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Warning guerilla growers!!!!!!!!


Lol did you skip the country Senor?
I think that is the jist i am getting from this.

If you did you are a smart man, I would if I found a camera.


SB hope all is well this is some crazy shit, cameras, videos, laptop, car batteries. What would have been funny is if you wired it so when they checked the video they got a shock like a taser. Knock em on their ass and had video taped. Or downloaded the video reefer madness onto their lap top, the 2005 version.

But than if they knew who you were they'd really be on your ass. But it would still of been funny.

But on the serious side I'm glad you're safe.
Superman, I'de have to agree with Pythagllio on that. If they are willing to laid down thousands $ on a camera set up, I'm pretty sure it came with a infrared also. I've racked my brian inside and out on this one. and the only thing i can come up with is set up your own camera and check it before you go into your plot. I've always thought about putting one up, but every year i made multiable 3-5 plant plots across the county. My count was always so low at any giving plot I never worried about catching a measdemeanor charge. This year I went up and over my creed. And put all my eggs in one basket. STUPID STUPID STUPID mistake! Only thig I can say is at least I learned from my mistake and I can give heads up to any other grower out there with the balls to put in the work.


Active member
500 plants and 2 growers video survielance!

500 plants and 2 growers video survielance!

I supplied the cuttings and these 2 guys got video'd from a lighting tower at a paper mill, from a long way off.in the uk.
with 500 plants 5ft tall in august they where suddenly surrounded by cops and a chopper hovering above .
they got 5 years each!
these guys had been growing outside for 15 years plus and both come from gypsy stock (countrymen)
upon reflection talkin with them we think it came on top because they did a big crop at this location the year before and didnt clear up properly after chopping off sacks of buds and some one spotted the previous evidence.
it wasnt loose talk for sure cos even i didnt know where.


so thats why they always got these bigfoot sightings. Now I get it!

Th@'s an idea for a reason to be out in the middle of nowhere...make some bigfoot casts with straps to put on your feet...if ya get caught, tell 'em you were perpetrating a bigfoot hoax!

Wow Andyo!. at least they only got 5 years. Even though it still is time they shouldnt do in the first place. My state throws out 20 year bids for 1 plant over 50 like its a privledge.


Well-known member
they busted a fellow just across state line from me this fall with "game tracker" cameras. someone spotted him going in/out of woods carrying watering buckets (i know, what a dillweed) & the county officers put up cameras, caught him tending his garden. over 250 plants... poor bastard. armedoldhippy
Damn I feel for that guy. This is something new for Guerilla growers to watch out for. Cameras are so cheap now. Many different task forces are using them. This is a whole new era for growers.
Well depending on the camera's wavelengths or if it is filtered for ir you could make a hat out of high brightness leds in a 360 pattern around 740-840nm or visible that harder to block 660nm-740nm. That way no one can see it and if it is bright enough it will flood the camera and hide your face. heh they go to look at the footage and all they see is a person with a white spot for a face. Works for typical security cams. Only flaw is you can get a filter for the lens.

Anyways just a thought.

Maybe a cool experiment pickup various cameras and design a blocker hat.

Hell just were a dead president mask or keep a pair of stockings in your pocket.

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