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So Hai

Well-known member
NYC Mayor coordinated attacks on US citizens with a foreign government currently committing a genocide to stop peaceful protests. Very cool stuff and not indicative as to where society is heading.
The irish again eh, those leprechauns..


Well-known member

Have you considered the possibility that instead of scoffing at electoralism, engaging in robust electorialism is the most practical and direct path to realize the political change you say you want?

Who, as President, is more likely to show any respect for or cooperation with the ICC: Trump or Biden?

moose eater

Well-known member
Have you considered the possibility that instead of scoffing at electoralism, engaging in robust electorialism is the most practical and direct path to realize the political change you say you want?

Who, as President, is more likely to show any respect for or cooperation with the ICC: Trump or Biden?
Neither one. They're both so tainted with nationalist toxins and seeing anything the USA does as being above the law that they have zero intention of cooperating with the ICC.

In terms of strict adherence to international law, the US hasn't had but (maybe) ONE president in the last 65 years that wouldn't be eligible for being tried at The Hague for criminal actions, if equitable enforcement ever were to take place.

moose eater

Well-known member
you're confusing your opinion with facts. they're just not the same.
Facts: Biden continued to send white phos canisters to Israel, knowing they were being used in violation of the law and continuing to state that he stood by Israel.

He continued to speak out both sides of his mouth throughout that period, then finally 'pausing' a shipment of bombs while continuing to more quietly send tank shells, artillery, and small arms.

When did any US President grant jurisdiction to the ICC when the US was clearly in violation of International law? (Answer: Never).

It's not merely my opinion.

Name a past US President in the 65-year time frame I referenced who didn't engage in violating international law, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, and we can review specific crimes. Game?

Others' partisanism and/or blinders do not vanquish facts.

No confusion here.
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Well-known member
Facts: Biden continued to send white phos canisters to Israel, knowing they were being used in violation of the law and continuing to state that he stood by Israel.

He continued to speak out both sides of his mouth throughout that period, then finally 'pausing' a shipment of bombs while continuing to more quietly send tank shells, artillery, and small arms.

When did any US President grant jurisdiction to the ICC when the US was clearly in violation of International law?

It's not merely my opinion.

Name a past US President in the 65-year time frame I referenced who didn't engage in violating international law, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, and we can review specific crimes. Game?.

Others' partisanism and/or blinders do not vanquish facts.

No confusion here. But with you, it's quite clear that's not so true.
by confusing opinion w facts, I mean: it is your opinion that Biden would be no more likely to show any respect for or cooperation with the ICC than Trump. although the opinion may be based on facts, it is not itself a factual statement.

the fox believes the grapes are sour, but he doesn't know.

moose eater

Well-known member
by confusing opinion w facts, I mean: it is your opinion that Biden would be no more likely to show any respect for or cooperation with the ICC than Trump. although the opinion may be based on facts, it is not itself a factual statement.

the fox believes the grapes are sour, but he doesn't know.
I'll put $100 down that Biden has ZERO intention of complying with any prosecutions at the ICC, and less intention of -ever- allowing himself to be the target of the war crimes he's, himself, already taken part in.

History is short on national leaders walking into international courts where they lack their shield of toxic nationalism, and saying, "Hey, please take a close look at me and my actions. I'd like to know if I'm prosecutable. And I want to abide by the law. If I'm guilty, please try me, and then convict me.'

The USA is dove-tailed to every crime Israel has committed in the last 76 years... except for the USS Liberty.

And there's another 2-dozen countries, minimum, where the US government left their fingerprints on many violations of international law as well.

We're one of the most criminal countries on the planet, but we have that handy, dandy unilateral veto authority on the UN's Security Council. Which results in hypocrisy on steroids.

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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moose eater

Well-known member
Maybe the ICC can do what the feds do in the USA and offer Biden an 'immunity for testimony' deal, with the standard condition that he tells all and everything without withholding anything???

Like he'll agree to that during an election year! Or ANY year...Bwahahahahaha!!

Vote for stuffed shirts lacking in integrity... get stuffed shirts lacking in integrity.

And the partisans lap it up like someone cared enough about them to be genuine, unable to differentiate between sincerity and C-grade tele-prompter theater.

CHRIST!! On a popsicle stick, no less!!!! Bwahahahahaha!!!

Professional script writers can't write shit this funny... or weird...and these jackasses are at the head of the table in a super-power country.

Makes a guy want to build a bunker in the back yard...

So Hai

Well-known member
If you're unable to understand the difference between facts and reporting versus propaganda/disinformation, then it's no wonder you're confused..

Try harder.

Relativism, loose supposition presented as conspiracy theory, and antisemitism have little functional place in this. .
I am not much of a working projection surface to your confusion, and know the difference between propaganda and disinformation as well as those between facts and reporting. As for conspiracy theory, if you belive there is not a conspiracy behind the Gaza genocide then that makes you look foolish in my opinion.

It is funny reading ”antisemitism have little functional place in this” considering the fact that most posts in this thread are antisemitic.

So Hai

Well-known member


moose eater

Well-known member
I am not much of a working projection surface to your confusion, and know the difference between propaganda and disinformation as well as those between facts and reporting. As for conspiracy theory, if you belive there is not a conspiracy behind the Gaza genocide then that makes you look foolish in my opinion.

It is funny reading ”antisemitism have little functional place in this” considering the fact that most posts in this thread are antisemitic.

I'll be a bit clearer then.

Your chart alleging that 25 of 30 of Biden's cabinet members are Jewish is bullshit.

The most commonly antisemitic (using the more conventional definition) posts in this thread are often yours.

The conspiracy involving Israel intending to take over Gaza isn't much of a conspiracy, as they've openly stated as much. Any conspiracy involving that premise would involve that Biden's being less open in announcing that goal publicly, but he is obviously assisting in that illegal project, nonetheless.

Any conspiracy re. the Jews taking over the world, lacks merit. Their chants involve Israel and Gaza, and their view of Zion has historically involved the area around Jerusalem.

As a former student of political science, I'm well aware of the definitions of both 'nationalist' and 'nationalism' as well as 'Zionism' from a sociological and religious perspective.

Your apparently 'lost path' in abstract ungrounded excessively literalist fringe theory tells me that academia is where you live, but I think you're lost in the pages best left unread.

Criticism of Israel's political aspirations and related war crimes and crimes against humanity is not antisemitic.

Have a nice day, but fringe bullshit and the like are not on my agenda or menu.

moose eater

Well-known member
Posted in the 2024 election thread, as well....

From AJP, a group I receive emails from, and an Arab American organization.

Their findings (via surveys) in at least 5 battleground states re. the impact on the election as a result of the circumstances in Gaza.

If it looks like Genocide Joe is doing the two-step and speaking out both sides of his mouth frequently, seemingly concerned about his upcoming election, it's likely because he is... Actions and inactions have consequences.


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