I mentioned a few days ago (it may have been on a different thread), I was highly concerned about a climate warming feedback loop or cycle that would rapidly lead to exponential warming of the earth. I wrote letters to top scientists and politicians back in 2004 about it and discussed it extensively with my dad a respected physicist. No one took it very seriously then because I was questioning whether it implied that it was actually too late to reverse climate change. They were all in agreement that this was not a concern that I should worry about (I think they want to sell us on the idea that climate change is solvable (only through austerity measures).

Now for political reasons the whole hothouse earth theory is 'HOT' again. You might even say that I'm the originator of the theory. I've learned a lot since 2004, however.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Is the point that you've been hinting on about, that you think we should use their preferred terminology?

"Girl lovers: A term used by pedophiles..."

I tend to look at these through the lense of legal definitions since we are talking about criminal behavior.

I've never been a fan of the American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychiatric Association Qualifies Trump Endorsement As Mental Illness | Empire News

Looks to me like the APA is probably run by a bunch of Trump-deranged kid fuckers (who would like to normalize pedophilia and converge with the LGBTQ+++ communities of diverse sexualities). But, what do I know?...

Do you really believe that a Trump endorsement is 'mental illness?'

See why deep state institutions have lost all credibility and public trust over the last few years?

This is only the beginning!