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Well-known member
... including Israel.

Until Hamas demonstrates it will begin to respect Israeli sovereignty by returning the hostages it stole on October 7, Israel is obliged to protect its sovereignty and its people by waging war on Hamas.

Hamas chose this war.


Well-known member
For what it's worth, I would much rather this conflict be solved in courts of law than with murder. Hamas should take this irrefutable legal theory to the ICC, where surely they will prevail.

moose eater

Well-known member
For what it's worth, I would much rather this conflict be solved in courts of law than with murder. Hamas should take this irrefutable legal theory to the ICC, where surely they will prevail.
So they can be told by the US and Israel that there's no jurisdiction within the construct of the ICC and await the armed response of the US for trying to enforce international laws through the courts? By virtue of the US law that declares that any ICC intervention or the use of UN (or other) troops to enforce such laws will be met with (up to and including) US military force?

It's been a rigged game against the Palestinians for 3/4 of a century, but when the well-kept and coddled apartheid-supporting, land-thieving, raping and murdering Israelis and their bigotry find themselves with greater skin in the game, suddenly it's unfair.


If an active pro-Zionist, pro-apartheid IDF dude appeared at my door today, I'd put the motherfucker in the ground (or through the ice into the nearby river, if seasonally allowable), and piss on the covered hole.
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Well-known member
For what it's worth, I would much rather this conflict be solved in courts of law than with murder. Hamas should take this irrefutable legal theory to the ICC, where surely they will prevail.
The stated US policy on the ICC prosecuting US leaders, soldiers, or our allies leaders and soldiers is that they will literally invade the Hague with military force if the ICC try to do so.

Wait until the calls for arrests become louder. We haven't even seen the GOP's final form in protecting Israel yet lmao.


Well-known member
The stated US policy on the ICC prosecuting US leaders, soldiers, or our allies leaders and soldiers is that they will literally invade the Hague with military force if the ICC try to do so.

Wait until the calls for arrests become louder. We haven't even seen the GOP's final form in protecting Israel yet lmao.
now we're talking.

my wild-ass conspiracy theory: this whole thing (college protests in particular) have been part of an Op with goal of SCOTUS repeal Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. "Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance."



Well-known member
We were talking about this back when this all started in Oct and I swear I posted something under a different name/policy and now my stoner ass can't find it.

I guess it was this, just doesn't sound right in my head at the moment lol.

"The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court".[2]"


moose eater

Well-known member
I bet Al Capone wanted a 'get out of jail free' card too.

We should give them out free to all mass murderers who we happen to like, eh? Or maybe just those who allow us to use their turf for our military bases and entertain adding to the profits of our corporations and DoD contractors.

I mean, we can't afford to be TOO loose in our assessment of which serial mass murderers are down-home type folks and which ones are 'unsavory', right?


Well-known member
Biden is toast. I truly don't believe he's fully aware of what's going on any longer.

He's also clapping for permanent ceasefire, something his administration doesn't support lmfao.

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Well-known member

moose eater

Well-known member
And now in Biden's press/ads re. the debates with Trump, he makes himself sound every bit the 3rd-grader that Trump is, when he boasts, "Make my day."

America's best and brightest. Stuffed shirts with limited intellect, supported by the Oligarchy that will continue to milk the Country dry and profit from numerous wars, while adding to the genocide in Gaza.

Hand-puppets of the opportunist, ivory tower class.
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So Hai

Well-known member
As Audi's post makes clear, evidence which is not true is not evidence, but rather, propaganda. And the world these days is FULL of propaganda, usually spun by people with frightening agendas, or they wouldn't need to lie. Though sometimes painful, the truth often sells itself.

But the PR and spin of it all can catch some off-guard at times.

I try not to be one of those people. Kind of like the old wisdom about keeping one's ammo dry and clean... or it's simply no good over time.

I've known too many people of the Jewish faith who were not zealots, whether they were practicing Jews or not, to subscribe to such agendas.
First of all Audi did not make clear or refute anything. Second, propaganda is a dissemination of information intended to promote a political viewpoint. All that you do here is spread propaganda, you yourself are doing PR and spin with your ”national zionists”.


moose eater

Well-known member
First of all Audi did not make clear or refute anything. Second, propaganda is a dissemination of information intended to promote a political viewpoint. All that you do here is spread propaganda, you yourself are doing PR and spin with your ”national zionists”.

If you're unable to understand the difference between facts and reporting versus propaganda/disinformation, then it's no wonder you're confused..

Try harder.

Relativism, loose supposition presented as conspiracy theory, and antisemitism have little functional place in this. .
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