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Warning guerilla growers!!!!!!!!

while walking to atend to my garden. i noticed something wasnt right in my area of growing. the closer i got the more my living room looked out of place. having american anxity i proceeded with caution. when i reached my back door. i noticed another hole was cut in the brairs. crawling tru the newly cut section of bushes i noticed a camera was facing right into where my sacrament was growing.


That sucks dude, sorry to hear. You should take the camera, dump the video, and pawn it off to recoup some of the time and money lost.:joint::2cents:


Devil's Advocate
Yep. Or destroy it and walk away. Never show your face.
What kind of garden do you have? Plant count/size?
Distance from common walkways? Visible from the air? If you are comfortable, region that you live in?

Please post more I think people would be interested.
I'm not one to steal but thru panic, camera was taken. no video of me. just the police setting up there operation. i could care less about selling it. more like burning it. i would really like to give heads up for anyone wanting to garella grow. tectnology is cheap. so if your gonna grow bring in your own camera set up. to keep an eye on your investment. eye for an eye!


Devil's Advocate
Damn man. There is footage of the cops setting up? Put that shit on YouTube!
I don't want to bring in my own cam because that gives the cops evidence if they do find it.
trust me theres nothing more ide like to do than put the footage on You tube. i´ll just keep it for my personal files for now. ask again in 7 years and i`ll throw it up there, when theres no possiblity of further investigation.


Troll alert!

Nice try buddy, but try hitting the panic button elsewhere. If they knew you were growing the doors would have came off the hinges already. Take that bullshit story back to Uruguay, you wanna be Tom Clancy.


Hey asshole, it happened in the states, and dood is in Uruguay as a result. Trust me, it was more weed than you've ever seen, and it was in the largest metro area in the US. Take your bullshit comments back to the rock you crawled out from.

Big garden, not far enough in the wilderness, in an area that DEFFO has the $$$ to put up choppers and steup cams with laptops and 'car batteries' in the woods to watch what the choppers found.

Thank you for jumping to conclusions.


Well-known member
More info please?????
As a guerrilla grower I am interested in the finite details.

1. The camera was placed on the ground vs. in a tree?

2. The plot size was >100?

3. Was it obvious that someone had been in the plot due to foot traffic around the plot?

4. The video showed aprox how many police officers?

5. On the video could you tell if multiple cameras were set up?


ham -

1. The Cam was in a bush on the ground. The first part that my buddy found was a cable lightly buried under brush. He followed the cable back to the cam.

2. The location was multiple spots of ~ 20 unsexed seedplants. Spot was thoroughly prepped, and the summer was perfect. Lots of big plants.

3. I didn't see the spot, but I know how careful Senor was when he/we visited my spots. Like an Indian stalking a deer. The LEO sloppyness in the bush was what got his spidey senses tingling in the first place.

4. The video showed 1 cop's face, and a few sets of boots/cop legs walking around to my knowledge. I haven't seen the video. I believe that the cam was set up to watch people coming/going.

5. That appeared to be the only cam from the video, and a subsequent trip to look for more.

Senor is my boy, and he told me in person ~6hrs after finding the cam. I didn't make ANY tips to my spots after he told me, except to pull. No ferts, no mold checking, nothing. Senor's web time is limited, I'm sure. And from his posts, I can see that he is still enemies with the keyboard, lol.
look first of all im not a good story teller. my words are of truth. im here to learn and teach. not bring fairy tails. and for those of you looking to learn from my mistakes..... the plant count is not important on this tread. cam was on the ground facing up 2 - 3 feet from edge of my garden 10' wire led back to a labtop. who and how many were on the cam is my info. yes i found foot traffic thats what got me looking in the first place. yes it looked as though there were 3 more cameras set up. at least thats what the labtop was telling me.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
What you need is a good excuse to be lurking around in the bush with your face hidden/obscured, Hunting or Photograhy ?


Devil's Advocate
Go to a public library, start a Hushmail.com account, then a YouTube account, and post it. The only thing that could get you would be an IP search, which determined the exact computer terminal used to post the video, then looking through the camera footage in thew library for that day. That assumes the cops are going to even see the video online, and that it is possible to pinpoint the computer terminal, and that there are cameras in the library, and that the cameras can actually see you doing it.
Pretty please?


Active member
Post it from a coffee shop that doesn't have video cameras. How they going to catch you then? Unless the coffee shop people know you...

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