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moose eater

Well-known member
A fine year for a third-party run. All they would need is momentum, press, and enough support to threaten to swing any pendulums.... or to interrupt the perpetual swinging... of that nauseating ping-ping game of red, back to blue, back to red, back to blue, with the accompanying political amnesia demonstrated by the voters every so often that facilitates being fucked again by those who fucked us 4-8 years prior... all over again..

"And so it goes..."
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Well-known member
I'll be a bit clearer then.

Your chart alleging that 25 of 30 of Biden's cabinet members are Jewish is bullshit.

The most commonly antisemitic (using the more conventional definition) posts in this thread are often yours.

The conspiracy involving Israel intending to take over Gaza isn't much of a conspiracy, as they've openly stated as much. Any conspiracy involving that premise would involve that Biden's being less open in announcing that goal publicly, but he is obviously assisting in that illegal project, nonetheless.

Any conspiracy re. the Jews taking over the world, lacks merit. Their chants involve Israel and Gaza, and their view of Zion has historically involved the area around Jerusalem.

As a former student of political science, I'm well aware of the definitions of both 'nationalist' and 'nationalism' as well as 'Zionism' from a sociological and religious perspective.

Your apparently 'lost path' in abstract ungrounded excessively literalist fringe theory tells me that academia is where you live, but I think you're lost in the pages best left unread.

Criticism of Israel's political aspirations and related war crimes and crimes against humanity is not antisemitic.

Have a nice day, but fringe bullshit and the like are not on my agenda or menu.

moose eater

Well-known member
The USA's hollow attempt at feigning righteous indignation over the ICC's arrest warrants.

Or, "Hollow stuffed shirt non-leaders and their hypocrisy suck."


moose eater

Well-known member

THIS is how a true professional expresses righteous indignation.

The image(s) isn't/aren't playing here.

But yes, it's clear that both Biden and Blinken are stuffed shirts and aiding in serial mass murder and war profiteering for their own agenda(s) and those of Israel... For whom they're not formally in a position of representation, I'd add.

So Hai

Well-known member
I'll be a bit clearer then.

Your chart alleging that 25 of 30 of Biden's cabinet members are Jewish is bullshit.

The most commonly antisemitic (using the more conventional definition) posts in this thread are often yours.
It does not say what you alledge but rather that 27 of 30 cabinet members are jews, married to jews or have jewish deputies below them. A clear over representation of a group that is no more than a few percent of your population, and your strawman is refuted.

So much for your bullshit, irish. As for my posts they are as antisemitic as anyone elses here. I do not know which ”more conventional definition” you use. This is the original definition,

anti-Semite (n.)

One who seeks by political or other means to lessen the commercial, political, or social influence of the Jews. [Century Dictionary, 1900]
The conspiracy involving Israel intending to take over Gaza isn't much of a conspiracy, as they've openly stated as much. Any conspiracy involving that premise would involve that Biden's being less open in announcing that goal publicly, but he is obviously assisting in that illegal project, nonetheless.

Any conspiracy re. the Jews taking over the world, lacks merit. Their chants involve Israel and Gaza, and their view of Zion has historically involved the area around Jerusalem.
It is not that which lacks merit as much as one who can’t see the forest for the trees. They have openly stated as much concerning the world also, but of course the fact is of no significance to you.
As a former student of political science, I'm well aware of the definitions of both 'nationalist' and 'nationalism' as well as 'Zionism' from a sociological and religious perspective.
And yet you have shown yourself to be ignorant of the fact that the jewish state was founded by bolsheviks and you insist on staying ignorant. I bet alot of course material came from jewish sources.
Your apparently 'lost path' in abstract ungrounded excessively literalist fringe theory tells me that academia is where you live, but I think you're lost in the pages best left unread.
Lmao fringe is the place where greatness comes from. No great ideas or discoveries did ever come from the boring mainstream.
Criticism of Israel's political aspirations and related war crimes and crimes against humanity is not antisemitic.
Regardless of your feelings on this matter, that is exactly what antisemitism is. It is literally antisemitism by the very definition.

moose eater

Well-known member
It does not say what you alledge but rather that 27 of 30 cabinet members are jews, married to jews or have jewish deputies below them. A clear over representation of a group that is no more than a few percent of your population, and your strawman is refuted.

So much for your bullshit, irish. As for my posts they are as antisemitic as anyone elses here. I do not know which ”more conventional definition” you use. This is the original definition,

anti-Semite (n.)

One who seeks by political or other means to lessen the commercial, political, or social influence of the Jews. [Century Dictionary, 1900]

It is not that which lacks merit as much as one who can’t see the forest for the trees. They have openly stated as much concerning the world also, but of course the fact is of no significance to you.

And yet you have shown yourself to be ignorant of the fact that the jewish state was founded by bolsheviks and you insist on staying ignorant. I bet alot of course material came from jewish sources.

Lmao fringe is the place where greatness comes from. No great ideas or discoveries did ever come from the boring mainstream.

Regardless of your feelings on this matter, that is exactly what antisemitism is. It is literally antisemitism by the very definition.
You're engrained in bullshit, mistaking it for reality, and embracing it even further, unable to see your own deficiencies in logic.

Have a nice life.

moose eater

Well-known member

Where serious world politics are involved there is very little difference between the corporatist Rs and the corporatist Ds. Like rotating a flat wooden spoon 180-degrees, and believing it will stir the soup differently. Both of those 'teams' are largely beholding to the same interests.

moose eater

Well-known member
Spain, Norway, and Ireland have announced recognition of Palestine as a State.

Israel's response? They recalled their ambassadors from the 3 countries. Bwahahaha!!!!

Good, get your stinking Nationalist Zionists off my fucking carpet and out of my sesame cake!!

Malta and Slovenia are reported to likely be the next countries to recognize Palestine as a State.

Pssst!! Bibi/Israel, in unprecedented news, your shit's starting to smell strongly enough that would-be friends are distancing you.... notably so.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Lindsey Graham's tacit or implicit admission that the US fears accountability at the ICC for war crimes, emphasizing the view that we expect the ICC to only go after people WE don't like, but that the ICC should overlook our and our allies' offenses. Hypocrisy is now an professional occupation for much of the US government.


So Hai

Well-known member
You're engrained in bullshit, mistaking it for reality, and embracing it even further, unable to see your own deficiencies in logic.

Have a nice life.
Reality is only what we tell ourselves that it is, sane and insane could change places as easily as a man can become a woman.

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