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IC420Cup2024 - Lets Get The Ball Rolling thread

which Category did you prefer BhO or Edibles - EDIBLES Have WIN

  • Bho

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Edibles

    Votes: 23 51.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
What’s going on in bcn? I heard about some club shut downs and all are quite a bit nervous! Someone can clear the situation? Btw I didn’t think GMT had been negative, just asking questions
There are a lot of controls going on at the moment. The government trying to shut down clubs which don’t play by law. A friend of mine who owns a club, passed the inspection without any needs of change to do. Others were forced to close , well or opened for information purposes only. Every year some rumours appear about closing the CSCs.
Lol fella. I'm the wrong guy to try to lift yourself up by trying to pull down. Nearly 20 years of trying to help out around this place. Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean you get to throw rocks.
If you’ve been around for so long you should know we always have had trophies and some goodies. But I think the reputation you gain should be attraction enough to compete. So come down from your high horse, if you’re too „under the radar“ , didn’t been to cups for years, and the first thing you are asking in this thread was what kinda advantage you can have, maybe don’t put the best light on you if people don’t know you.

We’re all here to have a Conversation about this years cup, every constructive criticism is highly appreciated, but let’s keep it to the threads topic.


Well-known member
Looking forward for the legalisation, even in medical form only. Happy to hear, that it is still topic that they didn't stop working on.

Maybe next cup we will judge medical flowers as well: d

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Rocket Soul

Well-known member
The situation of the cannabis clubs (CSC) is still unregulated (alegal).
Although the new health Minister wants to resume the legalization plan this year, there are still police interventions in some club.
This is pretty much an accurate description of what ive seen in BCN, there some extra heat and compliance but no generalized shut down as of now.
Its hard to relate political policy to what actually happens on a policing level since this isnt fully regulated, only "allowed" to happen by police.


Well-known member
Looks like a big misunderstanding here - the 4/20 cup has never been a money making enterprise - and has cost more than it has ever made over the 23 years or so of its existence - growers and breeders enter it to show off their flowers/hash etc to other growers and breeders mainly - and maybe win an award - once the judging is done - its as simple as that -
It's been a while since I was involved - several years - but the trophies were usually made by some great artist - and everyone went home happy - after attending a 4/20 event -
GMT has been around for ever - and he has a very enquiring mind - let him ask his questions - and if I can help - then perhaps we can give him some answers -
I was trying to understand which annual 420cup it is. I tracked it by the old forum posts as 18th, but please let me know which number we want to present on the graphics and posts.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I was trying to understand which annual 420cup it is. I tracked it by the old forum posts as 18th, but please let me know which number we want to present on the graphics and posts.
I think that it was around 2002 or 03 - we had the first 4/20 cup in Amsterdam - it was a very quite and basic event initially - then over successive years we blew it up a bit - adding different events and music -


Well-known member
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The Tri Guy
Let me first apologise for the misunderstanding.
Second, thank you Gypsy for letting me explain myself.
I didn't want to come into the thread making suggestions, as I didn't want to look as if I was criticising the current efforts of those running the cup. So instead, I wanted to give them the opportunity to display what their plans were, something that I felt had been lacking so far.
I was fully expecting ( when asking for the prizes) to get an answer along the lines of:

Oh yes, in the excitement, we forgot to say, or we have a list of prizes but want to keep them as a surprise for the event.
I figured some sort of cup, however as this site is no longer run by a seed outlet, I imagined something along the lines of : we have an agreement with (for instance gorilla seeds) to promote the winning strains on their site, a discount on seed sellers fees for 3 months if exclusively sold through them, hoodies for all entrants, or something.

That's genuinely what I expected as the reply. I thought by asking the question, I was giving the event organisers the opportunity to show off what they had done. But sadly that is not the impression that it seems my words generated. For this I apologise and will try to make my wording and motives clearer moving forward. Specially when dealing with people for whom English is not their first language.

I do feel there may have been some personality clashes at play too, and egos came into play, my own included. I am proud to be approaching my 20th anniversary on this site, and would hate to celebrate that Anniversary in exile.

I thank Gypsy and the admin team for a speedy roll back of this situation so that I may explain my motives and hopefully put this incident behind us all.

I truly wish everyone a happy cup, and the winners the best of luck in their futures.



Well-known member
I found interesting and large paper from 2021 that takes the topic of indica/sativa, measuring the flowers from commercial US market for 90 000+ samples. You can see how label is just the label usually.

Still scratching my head when comes to the approach to indica/sativa/hybrid categories in our case tbh : )
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Well-known member
I don’t know if it still makes sense to categorize in sativa and indica. The question is what is more important for the judges. How it tastes or how it makes you high? Cerebral or body high. So you could ask the entries to define it themselves what kind of high there stuff produces. Like this you can judge most body/cerebral high, best taste etc. the decision what and why it’s the best or better than some other stuff depends on the judge, it’s subjective and that’s ok. That’s what makes this cup interesting! Judges are from all over the world, that makes circle jerks more difficult and just giving props to your friend’s stuff.


Elite StrainCloneHunter
So for all members how was not there and wanna know what for prices are available.
Every Cup year was always trophies made by Famous UK Glass maker Artist or Blower
For all 3,2,1 for each categorie & depends on year some stuff for free like seeds,lighter,filter, Tshirts & more. Last year the was gift from Toermalijn Coffeeshop from NL where the female owner is a part from ower crew. She makes packs for every winner & we had for winner of winners with lotterie for athena tincture kits for 2500€. I guess its more then good to can win it for nothing at end of the day ;)

the guys behind gorilla seeds know me and we stay in touch over another plattforms too, Panik can contact me everytime or his partner have my number. maybe gives more prices as now but we promise only thinks with be safe.
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Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
GMT has been around forever and that includes onsite. EDIT: May also have been at the link ups in Dam, sorry am too stoned can't recall hahaha. Guys, English is the language for all here, yet most are not native speakers, so please consider that maybe that's the reason why things get lost in translation. Ask-clarify- let's move on. I think there are hardly any ill-willed folks around here online and none on the cup prep team for as long as I can remember.
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Nico Farmer

Authentic Strains Farm
Hi Folks,

Until now, we judge with these criteria:


Maybe we can add more:

- Complexity (aroma and/or Taste)
- Perso (sometimes, two entries can have same global note, but I prefer one more; "Perso" could be a solution to decide)

for extractions/hash:

- Melt
- Purity

Someone speaks about Hash: good point.
Not simple, dry sift, static, Bubble...
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Active member
35g of gear is £250 equivalent price to enter, then it has to somehow get smuggled across several borders. Steep penalties if caught. What are the prizes going to be to make that worth it? Somehow, bragging rights don't seem enough.
I was thinking that. How do u bring the stuff tru the airport? Teresa are sniffare dog and 35g it s jail time.


ICMag Donor

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